Finding All possible items combination dictionary Using Python

When working with Python, you may frequently encounter scenarios that require generating all possible combinations of items from a given dictionary. This task holds significance in various fields such as data analysis, machine learning, optimization, and combinatorial problems. In this technical blog post, we will delve into different approaches to efficiently find all possible item combinations using Python.

Let's begin by establishing a clear understanding of the problem at hand. Suppose we have a dictionary where the keys represent distinct items, and the values associated with each key denote their respective properties or attributes. Our objective is to generate a new dictionary that encompasses all the possible combinations of items, considering one item per key. Each combination should be represented as a key in the resulting dictionary, while the corresponding values should reflect the properties of the items within that combination.

To illustrate this, consider the following example input dictionary −

items = {
   'item1': ['property1', 'property2'],
   'item2': ['property3'],
   'item3': ['property4', 'property5', 'property6']

The desired output dictionary, in this case, would be 

combinations = {
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property1', 'property3', 'property4'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property1', 'property3', 'property5'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property1', 'property3', 'property6'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property2', 'property3', 'property4'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property2', 'property3', 'property5'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property2', 'property3', 'property6']

It is essential to note that in the output dictionary, the keys represent the various combinations of items, while the values correspond to the properties associated with those items within each combination.

Approach 1: Using Itertools.product

One efficient approach to address this problem utilizes the powerful product function from Python's itertools module. The product function generates the Cartesian product of input iterables, which suits our requirements perfectly. By employing this function, we can obtain all possible combinations of the item properties effectively. Let's take a look at the code snippet that implements this approach 

import itertools

def find_all_combinations(items):
   keys = list(items.keys())
   values = list(items.values())
   combinations = {}

   for combination in itertools.product(*values):
      combinations[tuple(keys)] = list(combination)

   return combinations

To begin, we extract the keys and values from the input dictionary. By leveraging the product function, we generate all possible combinations of the item properties. Subsequently, we map each combination to its corresponding keys and store the results in the combinations dictionary.


items = {
   'item1': ['property1', 'property2'],
   'item2': ['property3'],
   'item3': ['property4', 'property5', 'property6']


combinations = {
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property1', 'property3', 'property4'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property1', 'property3', 'property5'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property1', 'property3', 'property6'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property2', 'property3', 'property4'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property2', 'property3', 'property5'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property2', 'property3', 'property6']

Approach 2: Recursive Approach

Another viable approach for finding all possible combinations involves utilizing a recursive function. This approach proves particularly useful when dealing with dictionaries containing a relatively small number of items. Let's examine the implementation 

def find_all_combinations_recursive(items):
   keys = list(items.keys())
   values = list(items.values())
   combinations = {}

   def generate_combinations(current_index, current_combination):
      if current_index == len(keys):
         combinations[tuple(keys)] = list(current_combination)

      for value in values[current_index]:
         generate_combinations(current_index + 1, current_combination + [value])

   generate_combinations(0, [])

   return combinations


items = {
   'item1': ['property1', 'property2'],
   'item2': ['property3'],
   'item3': ['property4', 'property5', 'property6']


combinations = {
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property1', 'property3', 'property4'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property1', 'property3', 'property5'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property1', 'property3', 'property6'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property2', 'property3', 'property4'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property2', 'property3', 'property5'],
   ('item1', 'item2', 'item3'): ['property2', 'property3', 'property6']

In this approach, we define a helper function called generate_combinations. This function takes an index parameter representing the current item being processed and a combination list containing the values accumulated so far. We iterate over the values associated with the current item and recursively call the generate_combinations function with an incremented index and an updated combination list. Upon reaching the end of the keys list, we store the resulting combination and its associated properties in the combinations dictionary.

Time and Space Complexity Analysis

Let's analyze the time and space complexities of the two approaches.

For Approach 1, which utilizes itertools.product, the time complexity can be approximated as O(NM), where N is the number of keys in the input dictionary and M is the average number of values associated with each key. This is because the itertools.product function generates all possible combinations by iterating over the values. The space complexity is also O(NM) since we create a new dictionary to store the combinations.

In Approach 2, the recursive approach, the time complexity can be expressed as O(N^M), where N is the number of keys and M is the maximum number of values associated with any key. This is because for each key, the function recursively calls itself for each value associated with that key. As a result, the number of function calls grows exponentially with the number of keys and values. The space complexity is O(N*M) due to the recursive function calls and the storage of combinations in the dictionary.

Handling Large Datasets and Optimization Techniques

Handling large datasets and optimizing the code becomes crucial when dealing with substantial amounts of data. Memoization, caching previously computed combinations, can prevent redundant computations and improve performance. Pruning, skipping unnecessary computations based on constraints, reduces the computational overhead. These optimization techniques are beneficial for reducing time and space complexities. Moreover, they allow the code to scale efficiently and handle larger datasets. By implementing these techniques, the code becomes more optimized, enabling faster processing and improved efficiency when finding all possible item combinations.

Error Handling and Input Validation

To ensure the robustness of the code, it's important to consider error handling and input validation. Here are a few scenarios to handle 

  • Handling empty dictionaries  If the input dictionary is empty, the code should handle this case gracefully and return an appropriate output, such as an empty dictionary.

  • Missing keys  If the input dictionary contains missing keys or some keys don't have associated values, it's important to handle these scenarios to avoid unexpected errors. You can include appropriate checks and error messages to inform the user about missing or incomplete data.

  • Data type validation  Validate the data types of the input dictionary to ensure it conforms to the expected format. For example, you can check if the keys are strings and the values are lists or other suitable data types. This helps avoid potential type errors during the execution of the code.

By incorporating error handling and input validation, you can enhance the reliability and user-friendliness of the solution.


Here, we explored two distinct approaches for finding all possible item combinations within a dictionary using Python. The first approach relied on the product function from the itertools module, which efficiently generated all combinations by computing the Cartesian product. The second approach involved a recursive function that recursively traversed the dictionary to accumulate all possible combinations.

Both approaches provide efficient solutions to the problem, and the choice between them depends on factors such as the size of the dictionary and the number of items it contains.

Updated on: 16-Aug-2023


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