

For the first time in the history of the world the substance, fructose was discovered by the renowned French chemist named Augustin Pierre Debranfaut in the year 1844, by synthesizing fruit sugar in an aqueous (with water) fruit sugar solution. The chemist at that time named fructose mutarotation.

Both glucose, galactose, and fructose form the basic group type of sugars. One molecule of sucrose going through hydrolysis yields a single molecule of glucose and a single molecule of fructose altogether respectively. Fructose occurs naturally in various fruits, honey, etc. respectively. Fructose in its natural form is widely used as a sweetener and it is considered an important ketohexose.

The chemical molecular formula of fructose is − C6H12O6 This formula is devised based on the various chemical bonds and reactions it forms with other elements. Fructose is formed out of 6 carbon (C) atoms,12 hydrogens (H) atoms, and 6 oxygen (O) atoms respectively. Fructose is a kind of polyhydroxy ketone with around 6 carbons (C).

Physical and Chemical Properties of Fructose

  • The fruit sugar (fructose) looks in a white crystalline solid structure form.

  • These carbohydrates, fruit sugar is quite soluble as compared to other types of sugars.

  • The various compounds of fruit sugar dehydrate quite easily to formulate what is called hydroxymethylfurfural. (HMF).

  • The fruit sugar often develops a tendency to absorb moisture quickly and then release it in the environment comparatively slower than other forms of sugar.

  • The fruit sugar is widely used in the Maillard reaction.

  • The carbohydrate so formed, fructose can be fermented easily in an anaerobic form by the use of yeast or any other kind of bacteria.

  • The taste of fructose tends to be around 1.2-1.8 times sweeter when compared to that of sucrose.

  • Fructose is also capable of forming various mutagenic chemicals.

  • Also, a single molecule of fructose has 5 hydroxyls and a single ketone group.

  • The water solubility of fructose is around 3750 g/L.

  • The specific gravity of fructose is around 1.6g/cm3

  • The calorie content present in fructose is approximately equivalent to 4 kcal per 1 gram.

  • Fructose is also capable of collecting droplets of water vapor.

Physical and Chemical Structures of Fructose

  • The fruit sugar has a cyclic form of structure from inside.

  • Certain kinds of keto groups inside the structure of fructose can often contribute to the formation of an intramolecular hemiacetal inside it.

  • The formation of an intramolecular hemiacetal can contribute to the formation of chiral carbon.

  • Also, fructose has a low level of the melting point of 103C as compared to other kinds of sugars such as glucose having a melting temperature point of around 146 C.

  • The compound fructose has a molar mass of around 180.16 mol/g.

  • Fructose also has a density of around 1.69 g/cm3

  • The refined form of pure crystallized fructose has a powder form of texture.

Benefits of Fructose

Notably, fructose has certain admissible impressive merits for a certain niche group of people suffering from ailments such as diabetes.

  • As per both the evaluation and analysis of some scientific studies it has been interpreted that, as a matter of fact, the metabolism of fructose is free of insulin in nature. It only has a small negligible minor effect on the level of blood glucose thereby making the consumption of fructose both quiet and healthy and safe without both any kind of specific and serious repercussions.

  • It is also found to be useful for people who are willing to control their weight or lose it. Due to such astonishing merits and utilities of fructose the American food industry has been using fructose corn syrup to replace or prevent the use of sucrose since the dawn of the 1970s.

Viewing fructose from all angles for both bodily and commercial use, both its merits and demerits of the fruit sugar, it is widely considered the most basic element vital for both human and commercial use. The vitality of this naturally occurring compound can neither be foreshadowed nor ignored.

Uses of Fructose

  • Fructose is also used in the manufacturing of certain kinds of food items where it is used to improve starch functioning. Fructose is also of a higher viscous level, helping it to spread more quickly as compared to that sucrose.

  • Fructose also has a lower level of freezing temperature point, the property of which is desired and used in hard-frozen dairy desserts or any kind of soft-serve products.

  • The crystalline type of fruit sugar is quite often used to enhance the taste of the various types of food items in the food industries.

  • Fruit sugar is also widely used in various energy drinks, flavored water, low-calorie products, etc. Moreover, on the other hand, it is also widely used to reduce lingering sweetness in certain other types of food products.

  • Fruit sugar is also widely used in the manufacturing of various types of nutrition bars, reduced-calorie products, other soft moist cookies, etc.

Disadvantages of Fructose

  • The excess consumption of fructose can impair the composition of blood lipids in the human body.

  • The excess consumption of fructose can also lead to the accumulation of fats around the organs of the human body.

  • In some cases, and scenarios, it may also contribute to the development of certain potentially harmful heart ailments excess consumption of fructose can also contribute to an increment in the level of uric acid in human blood excess consumption of fructose can also contribute to the development of obesity in the human body.

  • The excess consumption of fructose can also contribute to the development of colorectal cancer in the human body the excess consumption of fructose can also contribute to the development of insulin resistance in the human body excess consumption of fructose can also contribute to the development of a certain kind of metabolic syndrome in the human body excess consumption of fructose can also contribute to the development of inflammation in certain parts of the human body fats.


Viewing fructose from all angles for both bodily and commercial use, both its merits and demerits of the fruit sugar, it is widely considered the most basic element vital for both human and commercial use. The vitality of this naturally occurring compound can neither be foreshadowed nor ignored.


Qns 1. Is fructose safe in nature?

Ans. Evaluation and analysis of scientific studies have proved that fructose is only considered harmful if consumed in high or excess quantities. In fact, the human body can easily tolerate fruit sugar naturally found in fruits

Qns 2. Can fruit sugar lead to obesity?

Ans. If fructose intake is in excess of the recommended limits it may lead to obesity and other kinds of serious ailments

Qns 3. Which kind of food items and beverages contain fructose?

Ans. Some certain types of fruits, vegetables, honey, sugar cane, etc., contain fruit sugar.

Updated on: 16-Nov-2023


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