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Getting Motivated Is Easy - Maintaining, Not So Much

person icon Brent Dalley


Getting Motivated Is Easy - Maintaining, Not So Much

Discovering why motivation is important and why maintaining motivation is a must if you want to get ahead

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Brent Dalley

English [CC]

category icon Personal Development,Mental Health

Lectures -29

Resources -13

Duration -2 hours



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Course Description

Do you struggle to keep yourself motivated? If so, you’re definitely not alone!

It’s easy to find initial motivation to change something. When you first set out a goal, you’ll find you’re excited and highly motivated to achieve it. However, fast forward a week or two and that motivation slowly starts to dwindle away.

Getting motivated is easy, but maintaining it is not. The good news is, there are ways you can boost your motivation when you feel it starting to dissipate.

Here are three things among many others that you will learn in this course

Three Tips to Boost Motivation

1. Make a Public Commitment

It’s easy to give up on your goals and lose motivation if you keep them to yourself. However, when you share your goals publicly, you’ll be more motivated to achieve them.

This is because when you involve other people, you don’t want to let them down. You’ll also find they frequently ask you how it’s going, providing consistent motivation to carry on.

So, let people know what you’re working towards. Or, why not partner up with someone who has the same goal as you do? That way, you can motivate each other.

2. Remember the Purpose Behind the Motivation

When you start working towards your goals, you have what feels like an endless amount of motivation. This is because you’re right in the moment where something has spurred you on to make a change. However, as time goes by, it’s easy to lose sight of why you started in the first place.

So, the key is to remember why you’re working towards your goals. Say you want to lose weight for example. You can either hang up a piece of clothing you’re desperate to get back into, within eyesight. Or, you could pin up a picture which motivates you to carry on with your weight loss goals.

3. Break your Goals Down

A common motivation mistakes is to create goals which are too broad. The longer it takes to reach a goal, the more chance there is of losing motivation along the way.

Instead, you’ll want to be setting smaller goals which are easily achievable. As you achieve them, that boosts your motivation to reach the next goal. Nothing feels better than ticking off little goals that you’ve set yourself.

These are 3 of the best ways to boost your motivation right now. What you need to remember is that motivation takes work. It’s not something that’s magically going to come to you. You need to force yourself to get motivated using tips like the ones above. The more you work at it, the more it will pay off.

We take a journey into the Law of Attraction to help you learn how you look at life.  This discovery will help you understand why you find it hard to stay motivated in certain circumstances and you will discover that just the fact of knowing how you view life will aid you tremendously in maintaining motivations.

Let's spend some time together discovering how great your new life can be with just a little motivation.

Who this course is for:

  • If you are tired of trying but never seem to succeed in change then you will, without a doubt benefit from this course. I take a different approach to the process of motivation, simplify the concepts and make the whole process understandable and achievable.


  • If you finish the course you will learn tips for maintaining your new found motivation
  • You will learn how to use a bullet journal to organize your goals to stay motivated
  • You will learn the importance of motivation in your life
  • You will learn the basic steps to follow to develop an awesome bullet journal
  • I will give you the downloadable templates to print your own bullet journal


  • There are no course requirements
Getting Motivated Is Easy - Maintaining, Not So Much


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

8 Lectures
  • play icon Promo 01:24 01:24
  • play icon Introduction 01:01 01:01
  • play icon Three Tips to Boost Motivation 03:21 03:21
  • play icon Five Motivation Mistakes 04:23 04:23
  • play icon The Key to Self-Improvement 03:36 03:36
  • play icon Does What You Eat Count? 03:35 03:35
  • play icon Let's Learn How to Stay Motivated 04:10 04:10
  • play icon What Does Bullet Journaling Have to Do With Motivation 02:22 02:22
How To Create a Bullet Journal
4 Lectures
What You Will Need to Start Your Bullet Journal
3 Lectures
Setting Up Your Journal
3 Lectures
Rapid Logging - What Is it
2 Lectures
Tips and Tricks For Bullet Journaling
4 Lectures
Don't Let Fear Get In Your Way
5 Lectures

Instructor Details

Brent Dalley

Brent Dalley

For the past 22years Brent has owned and operated his own business.

He works from home, writing and producing training courses in personal development, leadership, and personal communications.

He consults and coaches winning teams and team leaders.

He is a personal coach to those seeking to improve their personal life.

With forty years' experience in leadership, he has gained a lifetime’s knowledge and experience.

Throughout his career Brent has received awards in education, sales performance, cost control and asset management, and employee/management relationships.

In his time away from the office he has volunteered as a counselor and coach to countless individuals and couples.

He is married to the same young lady he met 60 years ago and together they have two daughters and one son and 9 grandchildren.

His current interests are mountain biking, hiking and spoiling grandchildren.

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