Geomorphology: Definition and Meaning

Geomorphology is a comparatively new discipline, which subject matters are related to many other subjects of science, such as geology, physics, physical geography, etc. In other words, it can be also said that geomorphology is the subject that helps to understand many phenomena studied in some subject of science including, geo-physics, geo-chemistry, physical geology, and of course, physical geography.

What is the Meaning of Geomorphology?

The term “geomorphology” is basically taken from Greek words- ‘geo’ meaning Earth, secondly, ‘morphē’ meaning forms, and lastly ‘logus’ meaning description. Likewise, it is considered as description of surface forms of the Earth. Because of the subject’s nature, Thornbury, in 1968, defined as:

“Geomorphology is the science of landforms including the submarine topography”.

And, Blooms in 1979 defined geomorphology as −

“The systematic description, analysis of landscapes, and the processes that change.”

So, we can say that Geomorphology is a branch of (physical) geography that deals with the scientific study of landforms, process of their origin, development, characteristics, and spatial distribution on the Earth's surface. It focuses on understanding the processes and forces that shape the Earth's surface, including both natural and human-induced factors.

Furthermore, geomorphology involves the analysis and interpretation of landforms at different scales, ranging from small-scale features like hills, valleys, and river channels to large-scale landforms such as mountains, plateaus, and coastal plains. Geomorphologists use a combination of field observations, laboratory analysis, remote sensing data, and computer modelling techniques to study and understand the formation and evolution of landforms over time.

Nature of Geomorphology

The nature of geomorphology can be understood through the following key aspects −

  • Interdisciplinary Nature − Geomorphology draws upon principles and concepts from various scientific disciplines, including geology, geography, physics, chemistry, hydrology, biology, and climatology. It integrates knowledge from these fields to understand the processes shaping the Earth's surface.

  • Process-Oriented Approach − Geomorphology focuses on the study of landform processes and their interactions. It seeks to unravel the mechanisms and forces that shape the Earth's surface, including weathering, erosion, deposition, tectonic activity, and landscape evolution over time.

  • Spatial Perspective − Geomorphology considers the spatial distribution of landforms and their relationships at various scales, from small-scale features to large-scale landscapes. It examines the patterns, arrangement, and connectivity of landforms to understand the underlying processes and controls.

  • Temporal Dimension − Geomorphology encompasses a temporal perspective, investigating the evolution of landforms over different timescales. It examines both long-term geological processes and short-term events to comprehend the dynamic nature of landscapes and their response to environmental changes.

  • Field-Based and Laboratory Investigations − Geomorphologists conduct fieldwork to observe and document landforms first-hand. They collect data through field surveys, measurements, and sample collection. Laboratory analysis and experimentation are also utilized to further investigate landform processes and conduct controlled studies.

  • Use of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies − Geomorphology relies on remote sensing tools, such as satellite imagery, aerial photography, and LiDAR data, to analyze and interpret landforms over large areas. Geospatial technologies, including GIS (Geographic Information System), aid in data integration, mapping, and spatial analysis.

  • Applied and Academic Perspectives − Geomorphology has both applied and academic aspects. Applied geomorphology applies geomorphological knowledge to address practical challenges, such as land management, natural hazard assessment, and environmental planning. Academic geomorphology focuses on advancing fundamental understanding and contributing to scientific knowledge.

Study of Geomorphology Involves

Following are the major sub-disciplines of geomorphology −

  • Fluvial Geomorphology − This branch deals with the study of rivers, their behavior, and the landforms they create through processes such as erosion, deposition, and channel dynamics.

  • Glacial Geomorphology − It focuses on the study of landforms and processes associated with glaciers and ice sheets, including the formation of moraines, glacial valleys, and other glacial landforms

  • Coastal Geomorphology − This branch examines the processes shaping coastal areas, including erosion, sediment transport, shoreline evolution, and the formation of features such as beaches, cliffs, dunes, and estuaries.

  • Karst Geomorphology − Karst geomorphology deals with the study of landforms resulting from the dissolution of soluble rocks (such as limestone and gypsum) by water, leading to the formation of features such as sinkholes, caves, and underground drainage systems.

