Find the first element of a Stream in Java

Java's Stream API is a potent tool for processing data collections. A typical use case here entails searching for the initial item of a stream that matches a specific principle. We will offer several approaches to handling such tasks, along with code examples and explanations.


To establish the first element of a Java stream, syntax is employed as follows −

Optional<T> firstElement = stream.filter(condition).findFirst();

In this instance, its note-worthy symbols include "stream", which refers to an enumeration of elements; "condition," indicating the predicate used in filtering those characteristics; and ultimately, "firstElement?", an Optional container object whose properties allow it to either store or remain vacant with the first object delivered by that particular disposition.

Explanation of Syntax

Filter forms an intricate specification regarding each sequential component found within a stream. Only objects satisfying these requirements are relevant to proceeding concerns. Complimentary utility operations such as findFirst determine Optional items related to this discovery methodology containing either essential streams' components or merely null values presuming void components fail redundancy criteria for applicable regulation incorporation arrangements.

Approach 1


  • Create a stream from the collection of elements.

  • Apply a filter to the stream to match the desired condition.

  • Use the findFirst method to obtain an Optional object with the first matching element.

  • Check if the Optional object is empty or contains a value.

  • If the Optional object is not empty, retrieve the first element using the get method.


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class FirstElementFinder {
   public static <T> T findFirstElement(List<T> elements, Predicate<T> condition) {
      Optional<T> firstElement =;
      return firstElement.orElse(null);

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      List<Integer> numbers = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
      Predicate<Integer> condition = number -> number > 3;
      Integer firstElement = findFirstElement(numbers, condition);
      System.out.println("First element: " + firstElement);


First element: 4


We suggest creating a static function named findFirstElement that takes two data inputs: a list of selected elements and a comparison criterion.

Include process-streamlining steps in this feature. First, transform your list into a stream function and then apply your criterion using filters. After this stage, findFirst approaches will reveal matched elements. Implement "orElse" methods for Optional objects to return null results if no matches are found.

These proposed tactics yield solid results, as shown in our principal function, which checks which integers are higher than 3 using our aforementioned process.

Approach 2


  • Create a stream from the collection of elements.

  • Use the limit method to limit the stream to one element.

  • Use the findFirst method to obtain an Optional object with the first element of the limited stream.

  • Check if the Optional object is empty or contains a value.

  • If the Optional object is not empty, retrieve the first element using the get method.


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

public class FirstElementFinder {
   public static <T> T findFirstElement(List<T> elements) {
      Optional<T> firstElement =;
      return firstElement.orElse(null);

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      List<String> names = List.of("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie");
      String firstElement = findFirstElement(names);
      System.out.println("First element: " + firstElement);


First element: Alice


In order to invest more clarity and style into our procedure's explanation − Our technique entails constructing a static module dubbed findFirstElement that demands receipt of a collection composed chiefly by elements as its argument at invocation time. Within said module's logic lies steps such as conversion from List<element> -> Stream<element>; limiting Stream<element> -> Stream<limit=1>; acquiring requested element from Stream<limit=1> -> .findFirst(); subsequent handling if Optional = empty -> .orElse(null). For explicit exemplification within main(), usage in tandem with strings contained in another list is each demonstrated.

Approach 3


  • Create a stream from the collection of elements.

  • Use the filter method to match the desired condition.

  • Use the findFirst method to obtain an Optional object with the first matching element.

  • Check if the Optional object is empty or contains a value.

  • If the Optional object is not empty, retrieve the first element using the get method.

  • Full ready-to-execute code for Approach 3 −


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class FirstElementFinder {
   public static <T> T findFirstElement(T[] elements, Predicate<T> condition) {
      Optional<T> firstElement =;
      return firstElement.orElse(null);

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String[] fruits = {"Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"};
      Predicate<String> condition = fruit -> fruit.startsWith("B");
      String firstElement = findFirstElement(fruits, condition);
      System.out.println("First element: " + firstElement);


First element: Banana


An array's first matching element(s) can be found using findFirstElement, a static operation. Relevant elements and search criteria are needed for this function. This method's initial assessment includes parsing using to change the original collection of components into a stream format before applying pivotal processes like filter methods to implement our filtering requirements and findFirst(). To manage empty orElse, set it to null. Optional objects from these levels to avoid gaps or problems in practical use.

If we just want fruits starting with "B," we can pass in the fruit array and "B" as set parameters during invocation. Our implemented findFirstElement method would return the first matched element satisfying these requirements, letting one to leverage a previously established but now-refined data collection.

Approach 4


  • Create a stream from the collection of elements.

  • Use the findFirst method to obtain an Optional object with the first element of the stream.

  • Check if the Optional object is empty or contains a value.

  • If the Optional object is not empty, retrieve the first element using the get method.


import java.util.Optional;

public class FirstElementFinder {
   public static <T> T findFirstElement(Stream<T> stream) {
      Optional<T> firstElement = stream.findFirst();
      return firstElement.orElse(null);

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Stream<Integer> numbers = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
      Integer firstElement = findFirstElement(numbers);
      System.out.println("First element: " + firstElement);


First element: 1


In this approach, we create a static method findFirstElement that takes a stream of elements as an input parameter. As part of the method's execution, we utilize findFirst to fetch the initial element from the stream. In instances where an Optional object represents an empty value, we opt for null through orElse. In the main method, we demonstrate the usage of findFirstElement with a stream of integers.


To determine how to access the initial element of a stream through Java programming language, it is paramount that we look into various approaches available; especially since every choice provides an acceptable solution to this ubiquitous problem - depending on its requisite objectives. This article aims at offering insights on each technique by explaining examples while ensuring understanding gained can be utilized confidently within users' individual projects. We encourage assessing crucial aspects such as performance rate optimization, sustainability and coding efficiency before choosing an approach tailored specifically to their application type.

Updated on: 31-Jul-2023

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