Green Cloud Computing and its Strategies

The term "green cloud computing" has recently gained popularity in the information technology sector. It describes the environmental advantages that may be realized via cloud-based services.

When it comes to the cloud, becoming green should be one of your top priorities to achieve your aims. Because of this, the term "green cloud computing" refers to an approach to the cloud that minimizes the negative implications of cloud-based systems and programs as much as possible. Two primary goals should be at the forefront of any ecologically responsible cloud computing initiative.

The first thing that needs to be done is to lessen the burden put on the infrastructure of the cloud by decreasing the amount of electricity required to operate all of the different applications and services housed there. Using computers and other connected technology in an ecologically conscientious and mindful way is what is meant by the phrase "green computing."

What is Green Cloud Computing?

Green cloud computing is developed to describe methods and ways to leverage technological breakthroughs such as computing and other sustainable IT resources for possible environmental advantages.

A rising number of businesses throughout the globe have a substantial environmental effect. Green cloud computing highlights these effects and thereby comes with solutions with active aids.

Green Cloud Computing Strategies

Cloud providers are turning green and implementing net-zero practices (practices for carbon neutrality or carbon dioxide reduction in the environment) so that IT infrastructure may be updated. Cloud migration with a net-zero goal will prevent environmental harm and create a long-term green cloud.

Here are some strategies which are as follows −

Server Virtualization for Resource Management

The enormous quantity of power data centers uses a problem that virtualization can solve. The purpose of virtualization is to make more effective use of available resources by conceiving a single resource consisting of numerous separate components (including energy). Constructing virtual infrastructures inside data centers is essential to make it feasible for many operating systems and applications to run on fewer servers. This is a prerequisite for cloud computing. It impacts energy efficiency in the following ways −

  • Management of resource allocations.

  • Increment in server utilization results in less server requirement.

Nano Data Centers

Wide distinct varieties of data centers may be found in different parts of the globe. These data centers are more energy efficient than traditional ones since they are more numerous and petite. Typical data centers are much more significant. These mobile data centers offer a faster reaction time, which, in turn, minimizes the amount of time spent in downtime and enhances efficiency. In addition to this, they can self-adjust or self-scale, and they enable convenient access to the services that are offered.

IaaS for Efficient Infrastructure Utilization

IaaS is one of the enabling models that allows IT services the scalability and adaptability they need to be delivered as a service in the cloud, which has traditionally been the most efficient method to use available resources. The virtual machine (VM) is the primary processing unit in data centers and plays a critical role in lowering the facility's overall energy consumption.

We are consolidating these virtual machines into a smaller set of servers, shifting the load from the downed hosts to the remaining ones. Because of the IaaS cloud, overall energy consumption has dropped.

Rank-Based Microservices for Cloud Optimization

Green cloud optimization is used by organizations that prioritize greener cloud computing to protect the environment. Cloud services are widely shifting from a monolithic architecture to microservices due to the flexibility of service delivery, which must be adjusted for green cloud computing.

Several linked microservices run on cloud nodes. Creating a rank-based profile for these microservices by deploying containers and distributing them over various nodes before cloud service execution results in decreased energy consumption.

Because containers and microservices are accessible in the exact data center location, response time is reduced.

AI for Intelligent Resource Scheduling

The old approach lacked one crucial aspect − the ability to allocate resources effectively. Artificial intelligence may assist reduce power use by filling this gap. Because cloud customers have such varied needs, resource scheduling is one of the most critical factors in determining how much energy is used overall.

When it comes to scheduling resources, data centers face a significant obstacle, which is a problem that can be rescheduled by using the intelligent decision-making characteristics offered by technology that is empowered with artificial intelligence.

The idea of "green cloud computing" is now gaining popularity as a viable solution to rescue our eco-culture. The green cloud will not only be able to reduce carbon emissions, but it will also be able to reduce the cost of energy by billions of dollars. This will be possible because of its ability to reduce energy waste.


The many benefits offered by the technology of cloud computing are already routinely used. In addition to providing ease, flexibility, scalability, and cost efficiencies, it has also become a tool for creating procedures and operations that do not contribute to the world's looming and rising environmental challenges. This provides ease, flexibility, scalability, and cost efficiency. Many people believe that technological advancements are a driving factor behind environmental degradation. However, technology such as cloud computing may assist in making up for and alleviating ecological problems. Using green cloud computing may help your firm achieve an excellent bottom line, increase employee efficiency, reinvent business processes, and help the environment.

Updated on: 01-Nov-2022

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