Get the Number of Characters, Words, Spaces, and Lines in a File using Python

Text file analysis is a fundamental task in various data processing and natural language processing applications. Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that provides numerous built−in features and libraries to facilitate such tasks efficiently. In this article, we will explore how to count the number of characters, words, spaces, and lines in a text file using Python.

Method 1:Brute Force method

In this method, we will develop our own logic in a brute−force manner and take a text file as input and count the number of characters, words, spaces, and lines in the file. In this method, we will not use any inbuilt methods.


  • Open the file in read mode using the open() function.

  • Initialize variables to keep track of the character count, word count, space count, and line count.

  • Read the file line by line using a loop.

  • For each line, increment the line count.

  • Increment the character count by the length of the line.

  • Split the line into words using the split() method.

  • Increment the word count by the number of words in the line.

  • Calculate the space count by subtracting the number of words minus one from the length of the line.

  • Close the file.

  • Print the results.


string.split(separator, maxsplit)

Here, the string is the string that you want to split. The separator (optional) is the delimiter used to split the string. If not specified, the default is a whitespace, and maxsplit (optional) is the maximum number of splits to be performed. If not specified, all occurrences of the separator will be used.


Here, the sequence is the sequence (string, list, tuple, etc.) whose length you want to find.


In the below example, the analyze_text_file() function takes a file path as a parameter.Inside the function, the open() function is used to open the file in read mode, using a context manager (with statement) to ensure the file is properly closed after processing.Four variables (char_count, word_count, space_count, line_count) are initialized to zero to keep track of the respective counts.A loop iterates over each line in the file.For each line, the line count is incremented.The length of the line is added to the character count.The line is split into words using the split() method, which splits the line at whitespace characters.The number of words in the line is added to the word count.The space count is calculated by subtracting one from the number of words in the line since there is one less space than the number of words.After processing all the lines, the file is automatically closed by the context manager. Finally, the results are printed, displaying the character count, word count, space count, and line count.

def analyze_text_file(file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
            char_count = 0
            word_count = 0
            space_count = 0
            line_count = 0

            for line in file:
                line_count += 1
                char_count += len(line)
                words = line.split()
                word_count += len(words)
                space_count += len(words) - 1

            print("File analysis summary:")
            print("Character count:", char_count)
            print("Word count:", word_count)
            print("Space count:", space_count)
            print("Line count:", line_count)

    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("File not found!")

# Usage
file_path = "sample.txt"  # Replace with your file path


File not found!

Method 2:Using the inbuilt method

In this method we can use some inbuilt functions and os modules to count the number of characters, words, spaces, and lines in the file.


  • Define a function called analyze_text_file(file_path) that takes a file path as a parameter.

  • Within the function, use a try−except block to handle the possibility of a FileNotFoundError.

  • Inside the try block, open the file using the open() function in read mode with the file_path.

  • Use a context manager (with statement) to ensure proper file handling and automatically close the file.

  • Read the entire content of the file using the read() method and store it in a variable called content.

  • Calculate the character count by using the len() function on the content string and assign it to char_count.

  • Calculate the word count by splitting the content string at whitespace characters using the split() method, and then use the len() function on the resulting list. Assign the result to word_count.

  • Count the number of spaces in the content string using the count() method with the argument ' '. Assign the result to space_count.

  • Count the number of newline characters in the content string using the count() method with the argument '\n'. Assign the result to line_count.

  • Print the analysis summary by displaying the character count, word count, space count, and line count.

  • In the except block, catch the FileNotFoundError and print the message "File not found!"

  • End the function.

  • Outside the function, define a file_path variable with the path to the file you want to analyze.

  • Call the analyze_text_file(file_path) function, passing the file_path as an argument.


In the below example, the analyze_text_file() function takes a file path as a parameter.Inside the function, the open() function is used to open the file in read mode using a context manager.

The read() method is called on the file object to read the entire content of the file into a string variable called content.Using built−in functions and methods:len(content) calculates the character count by determining the length of the content string.len(content.split()) calculates the word count by splitting the content string at whitespace characters and counting the resulting list's length.content.count(' ') counts the number of spaces in the content string using the count() method.content.count('\n') counts the number of newline characters in the content string, which corresponds to the line count.The results are printed, displaying the character count, word count, space count, and line count.

def analyze_text_file(file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
            content =

            char_count = len(content)
            word_count = len(content.split())
            space_count = content.count(' ')
            line_count = content.count('\n')

            print("File analysis summary:")
            print("Character count:", char_count)
            print("Word count:", word_count)
            print("Space count:", space_count)
            print("Line count:", line_count)

    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("File not found!")

# Usage
file_path = "sample.txt"  # Replace with your file path


File not found!


In this article, we discussed how we can count number of words, spaces and lines in a file using Python brute force method as well as inbuilt methods.By utilizing these built−in functions and methods, you can achieve the same task of analyzing text files in a concise and efficient manner. Remember to replace "sample.txt" in the file_path variable with the path to your desired text file.Both methods described in this article provide effective ways to analyze and extract information from text files using Python, allowing you to perform further data processing and analysis based on the obtained counts.

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023

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