Google Talk - An Old Friend Now Rested In Peace

Have you felt sad when you heard for the first time that the days of Google Talk chat service is over? Many long-time users of Google Talk felt the same; they feel nostalgia remembering the days when they used to chat hours with their friends and families. Just like the memories of our high school days that always stayed with us and create mixed emotions when we fondly remembering them.

Those are the days when you did not have many options at your hand to chat with your friends and family except this amazing app. There were no Whats-app, Facebook Messenger, Skype or Hike at that time but this application Gtalk was there to bridge the distances between you and your friends and families. People used to spend long hours talking to their friends sitting in a small cubical of an internet cafe as there were fewer internet connections at home. This application was the primary communication tool for many of us to continue the long-distance relationship at that time when the phone calls were beyond the affordable cost for the masses. Let us walk down the memory lane to remind those days of Google talk and its awesome features.

Remembering Google Talk

I am sure; many of us have remembered the wonderful logo of Google Talk app and the bright tiny green circle along with our friend’s name which made us happy as it indicates that our friend is online and available for the chat. There were many such wonderful features which we may not forget for long.

Those small chat windows you used to discuss many things for hours. That is the place where you exchange each other’s feelings and discussing various things. And later scrolled up and down to read the conversation again and again when your friend went offline.

  • Many of us have used to remember the various keystrokes that represent the emojis on the chat windows. That allows us to quickly reflects our moods to the other side according to the current conversations.

  • You may have remembered those killing moments when your friend sends you some photos of him or her, and you impatiently wait for few seconds or minutes depend upon your internet bandwidth to get it downloaded completely.

  • And your joy doubles up when you were able to make a call and talk to your friend or family using its call feature although it gets disconnected many times in between.

  • Although it was not supported video calls, still you may have remembered those official discussions with your team members where you can quickly send them the required information and also share the necessary files.

There were many such features in the Google Talk application that made our life easy. Instead of writing long emails, we had the option to start the discussion instantly and also get the answer right away.

You may be feeling nostalgia remembering those old memories with Gtalk, but hold your emotion. Although Gtalk is finally parted from us, another application from Google is here to fulfill the emptiness created by it. “Hangouts” is the latest application that replacing our old friend Google Talk. Let us discuss how the Hangouts app will help us to do all such activities which Google Talk was offering once and if there is something extra.

Hangouts Replacement of Google Talk

“Hangouts” is the latest chatting platform from the technology giant Google which took the position of Gtalk justifying its name in its true meaning. This is the same place where we can perform all those activities which we used to do with Gtalk and much more. Let us find out some of the interesting features of Hangouts.

Remember how you used to open and start the chat with your friends and families on Google Talk, the Hangouts has no difference in that process. You can start your chat exactly the same way just by clicking the name of the person on the Hangouts main window and then proceed with your chatting.

Like Google Talk, you can find the Hangouts in your Gmail account alongside the emails. From there you can start chatting right away, no need to open it separately.

  • It is also available as mobile apps for both the Android and iOS users. You can simply download it from the Google Play store and start using the app.

  • You can start the video calls with the available contacts just by clicking the video call icon using your Wi-Fi or data. You can also able to make group calls, conference calls when you want to discuss with your team members together.

  • Another beneficial feature of Hangouts is that it will sync automatically across all your devices. You will not miss the chat trail started on your desktop while moving out, the chat will continue on your mobile phone or any other devices provided it is connected to the internet.

  • You have the options to save all your conversations online. Once you allow the app to save your chat history for a particular conversation then the app will keep saving all the future conversations of that thread.

  • You can find your chat history in your inbox, the app will keep sending you email for each saved conversations.

  • To know how far the person read the conversations at another side, you just need to notice the watermark of the person’s avatar that indicates that the person has read your message.

  • For Hangouts, no need to create a new account. You can use your same account which you used with Google Talk. And all your existing contacts will display in the Hangouts app automatically, no need to do any extra activity for the same.

The Hangouts app has many such useful features which can take your chat experience to a next level which you used to experience with Google talk. There are many beneficial features which were not there in Gtalk but available with Hangouts and it allows you take the advantage of those. Still, there are few users who may not like this transition, but unfortunately, Google Talk is no longer exists. Google has already made the transition leaving no options left for you.

This is a common phenomenon as the technologies keep on evolving day by day, more and more new and beneficial features keep on adding to the existing applications. While some retain their existing name, some renamed that to get more user attention as per their business strategy. Now the competition is tough for Hangouts, there are many competitors in the market, so only time will tell whether this app can reach the popularity level of Google Talk.

Finally, for some of you, it may be a painful experience to say Goodbye to Gtalk, but you do not have any options left except accepting the Hangouts or move to some other similar app like Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, iMessage, Hike or any other. Google has already stopped the Gtalk completely but giving you the option to use Hangouts with the same user account that has some added features to improve your chatting experience.

Updated on: 24-Jan-2020


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