Gantt Chart and its Usage for Project Management

Managing a project is not a piece of cake. Most managers are required to juggle multiple tasks, people, and tools to finish the task at hand as effectively as possible. Completing these projects on short deadlines without compromising the quality is something that requires a dedicated team and planning. You can’t complete a project, no matter how small, without creating an outline of the tasks to be finished and their duration. That’s where Gantt Chart comes into play. In this post, we will discuss Gantt charts, their use in project management, and how crucial they are for successful project management.

What is a Gantt Chart?

A Gantt Chart is a visual representation of your complex project with all variables (the tasks your project is divided into) outlined with their duration. It’s common for project managers to get overloaded with too many tasks and too much information all in one place. Organizing everything and getting a clear picture of what’s to be done and when exactly will help relieve your burden, making project management easier. The Gantt chart shows how different tasks are connected and their progress.

The timeline section of a Gantt chart has also proven quite useful in determining the resources needed, evaluating task dependencies, and selecting an order in which each task has to beexecuted. Let’s take a quick look at the elements and uses of a Gantt chart, and later we willdiscuss the importance of this visual representation tool in project management.

Uses of Gantt Charts

The main usage of the Gantt chart is in planning various projects across different industries. It's for businesses that follow a process in accomplishing a project. If your project involves several steps or completing multiple tasks, it’s advisable that you use a Gantt Chart to ensure that each step, along with their timeline and the details of completion, are listed in proper order so that your team understands the project clearly. Here’s what a Gantt Chart helps you with −

Team Collaboration

Effective collaboration is key to the successful completion of the project. Your team has to be on the same page throughout the project’s lifecycle to ensure proper execution. It’s easier to miss deadlines and important updates when there’s no visual element that specifies the project's progress. If these are not used, the manager or the leaders will be responsible for keeping the team up-to-date with the latest progress on the project—how much is it completed, which task is to be performed next, by what time does the project need to be over, and so on.

Task Management

As mentioned above, task management and identifying dependencies between them are the key roles of a Gantt Chart. Knowing the tasks alone won’t help. You need to show your team the list of the tasks they are supposed to execute to clarify the roles and responsibilities of each employee in clear terms. This also shows how your team effort will play a role in managing the project and the company’s overall success.

Tracking Project’s Success

Every manager wants to organize a project such that all tasks are listed with their details, like the deadline, resources needed to finish, budget, and who’s the best fit for the job. This helps in project planning. Gantt charts are known for their live project tracking function. You can track the status of the project live and get real-time updates about how much is done.

Benefits of Gantt Charts for Project Management

Gantt Charts are used to detect bottlenecks that might delay your projects or affect the quality of the work. These show a clear list of the tasks that must be executed in parallel. Let’s take a look at the benefits of Gantt Charts.

Easier Identification of Tasks

Usually, project managers use Gantt Charts to divide the projects into critical and non-critical elements. You can select the tasks that are flexible enough to be extended beyond the deadline and the critical tasks that need to be finished before the deadline at any cost. Preparing a Gantt Chart makes project management a whole lot easier. Once you know which tasks must be prioritized, you can assign them to your team accordingly.

Boosts Productivity

Gantt Charts boost employee productivity by enabling them to focus on assigned tasks. It promotes excellent cross-departmental collaboration, which saves your team the time of running back and forth between different departments to get updates or approvals. It also makes work manageable.

With a Gantt Chart in place, your entire team will be held responsible for executing their projects. It’s easier to generate comprehensive reports on the teamwork and whether your employees are performing tasks as required in a single centralized unit.

Establishes Task Dependencies

The biggest purpose of using the Gantt Chart for project management is to establish task dependencies, i.e., figuring out how different tasks co-relate in a project. It shows how the beginning of a task is related to another task and whether it’s possible to move on to the next critical task before finishing the task at hand. This feature allows managers to allocate resources to the project efficiently so that the project’s progress remains unaffected at all stages.

Simplify Management

The primary goal of any project manager is to streamline their workflow. Whether you are working on a construction project or a simple task that might take a couple of weeks to complete. Gantt Chart is known for its simple layers and neat format. You don’t have to do much to know what you are supposed to do when you have the visual representation of all work in front of you. Transparency allows you to avoid complexities while keeping your team focused.


Gantt Chart helps you set realistic goals and clear deadlines for each task. It motivates your employees to work harder to accomplish the project within the assigned timeline while sticking to the instructions. This visual representation tool keeps your entire team aligned with the project, including the gig workers.

Updated on: 18-Jan-2023


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