Generate Parentheses in Python

Suppose we have a value n. We have to generate all possible well-formed parentheses where n number of opening and closing parentheses are present. So if the value of n = 3, then the parentheses set will be ["()()()","()(())","(())()","(()())","((()))"]

To solve this, we will follow these steps −

  • Define method called genParenthesisRec(). This takes left, right, temp string and result array. initially result array is empty
  • The function genParenthesisRec, will work like below
  • if left = 0 and right := 0, then insert temp into result, and return
  • if left > 0
    • getParenthesisRec(left – 1, right, temp + “(”, result)
  • if right > left
    • getParenthesisRec(left, right – 1, temp + “)”, result)


Let us see the following implementation to get a better understanding −

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class Solution(object):
   def generateParenthesis(self, n):
      :type n: int
      :rtype: List[str]
      result = []
      return result
   def generateParenthesisUtil(self, left,right,temp,result):
      if left == 0 and right == 0:
      if left>0:
      if right > left:
         self.generateParenthesisUtil(left, right-1, temp + ')', result)
ob = Solution()





Updated on: 27-Apr-2020

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