Golang Program to Check Whether a Given Year is a Leap Year


  • Take the value of the year as input.
  • Using an if-statement, check whether the year is a leap year or not
  • Print the final result.
Enter the year to be checked: 2016
The year is a leap year!
Enter the year to be checked: 2005
The year isn't a leap year!


  • User must first enter the year to be checked.
  • The if statement checks if the year is a multiple of 4 but isn't a multiple of 100 or if it is a multiple of 400 (not every year that is a multiple of 4 is a leap year).
  • Then, the result is printed.


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package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
   var year int
   fmt.Print("Enter the year to be checked:")
   fmt.Scanf("%d", &year)
   if year%4==0 && year%100!=0 || year%400==0{
      fmt.Println("The year is a leap year!")
      fmt.Println("The year isn't a leap year!")


Enter the year to be checked:2016
The year is a leap year!

Updated on: 31-Jul-2021

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