  • Hillslope Geomorphology − It focuses on the study of landforms and processes occurring on hillslopes, including soil erosion, mass wasting, and slope stability.

  • Tectonic Geomorphology − This branch examines the interaction between tectonic forces and landforms. It investigates how tectonic processes, such as faulting and folding, influence the formation and evolution of landscapes.

  • Aeolian Geomorphology − Aeolian geomorphology studies the processes related to wind action and the resulting landforms, such as sand dunes, loess deposits, and desert pavement

  • Periglacial Geomorphology − It focuses on landforms and processes associated with cold environments, including freeze-thaw cycles, frost heaving, and the formation of features like patterned ground and ice wedges.

  • Bio-geomorphology − It focuses on understanding the reciprocal relationships between biological systems and geomorphic processes. It explores how organisms, through their growth, colonization, and activities, play a role in modifying and shaping the landscape. At the same time, bio-geomorphology investigates how landforms and physical processes, such as erosion, sedimentation, and hydrology, influence and structure biological communities.

  • Geo-morphometry − It involves the quantitative analysis of landforms and the development of mathematical models to describe and interpret terrain characteristics.

Significance of Studying Geomorphology

Following are the major advantages of studying geomorphology −

  • Understanding Earth's Surface − Geomorphology helps us understand the formation, evolution, and characteristics of Earth's surface features, including mountains, valleys, rivers, coastlines, and landforms. It provides insights into the processes that shape our planet's diverse landscapes.

  • Environmental Management − Geomorphological knowledge is crucial for managing and mitigating natural hazards such as landslides, floods, and coastal erosion. By studying geomorphological processes, we can better predict and plan for potential hazards, minimize risks, and develop strategies for sustainable land and water management.

  • Land Use Planning − Geomorphology plays a vital role in land use planning, urban development, and infrastructure design. Understanding the geological and geomorphological characteristics of an area helps in determining suitable locations for building, agriculture, transportation, and other human activities, taking into account factors like slope stability, drainage patterns, and erosion risks.

  • Climate Change Research − Geomorphological studies provide insights into past climate change events by examining landforms and sediment records. This information helps scientists reconstruct past environments, understand climate dynamics, and predict future changes. Geomorphology also contributes to assessing the impacts of climate change on landforms and coastal processes.

  • Geological History − Geomorphology contributes to our understanding of Earth's geological history. By analyzing landforms, sedimentary layers, and erosional features, geologists can unravel the past processes that shaped the Earth's surface and reconstruct geological events over millions of years.

  • Natural Resource Exploration − Geomorphological knowledge aids in identifying and evaluating natural resources such as minerals, fossil fuels, and groundwater. By studying landforms, sedimentary deposits, and geological structures, geologists can identify potential resource-rich areas and guide exploration efforts.

  • Conservation and Restoration − Geomorphology helps in conserving and restoring ecosystems and natural habitats. Understanding how landforms and processes interact with biodiversity allows for the development of effective conservation strategies, habitat restoration plans, and the protection of sensitive areas.

  • Education and Research − Geomorphology serves as a foundation for educating students and researchers about Earth's surface processes, geological history, and the interconnectedness of natural systems. It fosters scientific inquiry, promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, and contributes to advancements in the field.


Likewise, studying geomorphology is essential for comprehending Earth's surface dynamics, managing natural hazards, planning sustainable development, understanding geological history, addressing climate change impacts, and conserving our natural environment. Besides, it also helps in understanding and predicting natural hazards like landslides, floods, and coastal erosion. It has practical applications in various fields and contributes to our overall knowledge of the Earth and its landscapes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key concepts in Geomorphology?

Major key concepts of geomorphology are, landforms, exogenetic and endogenetic forces, processes, etc.

What is the meaning of exogenetic forces?

What is the meaning of exogenetic forces?

What is the meaning of endogenetic forces?

Endogenetic forces, also known as internal forces, are geological processes and factors that originate from within the Earth's interior and shape the Earth's crust. Endogenetic forces are driven by processes related to the Earth's internal heat, pressure, and tectonic activity. For example, tectonic forces, volcanism, earthquake, etc.

Updated on: 07-Nov-2023


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