Fjords: Definition and Meaning

In the temperate and even higher latitudes, fjords stand as a demonstration to the planet earth’s geological and climatic history, as it is the product of geo-climatic history. Such spectacular landscapes are featured by very steep cliffs, calm and crystal clear water, which is surrounded by fascinating greenery.

What Fjord Exactly is?

Glacially formed, fjord is a steep valley that extended into the coastal regions, which create a magnificent blend of land and water. Besides, one of the interpretation is, the term fjord is derived from Norwegian language and its general meaning is, long, narrow body of water, inlet or channel. However, in addition to this, it has some other interpretation in some other language, but meaning more or less is same.

Worldwide Locations of Fjords

Usually, fjords are found in temperate and even higher latitudes; however, some of the common locations of fjords are −

  • Nansen Sound/Greely Fiord/Tanquary Fiord in Canada, North America

  • Scoresby Sund in Greenland, North America

  • Chatham Strait/Lynn Canal in United States, North America

  • Independence Fjord in Greenland, North America

  • Sognefjord in Norway, Europe

  • Matochkin Shar, Novaya Zemlya, Russia

  • Sognefjord in Norway, Europe

  • Messier Channel in Tortel, Chile, South America

  • Concepción Channel-Puerto Simpson in Chile, South America

  • Baker Channel in Tortel, Chile, South America

  • Skelton Inlet in Antarctica

Fjord Formation

There is a complex geological process that defines the formation of fjord. As we know, during the glacial age, massive ice sheet deposited; however, during the later period, when climate changed and temperature rose, these glaciers started thawing and as it started melting, it started moving downward. During the relentless movements, the glaciers carved U-shaped valley. Furthermore, as these glaciers retreated due to changing climatic conditions and geology, the sea flooded the valleys, giving birth of a long, narrow, waterways, flanked by steep cliffs, which is commonly named as fjord.

Fjord Exploration

The geologists, geographers, and other earth scientists explore fjord for research and study purpose. They try to understand the past geo-climatic conditions and the process of changing landscapes. Besides, the nature lovers and adventurists also explore fjord to experience panoramic vistas of the landscape. Adventurers can enjoy here some of the very exciting activities including canoeing or kayaking, navigating the clam waters and witnessing the unimaginable landscapes of fjord.

Biodiversity and Ecology

Fjords are not known only for the study of geo-climatic conditions of the past and panoramic views, but also known for some specific type of ecosystem. The ecosystem in this region is evolved because of the convergence of marine and terrestrial life. The mixture of marine and in land water has created a delicate balance, which sustain variety of species. Interestingly, Fjords provide unique and favorable environmental conditions for phytoplankton communities. Further, these phytoplankton attract various other species, including fish, crustaceans, and other marine mammals. On the other hand, the surrounding forests provide a habitat to various bird and animal species.

Need of Conservation

As discussed above, the significance of fjords is environmentally important, but because of some unregulated human activities corroborated with climate change, put threat on fjords’ existence and its ecosystem. Therefore, it is necessary to take active measures to conserve the integrity of fjord ecosystem.


Fjords are one of the most exciting geological structures, which have unique characteristics. Their location, formation, geological history, and breathtaking beautiful surrounding make them must visit destination. Whether one is a researcher or adventurer both can enjoy here equally. This is the point that helps people in natural healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the geographical term a fjord define?

Usually found in higher latitude, a fjord is an attractive geological landscape, which is created by the movement of glaciers especially during the ice age. These moving glaciers primarily formed the deep valleys and then extended into the coastal areas that ultimately defines steep cliffs and water bodies, or simply fjord.

How are fjords formed?

Fjords are usually formed through a complex process that starting with the movement of glaciers. When the glaciers move forward, they sculpt deep valley. Furthermore, when the glaciers retreat because of the climate change, the sea fills the voids left behind, forming the long, narrow, waterways called as fjord.

What activities can one enjoy in fjord areas?

Along with exquisite landscape, fjords provide opportunities for many activities that tourists and adventurers can enjoy there. One can explore hiking trails along with panoramic views, kayaking or canoeing in a tranquility of the water, or simply soak in the placid ambiance of the surrounding environment.

What is the significance of fjord biodiversity?

Fjord, having the coastal environment, truly represents a mixture of marine and terrestrial life, which ultimately forms a valuable biodiversity. The nutrient-rich waters provide shelter to various marine species. On the other hand, adjacent forests and meadows collectively provide habitats for many birds and mammal species. These are the crucial significance of fjord biodiversity.

Updated on: 27-Oct-2023


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