Guake - A Dropdown Linux Terminal for Gnome Desktops


As a Linux user, having a reliable and efficient terminal emulator is essential for daily work. One popular option for Gnome desktops is Guake, a dropdown terminal that can be accessed with just a keyboard shortcut or hotkey. In this article, we will explore the many features and benefits of using Guake as well as its brief history and development.

Overview of Guake Features

Guake is a feature-rich terminal emulator that offers many benefits to users. Its dropdown terminal functionality allows users to quickly access the terminal by pressing a hotkey, without disrupting their workflow. This feature is especially useful for developers and system administrators who frequently use the terminal throughout the day.

Dropdown Terminal Functionality

Guake's dropdown terminal functionality provides a convenient way to access the terminal without having to switch between windows or workspaces. By default, Guake appears as a transparent overlay on top of other windows when summoned using its default hotkey (F12). This makes it easy to quickly execute commands and check outputs without interrupting your current work.

Customizable Appearance and Behavior

One of Guake's strengths is its highly customizable appearance and behavior. Users can change the transparency level, toggle fullscreen mode, adjust font size, and apply custom color schemes to make it easier on their eyes. Additionally, users can choose whether Guake should automatically start at login or remain hidden until summoned by its hotkey.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys

Guake supports numerous keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys that allow for efficient navigation of the terminal environment. For example, pressing Ctrl + Shift + T opens a new tab while Ctrl + Shift + W closes the current tab. Users can also navigate tabs using Alt + Number or move between split panes with Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keys.

Support for Multiple Tabs and Split Panes

Guake's support for multiple tabs and split panes makes it easy to multitask within the same terminal window. Users can open one or more tabs in a single window, each with its own shell session running independently of others. Alternatively, users can split one pane into several others horizontally or vertically for more flexible output management.

Installing Guake on Gnome Desktops

System Requirements

Before downloading and installing Guake, make sure your system meets the following requirements −

  • A Linux distribution with a Gnome desktop environment

  • Python 2.7 or higher installed

  • GTK+ 3.0 or higher installed

If your system does not meet these requirements, you may need to install the necessary dependencies before proceeding.

Downloading and Installing Guake

To download and install Guake, follow these steps −

  • Open a terminal window using Ctrl + Alt + T

  • Type the following command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install guake

  • Press Enter and type your password when prompted

This will download and install Guake on your system.

Configuring Settings for Optimal Performance

Once you have installed Guake, you can configure its settings for optimal performance. To access the preferences window, right-click on the terminal window and select "Preferences". From here, you can customize various aspects of Guake such as appearance, behavior, and shortcuts.

Some recommended settings to adjust include −

  • Appearance − Change the font size or background color to improve readability.

  • Behavior − Enable or disable features such as transparency or tabs based on personal preference.

  • Shortcuts − Customize keyboard shortcuts to launch or close the terminal quickly.

By configuring these settings according to individual needs, one can get the most out of their experience with using Guake.

Advanced Tips and Tricks for Using Guake

Customizing the Terminal Appearance Through Themes

One of the great features of Guake is its ability to be customized to suit your preferences. This includes changing the terminal appearance through themes. Themes can be easily installed through the Guake preferences menu, which can be accessed by right-clicking on the terminal while it is open.

There are a variety of themes available that can give your terminal a unique look and feel, such as Solarized or Monokai. You can also create your own custom theme by modifying an existing one or starting from scratch.

Utilizing Keyboard Shortcuts to Increase Productivity

Guake comes equipped with a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can help increase productivity and speed up workflow. Some useful shortcuts include Ctrl + Alt + T to open a new tab, Ctrl + Shift + T to split the current tab vertically, and Ctrl + Shift + L to split horizontally. Additionally, you can use Alt + 1-9 to quickly switch between tabs or Alt + PgUp/PgDn to scroll through previous commands.

Integrating With Other Applications Such as Tmux or Vim

Guake also has built-in support for integrating with other applications such as tmux or Vim, which are popular among developers and power users alike. Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to run multiple sessions in a single terminal window, while Vim is a text editor that provides advanced features like syntax highlighting and plugins for easier code editing. Integrating these tools with Guake allows for seamless workflow and increased efficiency.

In order to integrate tmux with Guake, simply add "exec tmux" at the end of your .bashrc file. This will start tmux whenever a new instance of Guake is launched.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Guake

Guake is known for its stability and reliability, but like any software, it can encounter issues that need to be resolved. This section will cover some common problems that users may face when using Guake and how to troubleshoot them.

Fixing Display Issues or Glitches

One of the most common issues with Guake is display problems or glitches. These can include graphical artifacts, screen tearing, or incorrect scaling. If you encounter any of these issues, the first thing you should do is check your graphics driver and ensure that it is up to date.

You can also try changing the terminal's font size or style in the preferences menu. If none of these solutions work, you may need to adjust your system's graphics settings.

Resolving Conflicts with Other Software or Plugins

Another potential issue with Guake is conflicts with other software or plugins on your system. For example, if you are using a window manager that already has a dropdown terminal functionality built-in, this could cause conflicts with Guake. To resolve this issue, you may need to disable or uninstall any conflicting software or plugins.

Updating to the Latest Version of Guake

If you are experiencing issues with Guake, it may be because you are not running the latest version of the software. To ensure that you have the most up-to-date version of Guake installed on your system, visit their official website and download the latest release. You can also use your package manager to update to the latest version if it is available through your Linux distribution's repositories.

While Guake is generally a reliable and efficient tool for Linux users who prefer GNOME desktops; like other applications sometimes they can develop glitches from time-to-time - but there's always a solution! By following these troubleshooting tips and tricks, you can quickly diagnose and resolve any issues you may encounter with Guake, ensuring that it remains a valuable tool in your Linux arsenal.


Guake is a powerful and versatile dropdown terminal that provides many benefits to Linux users. Its customizable appearance and behavior, support for multiple tabs and split panes, keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys make it an ideal tool for developers, system administrators, or anyone who needs quick access to a terminal.

Updated on: 23-Aug-2023


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