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Flutter & Dart: The Complete Beginners Guide

person icon Anmol Gupta


Flutter & Dart: The Complete Beginners Guide

Become a Flutter SDK expert with our comprehensive bootcamp. Learn to build professional mobile apps.

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Anmol Gupta

English [CC]

category icon Google Flutter,Dart Programming Language,IOS Development,Android Development,REST API

Lectures -23

Duration -2 hours



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Course Description

Hey there! Have you ever wanted to build your own mobile apps but found it overwhelming to learn different programming languages for Android and iOS? Well, I have some good news for you! There's a framework called Flutter that was developed by Google that allows you to build beautiful native mobile apps using just one language: Dart.

Flutter is really popular right now, and it's being used for major Google apps like Adwords. The best part is that you don't need any prior knowledge of Dart or Flutter to get started with this comprehensive course.

Throughout this course, you'll learn everything from scratch, starting with an introduction to Flutter, Dart, and the concept behind widgets. You'll also get an overview of the built-in widgets, and you'll learn how to add your own.

Are you interested in learning how to build native mobile apps using just one language? Then our Flutter course is perfect for you!

We understand that your time is valuable, which is why our course is carefully thought out and edited. You won't have to sit through hours of programming without explanations. Our course includes beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts, and we're always available to answer any questions you may have.

By the end of the course, you'll have a complete understanding of fundamental Flutter concepts such as Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets, Widget tree, state management, animations, themes, and much more. You'll also learn about fundamental Dart concepts like lists, maps, enums, loops, futures, streams, mixins, classes, and much more.

In addition, you'll learn about Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts such as the type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes, and protocols. You'll learn how to use control structures like If/Else clauses, Switch statements, and logic to control the flow of execution.

Our course also covers data structures, software design principles, networking, and data storage. You'll learn how to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication. You'll also learn how to use Firebase Cloud Firestore to act as a backend for your Flutter apps and how to use authentication to log in and register users for your apps.

Finally, our course covers state management techniques like setState, prop drilling, lifting state up, callbacks, and the Provider package to manage app state.

If you're ready to become a Flutter developer, enroll in our course today! And don't worry - we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try it risk-free.


Learn flutter and dart from scratch

Master the correct way of writing code

Master MVVM[Model View View Model] model

Learn backend services like Firebase authentication, cloud firestore, realtime database, storage, and much more

Building server-driven and responsive application



A computer or laptop with 8 GB RAM

Will to learn new technologies or skill

Flutter & Dart: The Complete Beginners Guide


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Introduction to Flutter and setup
14 Lectures
  • play icon Introduction 04:07 04:07
  • play icon What is Flutter? 02:17 02:17
  • play icon What is dart and why flutter uses dart? 02:09 02:09
  • play icon Flutter architecture 04:18 04:18
  • play icon What is a widget? 03:23 03:23
  • play icon Mac OS setup 12:47 12:47
  • play icon Run Flutter App on Mac OS 06:02 06:02
  • play icon Windows Setup 15:42 15:42
  • play icon Run Flutter app on Windows OS 12:31 12:31
  • play icon Android studio vs VS Code 02:43 02:43
  • play icon Project Folder structure 12:29 12:29
  • play icon Anatomy of Dart program 04:08 04:08
  • play icon Explain the counter app example 06:52 06:52
  • play icon [Extras] Android studio extensions 02:32 02:32
Learning about Dart Programming and Flutter Basics [Calculator App]
9 Lectures

Instructor Details

Anmol Gupta

Anmol Gupta

I am a dedicated programmer with experience in Web Development, Data Science, and Application Development. Known for my exceptional performance and successful contributions to the Application Development industry, I am highly organized, self-motivated, and proficient in coding. I aim to expand my knowledge and publish articles on Medium about Flutter Application Development. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering.

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