Find a node such that all paths from that node to leaf nodes are of the same color


In data structures, one of the most important problems is to find a node in a tree where all lines from that node to the leaf nodes have the same color. This topic looks at how graph theory and depth-first search methods can be used to find these nodes quickly. By using a color-coding method and looking at how it affects tree traversal, this problem can teach us a lot about the real world and help us make tree-related processes more efficient.

Graph Theory Fundamentals

Graph theory is one of the most important ideas in computer science and math. It looks at the relationships between things, which are shown as nodes linked by edges. In this situation, graphs are structures made up of nodes (points) and edges (links). These graphs can be either directed, where each edge points in a certain direction, or un-directed, where links can go in both directions. Understanding paths, sequences of nodes linked by edges, and leaf nodes (nodes with no outgoing edges) is important for solving traversal, connectivity, and structure problems in the real world.

Understanding the concepts of Trees and DFS

  • Trees are organized data structures that are made up of nodes that are linked together by edges. A tree has a root node and child nodes that branch out from it. This makes a parent-child link. Trees don't have loops like graphs do. They are used a lot in computer science to organize and show facts in the best way.

  • Properties of trees − Trees exhibit key properties such as depth (the distance from the root to a node), height (the maximum depth of the tree), and degree (the number of children a node can have). Each node, except the root, has exactly one parent, and nodes with no children are called leaves.

  • Depth-First Search (DFS) is an algorithm used to go through a graph or tree data structure. It starts at a chosen node and goes as far as possible down each branch before turning around. It uses the "Last In, First Out" (LIFO) method, which is usually done using a stack. DFS is used to find paths, find cycles, and analyze linked components.

  • Properties − Properties include simplicity, memory efficiency, and the ability to find a path from the source node to a target node efficiently.

Color-Coding Scheme

A common practice in algorithm design is to "color" (or otherwise identify) nodes in a tree data structure using a predetermined set of colors. Color coding the tree's nodes makes it easier to spot trends and other characteristics. Given the nature of the issue at hand, we can use the color-coding approach to zero down on the target node by seeing if all of the paths leading there are the same color.

Applying colors to nodes in the tree − Before applying the color-coding scheme to the tree, we define the criteria for coloring nodes. For example, we might use different colors to represent nodes with even or odd values, or different colors for nodes based on their levels in the tree. The process involves traversing the tree and assigning colors to each node based on the chosen criteria.

Understanding how the color-coding scheme works − Once the tree nodes are colored, the color-coding scheme allows us to quickly check if a given path from a node to a leaf node is monochromatic (all nodes have the same color). This is achieved through efficient color comparisons during tree traversal and path exploration. The scheme helps identify nodes that satisfy the condition of having all paths to leaf nodes in the same color, thereby assisting in the search for the desired node

Finding the Desired Node

To find the node such that all paths from that node to leaf nodes are of the same color, we employ a systematic algorithm that utilizes the color-coding scheme. Starting from the root node, we traverse the tree, examining each node and its corresponding color. We explore paths from the node to leaf nodes, verifying if all nodes in those paths have the same color. If a node satisfies this condition, we mark it as a potential candidate for the desired node. The algorithm continues until it has searched the entire tree or until the desired node is found.

Analyzing the time and space complexity − The efficiency of the algorithm is essential, especially for large trees. We analyze its time complexity, considering factors like tree size and color-coding implementation. Additionally, we assess the space complexity, accounting for the storage requirements of the color-coded tree and any auxiliary data structures used during the search process. Evaluating the algorithm's complexity helps us understand its performance characteristics and potential scalability, ensuring an effective solution to the problem at hand.


// Function to check if all paths from a node to leaf nodes are of the same color
function findDesiredNodeWithSameColorPaths(node):
   if node is null:
      return null
   // Explore the subtree rooted at 'node'
   resultNode = exploreSubtree(node)
   // If a node with the desired property is found,   return it
   if resultNode is not null:
      return resultNode
   // Otherwise, continue searching in the left subtree
   return findDesiredNodeWithSameColorPaths(node.left) OR
   // Function to explore the subtree rooted at 'node'
   function exploreSubtree(node):
   if node is null:
      return null
   // Check if the path from 'node' to any leaf node is of the same color
   if isMonochromaticPath(node, node.color):
      return node
   // Continue exploring in the left and right subtrees
   leftResult = exploreSubtree(node.left)
   rightResult = exploreSubtree(node.right)
   // Return the first non-null result (if any)
   return leftResult OR rightResult
   // Function to check if the path from 'node' to any leaf node is of the same color
   function isMonochromaticPath(node, color):
   if node is null:
      return true
   // If the node's color doesn't match the desired color, the path is not monochromatic
   if node.color != color:
      return false
   // Recursively check if both left and right subtrees have monochromatic paths
   return isMonochromaticPath(node.left, color) AND
      isMonochromaticPath(node.right, color)


Each node in this particular illustration of a binary tree is colored differently. Red represents the root node, blue the left child, and green the right child. As we go down the tree, the color of each left child node changes from blue to green, and the color of each right child node changes from green to blue.

Green, blue, green, and red will be used to color the leaf nodes at the tree's base.

Binary trees are often shown using color-coded nodes so that their hierarchical structure and patterns may be seen at a glance. Color-coding can be used to quickly grasp the tree's attributes, which is useful in a number of tree-related techniques and applications.


In conclusion, the problem of finding a node in a tree where all lines to leaf nodes are the same color is important in many situations. By using color-coding and quickly moving through the tree, this method is a powerful way to find nodes that meet the given criteria.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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