Fill in the blanks.
(a) Pneumonia is an example of ____ disease.
(b) Many skin diseases are caused by ____.
(c) Antibiotics commonly block biochemical pathways important for the growth of ____.
(d) Living organisms carrying the infecting agents from one person to another are called ____.

Correct Answer:

(a) Pneumonia is an example of a bacterial disease.

(b) Many skin diseases are caused by fungi.

(c) Antibiotics commonly block biochemical pathways important for the growth of bacteria.

(d) Living organisms carrying the infecting agents from one person to another are called vectors.


Antibiotics are also known as antibacterials. They are medications that destroy or slow down the growth of bacteria. They include a range of powerful drugs and are used to treat bacterial diseases. Antibiotics cannot be used to treat viral infections, such as colds, flu, and most coughs.
Antibiotics can be taken either through mouth (orally), or can be applied as a cream or lotion (topically), or through an injection (intravenously).

Vector is the pathogen that acts as a vehicle or transport medium to transmit infectious agents to other living organisms. The illnesses caused by vectors are called vector-borne diseases.

Vectors such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas are the carrier of causative microbes for various diseases.

For example:

Malaria is a well-known vector-borne disease, caused by the parasitic protozoan, Plasmodium.]

Updated on: 05-Jan-2023


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