Give the steps involved in the extraction of metals of low and medium reactivity from their respective sulphide ores.

Steps involved in the extraction of metals of low and medium reactivity:
1. Roasting: The sulphide ore is heated in air resulting in the formation of a metal oxide.
2. Reduction: Heating of metal oxide to obtain the metal.

Example 1:
Mercury has low reactivity. Its sulphide ore is Cinnabar.
We can see the entire process for mercury (Hg) as follows:
  • Roasting: Cinnabar is heated in air to get mercuric sulphide to oxidize to produce mercuric oxide.
$2HgS+3O_{2}\rightarrow 2HgO+2SO_{2}$
  • Reduction: Metal oxide is then reduced to metal by heating it.
$2HgO\rightarrow 2Hg+O_{2}$

Example 2:
Zinc is a metal of medium reactivity, and its ore is Zinc Blend. We can see the entire process for Zinc (Zn) as follows:
  • Roasting: Zinc Blend is roasted to get Zinc oxide.

$2ZnS+3O_{2}\rightarrow 2ZnO+2SO_{2}$

  • Reduction: Zinc oxide when heated with CO2 Zinc is obtained

$ZnO+C\rightarrow Zn+CO$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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