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Full stack MERN Real Estate App: A Modern MERN Marketplace

person icon Sahand Ghavidel Jirsaraie


Full stack MERN Real Estate App: A Modern MERN Marketplace

Master MERN (MongoDB, Express, React.js, Node.js) with JWT, Firebase, and Google OAuth - Building a Real Estate Platform

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Sahand Ghavidel Jirsaraie

category icon Development,Web Development,MERN Stack

Lectures -46

Duration -11 hours



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Course Description

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of modern web development and create a cutting-edge real estate marketplace from scratch? Look no further than our comprehensive course, "Full-stack MERN Real Estate App: Build a Modern Marketplace."

In this course, we'll take you from a foundational understanding of web development to the creation of a fully functional, feature-rich MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) stack real estate application. Whether you're an aspiring full-stack developer, an intermediate React enthusiast, or someone looking to expand their web development toolkit, this course is designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.

What to Expect:

1. Comprehensive MERN Stack Mastery: From the very beginning, you'll dive into the heart of modern web development. We'll guide you through the installation of essential tools like React.js and Tailwind CSS, ensuring you have a solid foundation to build upon.

2. Advanced Authentication: One of the core aspects of any web application is user authentication. In this course, you'll learn to implement both email and password authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). We'll also cover the integration of Google OAuth for a seamless login experience.

3. Real-world CRUD Operations: Building a robust real estate platform means mastering Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations. You'll gain hands-on experience in creating, reading, updating, and deleting property listings using MongoDB as the database.

4. User-friendly Features: We'll focus on enhancing the user experience by allowing users to create and manage their property listings effortlessly. Users can upload multiple images for their listings and modify them as needed, all through an intuitive interface.

5. Advanced Search Functionality: A modern marketplace demands advanced search capabilities. You'll learn how to implement a search feature that enables users to filter listings by title, apply sorting options, and limit search results efficiently. We'll delve into cutting-edge search query techniques when working with MongoDB.

6. Deployment Made Easy: It's not just about building; it's about sharing your creation with the world. We'll guide you through deploying your fully functional MERN stack real estate application for free using the 'render' platform.


To get the most out of this course, a basic understanding of JavaScript and React is recommended. However, if you're eager to dive into the world of full-stack development and excited about building a real estate marketplace, you're more than ready to get started.

Join us in this immersive journey to master the MERN stack, JWT authentication, Firebase integration, Google OAuth, and much more. By the end of this course, you'll not only have a fully functional real estate application to showcase but also a wealth of skills and knowledge to propel your web development career forward. Enroll now and let's embark on this exciting learning adventure together!

Who this course is for:

  • Those looking to master the MERN stack and build a feature-rich real estate platform from scratch.
  • React enthusiasts want to advance their skills with complex real-world projects.
  • Developers aim to expand their toolkit with authentication, Redux, and advanced MongoDB usage.
  • Students and hobbyists seeking a challenging, hands-on project to elevate their web development expertise.


  • Build a robust real estate platform using the latest MERN stack technologies from scratch.

  • Master email, password, and OAuth authentication with JWT for secure user access.

  • Enable users to perform CRUD operations, including property listing creation, updating, and deletion.

  • Implement a modern search feature with filters and sorting options, optimizing MongoDB queries for efficiency.

  • Develop user profile management with profile image uploads and secure account deletion using JWT cookie validation.

  • Create an intuitive interface with image sliders and seamless listing management for property owners.

  • Learn to deploy your MERN real estate app on the 'render' platform, making it ready for portfolio showcase or public use.

  • Improve your Reactjs expertise by working on dynamic routing, state management with Redux Toolkit, and integrating third-party APIs like Google OAuth.

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest industry practices, including React Router Dom and Tailwind CSS for front-end development.

  • Utilize Firebase Storage for efficient image handling, enabling users to upload and manage property images effortlessly.


  • Learners should have a fundamental understanding of JavaScript, including variables, functions, and basic syntax.

  • Some prior experience with Reactjs is beneficial, as the course covers advanced React concepts and best practices.

  • A basic grasp of web development concepts such as HTML, CSS, and web architecture will be helpful.

  • Learners should be comfortable using a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for writing code.

Full stack MERN Real Estate App: A Modern MERN Marketplace


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Introduction, preview and Installation
3 Lectures
  • play icon Intro 02:42 02:42
  • play icon Project preview 05:13 05:13
  • play icon Install React js and Taiwind CSS and create the first template 14:16 14:16
Pages and routes and header component
2 Lectures
Create the server and connect to the database
4 Lectures
Signing up the users
4 Lectures
Signing in users
2 Lectures
Redux toolkit and Redux persist
2 Lectures
Google OAuth and update header
2 Lectures
Profile page
6 Lectures
Create listings
9 Lectures
Listing page
3 Lectures
Search page functionality
6 Lectures
Home and about pages
2 Lectures
1 Lectures

Instructor Details

Sahand Ghavidel Jirsaraie

Sahand Ghavidel Jirsaraie

Sahand Ghavidel holds degrees in Mathematics, Electrical, and Computer Science, and earned a doctoral degree from Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology Sydney.

Sahand has researched for more than 10 years about artificial algorithms and  optimization. He has won several awards for his outstanding research and has published more than 40 ISI journals and attended to many international conferences.

The number of people using and citing Sahand's publications is significantly high which is more than 1600 citations, according to google scholar (April, 2021). He was also awarded the outstanding reviewer in the international journal called "International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems" with CiteScore of 5.79 in recognition of his contributions added to the quality of the journal.

Sahand has more than 15 years of programming experience. The first programming language he learned was visual basic when he was just 12 years old. Since then, he has made hundreds of websites, and apps with different programming languages like JavaScript and Python.

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