Green Chemistry the Alternative Tool


Green chemistry is introduced because of increased pollution of our environment. The use of hazardous chemicals in the chemical industry has been a serious threat that causes pollution. Paul Anastas is the father of green chemistry in which he proposed 12 principles of green chemistry that are effective against major pollution in our environment. In his research work, he put forward new chemicals and new techniques for the synthesis of several organic compounds. It is a breakthrough in the science field. Since it is an environmentally and economically efficient method. The word green is given to green chemistry since the main objective of this research is to protect our environment.

What is Green Chemistry?

Green chemistry is a branch that deals with the development of products and procedures that will reduce the use and production of hazardous chemicals. Green chemistry works in the design, production, use, and disposal. It aims the design chemical products that don't require any hazardous chemicals during their synthesis. It will also think about any alternative for a particular chemical product if it involves manufacture that needs more toxic chemicals. Several chemicals have been replaced with other chemicals because of toxicity. For example, CFCs have been substituted with HFCs.

The prevention of pollution according to green chemistry takes place at the molecular level itself. Green chemistry introduced several innovative methods for reducing environmental pollution as well. So, it is the chemistry of the environment that needs efficient chemicals that causes less pollution to the environment. It is also called sustainable chemistry since the main idea is environmental protection and thereby maintaining sustainability for the existence of life.

Green Chemistry is an Alternative Tool for Reducing Pollution

Green chemistry is an alternative to thinking of existing chemicals in a way that new techniques which involve the use of less toxic chemicals and result in the release of less toxic by-products into our atmosphere. The increased pollution of our environment is the main thought that leads to the development of this branch of chemistry. Even though it has similarities with environmental chemistry, they are different branches since environmental chemistry deals with the study of ecologically beneficial and long-term solutions for the use of renewable resources. But green chemistry deals with green chemicals, which are less pollutant and more economically beneficial. The main concept of green chemistry is to reduce pollution. There exist 12 principles in green chemistry that mainly focused on the reduction of pollution. They are

  • Prevention of waste products is better than its treatment or cleaning.

  • The concept involves the conversion of complete raw material into the corresponding final product.

  • The reactions that involve the production of hazardous chemicals both to human health and to the environment are completely avoided.

  • Chemical products are designed according to the less toxic chemical products synthesized.

  • The use of toxic solvents and auxiliaries should be avoided.

  • The chemical process must be energy efficient, which means the amount of energy utilized is as low as possible.

  • Use of renewable raw materials and feeds stocks must be employed.

  • The production of derivatives must be avoided which thereby reduces several chemicals.

  • The chemical synthesis must be incorporated with catalysts as much as possible.

  • The chemical products synthesized must be environmentally degradable.

  • The real-time analysis must be incorporated during the synthesis of chemicals.

  • The chemicals involved in the processor must be safe which means chemical disasters are prevented.

Impact of Green Chemistry

Green Chemistry has witnessed several impacts on our environment and also on human health. Some of its impacts are,

  • It has reduced the release of toxic chemicals into the environment.

  • The release of greenhouse gases is reduced, and hence global warming is reduced.

  • Complex pathways for the preparation of chemical products are completely avoided.

  • Minimised by-products during organic synthesis.

  • The use of less toxic solvents has been introduced.

Specialized Synthetic Techniques in Green chemistry.

Green chemistry gives new techniques for the synthesis of organic molecules other than the traditional way. This process is mainly practised in the pharmaceutical industry for the preparation of pharma products in a way which can reduce waste, cost and the environment well. Some of the techniques are

  • Green catalysis − The process that utiliser’s catalysts in organic synthesis. And are fluorous catalysis, supported catalysis, biocatalysis, etc.

  • Use of alternative solvents − The techniques involve reduced usage of solvents. Instead, solid supported synthesis.

  • Ionic liquid-based recycling techniques − Synthesis process that focuses more on the recycling process.

  • Applying principles of green chemistry − Synthesis is made by following 12 principles of green chemistry. And it involves the usage of chemicals in a limited amount other than taking bulk amounts.

Advantages and disadvantages of green chemistry

There are several advantages and disadvantages of this technique. They can be tabulated below.

Advantages Disadvantages
The use of harmful chemicals has been reduced. The implementation cost is high.
Ozone depletion has been reduced. Some companies went out of business.
Explosions and disasters have been reduced. Job loss to many people.
Reduced global warming. The product cost is high.
Minimised formation of waste products. The general public is unaware of this system.


Green chemistry is a new practice followed by chemists in the synthesis of chemicals. The name green chemistry is given because the main focus of this branch is to reduce the toxicity of chemicals to our environment. The traditional practices of synthesis have been completely avoided with the evolution of this technique. Now the 12 principles of Green Chemistry are always followed by the industries for the development of organic molecules. Green Chemistry has witnessed many impacts on environmental pollution, minimised by-products, reduced toxic solvents, etc. As a result of green chemistry, a new technique has been implanted instead of several traditional techniques that are more complex and use toxic solvents. The advantage of green chemistry is very wide but there are some limitations also for this technique.


1. Before green chemistry, which chemical is used for bleaching paper?

Chlorine is used for the bleaching of paper before green chemistry. But now it is replaced with the chemical Hydrogen peroxide. And is even more efficient and economically benign than chlorine.

2. Which solvent is best according to green chemistry?

Solvents such as simple alcohols, heptane, hexane, alkanes, etc. are environmentally preferred over toxic solvents such as tetrahydrofuran, formaldehyde, acids, dioxane, acetonitriles, etc.

3. Is water a green solvent?

Water is a potentially active solvent that has less toxicity to human health and the environment. Green solvents are solvents that reduce pollution, toxicity, etc. to the environment. So, water is a green solvent.

4. What is the Atom economy?

It is a practice followed in green chemistry that involves the calculation of starting material and the conversion of those materials completely into the final product.

5. What industries use green chemistry?

The industries such as the pharmaceutical industry, chemical manufacturing industry, metallurgy, etc.

Updated on: 13-Mar-2024


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