Group all the objects together having the same value for the '_id' key in JavaScript

Suppose we have an array of objects like this −

const arr = [
   {_id : "1", S : "2"},
   {_id : "1", M : "4"},
   {_id : "2", M : "1"},
   {_id : "" , M : "1"},
   {_id : "3", S : "3"}

We are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in one such array and groups all the objects together that have the same value for the '_id' key.

Therefore, the final output should look something like this −

const output = [
   {_id : "1", M : "4", S : "2", Total: "6"},
   {_id : "2", M : "1", S : "0", Total: "1"},
   {_id : "6", M : "1", S : "0", Total: "1"},
   {_id : "3", M : "0", S : "3", Total: "3"}


The code for this will be −

const arr = [
   {_id : "1", S : "2"},
   {_id : "1", M : "4"},
   {_id : "2", M : "1"},
   {_id : "6" , M : "1"},
   {_id : "3", S : "3"}
const pickAllConstraints = arr => {
   let constraints = [];
   arr.forEach(el => {
      const keys = Object.keys(el);
      constraints = [...constraints, ...keys];
   return constraints.filter((el, ind) => el !== '_id' && ind === constraints.lastIndexOf(el));
const buildItem = (cons, el = {}, prev = {}) => {
   const item = {};
   let total = 0
   cons.forEach(i => {
      item[i] = (+el[i] || 0) + (+prev[i] || 0);
      total += item[i];
   }); = total;
   return item;
const buildCumulativeArray = arr => {
   const constraints = pickAllConstraints(arr);
   const map = {}, res = [];
   arr.forEach(el => {
      const { _id } = el;
         res[map[_id] - 1] = {
            _id, ...buildItem(constraints, el, res[map[_id] - 1])
         map[_id] = res.push({
            _id, ...buildItem(constraints, el)
   return res;


And the output in the console will be −

   { _id: '1', M: 4, S: 2, total: 6 },
   { _id: '2', M: 1, S: 0, total: 1 },
   { _id: '6', M: 1, S: 0, total: 1 },
   { _id: '3', M: 0, S: 3, total: 3 }

Updated on: 21-Nov-2020


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