Find the sublist with maximum value in given nested list in Python

A list can contain other list as its elements. In this article we are equal to find the sublist with maximum value which are present in a given list.

With max and lambda

The max and the Lambda function can together be used to give that sublist which has the maximum value.


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listA = [['Mon', 90], ['Tue', 32], ['Wed', 120]]
# Using lambda
res = max(listA, key=lambda x: x[1])
# printing output
print("Given List:\n", listA)
print("List with maximum value:\n ", res)


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given List:
[['Mon', 90], ['Tue', 32], ['Wed', 120]]
List with maximum value:
['Wed', 120]

With itergetter

We use itemgetter from index position 1 and apply a max function to get the sublist with maximum value.


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import operator
listA = [['Mon', 90], ['Tue', 32], ['Wed', 120]]
# Using itemgetter
res = max(listA, key = operator.itemgetter(1))
# printing output
print("Given List:\n", listA)
print("List with maximum value:\n ", res)


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given List:
[['Mon', 90], ['Tue', 32], ['Wed', 120]]
List with maximum value:
['Wed', 120]

Updated on: 04-Jun-2020


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