Functions of Cell Membrane and Plasma Membrane


The plasma membrane is present in every cell as a phospholipid membrane. The cell membrane works as a thin layer that makes a difference between the external and internal parts of the cell. The membrane of plasma protects protoplasm from any obstacles in any part of the cell. The membrane of the cell helps to make the proper shape of every cell.

Cell Membrane and its Structure

The membrane of a cell is made with a mixture of lipids and proteins. The membrane creates an obstruction for the external and internal parts of the cell. The membrane is made of two layers and it protects the cytoplasm of the cell. The membrane is available for eucaryotic and procaryotic cells. The particular membrane of the cell is present in every living organism's body. The cell wall also exists in the bodies of fungus, algae and other cells of plants.

The membrane forms with the help of a phospholipid bilayer and the layer is made with the tail of fatty acid and a head of the phosphate. The bi-layered cell membranes are taken permission from the molecules of phospholipid. Phospholipid is the head of the phosphate group and its nature is hydrophilic. The fatty acid is hydrophobic in nature. The bi-layered helps to form the membrane technically.

Cell Membrane: Functions

The functions of cell membranes are described below in detail.

  • The membrane of cells helps to make a good structure for every cell.

  • The membrane helps to circulate the leaving and entering elements for cells.

  • The membrane is not allowing every element to enter the cell because it is a permeable membrane.

  • Oxygen is very important for cells to do metabolic activities. These types of elements can easily get permission from the membrane.

  • Big elements like, this membrane does not allow carbohydrates, ions, and amino acids easily.

  • The exocytosis process can happen with the help of this membrane.

Plasma Membrane and its Structure

The membrane of plasma exists in the external part of the cell and it protected every cell. The membrane is made of phospholipid and has a double layer and this membrane protects eucaryotic and procaryotic cells. The membrane granted permission for the elements trying to enter or exit the cells. The membrane also makes a way to connect nature and every cell of the body.

The membrane is made of molecules, phospholipids, carbohydrates, and many more. The membrane is a movable and living element and it existed surrounding the cytoplasms. The fluid mosaic model based on the arrangements of the elements follows the membrane.

Plasma Membrane: Functions

The functions of the membrane of plasma are discussed below,

  • Internal organisms and external cell parts are not mixed with each other for this membrane.

  • Exocytosis and endocytosis procedures happen for this membrane.

  • This membrane controls the signal system between cells.

  • The membrane provides a cytoskeleton that gives shape to the cell.

Difference between Cell Membrane and Plasma Membrane

There are a few differences between the two membranes as listed below.


Cell membrane

Plasma membrane


The most external double-layered wall and the wall is 4- 20um wide.

The membrane is protecting the cells from extracellular space and it is 5-10 nm wide.


The light microscope can find its particular hard structure.

The electron microscope can determine the structure of this membrane because it is thin.

The place

Cell wall is available for every organism including fungus, algae and bacteria and many more.

Every cell has this membrane.

Organ types

The membrane is not a living element and its non- movable.

The membrane is active in the metabolic state and it is a living membrane.


The membrane is fully permeable.

The membrane is permeable but not in a whole way.


The wall’s thickness is increasing with time.

The thickness level is not changeable for a whole lifetime.


The membrane does not need any receptors.

The membrane needs receptors.


The membrane maintains the osmotic nature of the cell and also helps in the shaping of the cell.

It maintains the process of morphology.

The membrane protects the protoplasm and makes a connection in every cell.

It also controls the movements of molecules.


The membrane does not need any food or nutrition.

The membrane is taking nutrition for living.


The membrane is made with a mixture of plants, bacteria and various fungus types’ organisms.

The membrane contains carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.


The membrane of a cell and plasma protects the cell and makes obstruction a mixture of the outer part and inner part of the cells. The above article's main discussion topic is the difference between plasma and cell membranes. The elements of making these two elements are different from each other. The functions of these two membranes are discussing the above article. The structure difference between the two is the discussable topic for the above article.


Qns 1. What is the nature of the plasma membrane?

Ans. The membrane is quite permeable in nature and it allows the molecules that are hydrophobic. The membrane does not allow the heavy elements to enter the cell.

Qns 2. Where is the exact location of the plasma membrane?

Ans. The membrane is in the outside parts of all prokaryotic and eukaryotic types of cells. The membrane is protecting all cells from any obstruction in the body.

Qns 3. What is the difference between cell membrane and wall?

Ans. The basic difference between these two is cell wall is present in algae and fungus. The membrane is present for all living elements including fungus and algae.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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