Golang program to include a module inside the class

In Go programming language, a new module is initiated using init command after which we can import other modules in our code. There is no concept of class in Go, only structs are used. In this article, we will use one example to include a module inside the class. In this example, we will create a Circle struct whose area will be printed on the console. For this example, we will import math and fmt packages outside the struct but they can be used anywhere. The print statement is executed using Printf function from the fmt package.


  • Import the required modules in the program

  • Create a Circle struct with particular attributes like radius

  • A function is created to return the area of the circle

  • In main create the instance of the Circle and print the area of the circle

  • The area is printed using Printf function from the fmt package

Example 1

In this example, we created a Circle_area struct with contains the radius of the Circle. Then, Area method is created which returns the area of the circle. In the main, the instance of the Circle is created with radius value passed as 6. The area method is called and the area of circle is printed on the console using Printf from the fmt package. Here, the module is declared outside the struct and can be used anywhere.

//Golang program to include a module inside the class
package main
import (

//Create a Circle struct with radius attribute
type Circle_area struct {
   radius float64

func (c Circle_area) Area() float64 {
   return math.Pi * c.radius * c.radius  //return the Area of the circle

//Create a main function to execute the program
func main() {
   c := Circle_area{radius: 6} //Create a circle instance and provide the radius of the circle
   fmt.Printf("Circle area: %.2f\n", c.Area()) //Call the function and print the area of the circle


Circle area: 113.10


We executed and compiled the program of including a module inside the class using an example. In this example, we created a Circle struct and calculated its area, then printed it on the console. Hence, the program executed successfully.

Updated on: 01-Mar-2023


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