Gabapentin Alternatives

What is Gabapentin?

Gabapentin is available in the form of tablets and capsules which can be used to treat certain types of problems that people face due to epilepsy post-herpetic neuralgia which is a kind of pain whose duration can be days and months. Restless leg syndrome can be treated by Horizant which is a variant of Gabapentin. Gabapentin acts as an anticonvulsant and can treat seizures by controlling the abnormal excitement of the brain.

Why Gabapentin alternatives?

Gabapentin has many disadvantages and some of them are listed here −

  • Vision changes

  • Drowsiness

  • Dizziness

  • Constipation

  • Dry mouth

  • Sleepiness

  • Weight gain

How to choose a Gabapentin Alternative?

Gabapentin has many advantages which you need to find in the alternatives. These advantages are listed below −

  • Treats seizures by controlling brain excitement

  • It helps in the treatment of restless leg syndrome

  • Nerve pain relief

Top 10 Gabapentin Alternatives

There are many alternatives to Gabapentin but a prescription should be taken from a doctor before consumption. Some of these alternatives are discussed here in detail.

Alternative 1 – Pregabalin

Pregabalin is a medicine that should be used after being prescribed by a doctor. People under the age of 65 can consume the drug. Anxiety disorder, and nerve pain, can be treated with this medicine. It also helps in the treatment of seizures which is caused due to epilepsy. Anxiety is treated by showing the production of such chemicals in the brain The medicine can be found in the form of liquids, capsules, and tablets. You can have 159mg to 600mg daily two times a week.

Alternative 2 – Buprenex

Burprenex is a medicine that acts as a pain reliever. The medicine should be used if there is severe pain. The side effect of this medicine is that it can cause breathing problems, weak heartbeat, lips and fingernails turning blue, cortisol level is low, and many more. The drug should be taken after getting a prescription from a doctor.

Alternative 3 – Amitriptyline

Amitriptyline can be used for the treatment of neuropathic pain, postherpetic neuralgia, and many more. The medicine is available in the form of tablets. Doctors will give a prescription with a low dose of 10mg to 25mg. The medicine will start showing its full effects after eight weeks. You may have to face hallucinations and suicidal thoughts.

Alternative 4 – Carbamazepine

Carbamazepine is a medicine which people suffering from seizures of epilepsy can take. Trigeminal neuralgia is another disease where this medicine can show its effects. Another disease that can be treated by this medicine is restless legs syndrome. The dosage of the medicine depends on the type of disease for which you have to consume it. Epilepsy patients can take 200mg of the medicine two times a day. Dizziness and constipation are the side effects of this medicine.

Alternative 5 – Tramadol

Tramadol is a medicine that gives relief from pain in different parts of the body. The drug can show its effects on nerves as well as general pain. Side effects of this medicine include nausea, and drowsiness. People facing these problems may reduce its consumption.

Alternative 6 – Phenytoin

Phenytoin is used for the treatment of seizures and trigeminal neuralgia. The medicine is available in the form of tablets and has to be taken after it is prescribed by a doctor. The dosage of the medicine lies between 200mg and 500mg which can be taken once or twice a day. The dosage for children between 13 and 17 years should take 300mg to 400mg two times in a day. Children below 13 years are prescribed the dosage on the basis of their weight.

Alternative 7 – Valproate

Valproate is also known as Depakote and is a medicine used for the treatment of epilepsy and seizures. The medicine is available in the form of tablets and its dosage can be 10mg to 60mg for the treatment of epilepsy. The dosage for the medicine will be decided on your weight and will be prescribed by a doctor. Dizziness, hair loss, mood changes, are some of the side effects of the medicine.

Alternative 8 – Lamotrigine

Lamotrigine treats seizures in people suffering from epilepsy. The medicine comes in the form of

  • Tablets

  • Chewable tablets

  • Orally disintegrating tablets

Doctors may prescribe this tablet alone or along with the other tablets. A dosage of 100mg to 700mg is prescribed for children aged above 12

Alternative 9 – Duloxetine

Duloxetine is a medicine that is used for the treatment of pain which is resulted due to diabetic neuropathy. Another disease that can be treated through this medicine is fibromyalgia. This disease can occur in adults and children above 13 years. A dosage of 60mg should be taken one time a day. The medicine can be taken before or after meals. Heartburn, vomiting, constipation, etc., are some of the side effects of this medicine.

Alternative 10 – Clonazepam

Clonazepam can be used for the treatment of seizures and panic attacks. The medicine is available in the form of tablets. Its starting dose is 1mg which has to be consumed at night. The dosage of the medicine will increase as per the requirement. Dizziness, frequent urination, and increased production of saliva are some of the side effects of the medicine.


Gabapentin is a medicine which is used for the treatment of epilepsy, seizures, and many other diseases. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and their weight. Some people may face different types of side effects like nausea, sleepiness, dizziness, etc. In such a case they can go for any alternative.

Updated on: 05-Jun-2023


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