Fill in the blanks.
(a) ____ are forms of complex tissue.
(b) ____ have guard cells.
(c) Cells of cork contain a chemical called ____.
(d) Husk of coconut is made of ____ tissue.
(e) ____ gives flexibility to plants.
(f) ____ and ____ are both conducting tissues.
(g) Xylem transports ____ and ____ from soil.
(h) Phloem transports ____ from ____ to other parts of the plant.

Correct Answer:

(a) Xylem and phloem are forms of complex tissue.

Explanation: Complex tissues are scattered everywhere in the body to hold all the organs together and support them. They are xylem and phloem.

(b) Stomata have guard cells.

Explanation: Stomata are the tiny openings, present in the epidermis of leaves, stems, and other organs, to allow an exchange of gases. The stomatal pore is guarded by two kidney bean-shaped cells known as guard cells.

It helps in the closing and opening of the stomatal pore.

(c) Cells of cork contain a chemical called Suberin.

Explanation: Suberin is a lipophilic macromolecule, responsible for providing insulation and protection to plant cell walls. It provides a uniform thickening of suberin to sclerenchyma tissue.

(d) Husk of coconut is made of Sclerenchyma tissue.

Explanation: Sclerenchyma cells are elongated, dead cells with lignin deposits in their cell wall. They have no intercellular gaps.

It is found in the covering of seeds and nuts, around the vascular tissues in stems, and in the veins of leaves. Its main function is to provide strength to the plant.

(e) Collenchyma gives flexibility to plants.

Explanation: Collenchyma is more flexible than sclerenchyma, therefore it provides tensile strength and flexibility to plant parts. It provides mechanical support to the primary plant parts such as the young stem, roots, and leaves. It permits the elongation and growth of plant parts.

(f) Xylem and phloem are both conducting tissues.


Xylem and phloem are conducting tissues in vascular plants. Its function is to conduct soluble organic compounds synthesized during photosynthesis from the leaves to downwards. 

(g) Xylem transports water and minerals from the soil.


 Xylem tissues like xylem vessels and tracheids transport water and minerals in the plants. Xylem transport water and minerals from roots to the upper parts of the plant.

(h) Phloem transports food from the leaf to other parts of the plant.


Sieve tubes (Phloem) tissues transport food in the plants. Phloem transports food from leaves to all parts of the plant including roots.

Updated on: 05-Jan-2023


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