Find whether all tuple have same length in Python

In this article we will find out if all the tuples in a given list are of same length.

With len

We will use len function and compare its result to a given value which we are validating. If the values are equal then we consider them as same length else not.


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listA = [('Mon', '2 pm', 'Physics'), ('Tue', '11 am','Maths')]
# printing
print("Given list of tuples:\n", listA)
# check length
k = 3
res = 1
# Iteration
for tuple in listA:
   if len(tuple) != k:
      res = 0
# Checking if res is true
if res:
   print("Each tuple has same length")
   print("All tuples are not of same length")


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given list of tuples:
[('Mon', '2 pm', 'Physics'), ('Tue', '11 am', 'Maths')]
Each tuple has same length

With all and len

We sue the len function alogn with the all function and use a for loop to iterate through each of the tuple present in the list.


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listA = [('Mon', '2 pm', 'Physics'), ('Tue', '11 am','Maths')]
# printing
print("Given list of tuples:\n", listA)
# check length
k = 3
res=(all(len(elem) == k for elem in listA))
# Checking if res is true
if res:
   print("Each tuple has same length")
   print("All tuples are not of same length")


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given list of tuples:
[('Mon', '2 pm', 'Physics'), ('Tue', '11 am', 'Maths')]
Each tuple has same length

Updated on: 04-Jun-2020


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