Find the amount to be paid at the end of 3 years in each case:
$(a)$. Principal$=Rs.\ 1,200$ at $12\ %$ p.a.
$(b)$. Principal$=Rs.\ 7,500$ at $5\ %$ p.a.

$(a)$ Here, Principal $(P)=Rs.\ 1,200$

Rate $(R)=12 \% p.a.$, 

Time $(T)=3\ years$

Simple Interest$=\frac{P\times R\times T}{100}$


$= Rs.\ 432$

Now, $Amount=Principal+Simple Interest$


$=Rs.\ 1,632$

$(b)$ Here, Principal $(P)=Rs.\ 7,500$, 

Rate $(R)=5 \% p.a.$, 

Time $(T)=3\ years$

$Simple Interest=\frac{P\times R\times T}{100}=\frac{7500\times5\times3}{100}$

$=Rs.\ 1125$

Now, $Amount=Principal+Simple\ Interest$


$=Rs.\ 8625$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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