Finding frequency in list of tuples in Python

Many different types of data container can get mixed up in python. A list can have elements each of which is a tuple. In this article we will take such a list and find the frequency of element in the tuples which are themselves elements of a list.

Using count and map

We apply a lambda function to count through each of the first element in the tuples present in the list. Then apply a map function to arrive at the total count of the element we are searching for.


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# initializing list of tuples
listA = [('Apple', 'Mon'), ('Banana', 'Tue'), ('Apple', 'Wed')]

# Given list
print("Given list of tuples : " ,listA)

# Frequency in list of tuples
Freq_res = list(map(lambda i: i[0], listA)).count('Apple')

# printing result
print("The frequency of element is : ",Freq_res)


Running the above code gives us the following result:

Given list of tuples : [('Apple', 'Mon'), ('Banana', 'Tue'), ('Apple', 'Wed')]
The frequency of element is : 2

With Counter

We can also implement Counter which will count the number of occurrences of an element. We use a for loop to go through each of the tuple present in the list.


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from collections import Counter

# initializing list of tuples
listA = [('Apple', 'Mon'), ('Banana', 'Tue'), ('Apple', 'Wed')]

# Given list
print("Given list of tuples : " ,listA)

# Frequency in list of tuples
Freq_res = Counter(i[0] for i in listA)['Apple']

# printing result
print("The frequency of element is : ",Freq_res)


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given list of tuples : [('Apple', 'Mon'), ('Banana', 'Tue'), ('Apple', 'Wed')]
The frequency of element is : 2

Updated on: 05-May-2020


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