Fighting Gray Hair with Vitamins

Gray hair is a problem faced by males and females. Due to gray hair, people usually perceive individuals as aging and look older than their peers. So how can one overcome this problem? Is it feasible to maintain hair's natural color using herbs, vitamins, or other natural remedies?

What is Hair Color?

Melanocytes are pigment cells responsible for producing hair color in hair follicles.

Melanin is created by melanocytes and is stored in the cortex. It is situated in the center of the hair follicle. A full head of blonde hair or any other hue that heredity has predetermined will develop as the hair grows.

The color of hair changes throughout a lifetime. A child with white blonde hair who grows into their adolescence and young adult years may end up being a brunette. Hair continues to vary with age as time goes on.

Gray or white hair results from the melanocytes' decreased activity and ultimately cessation of color production. Gray hair results from a small quantity of pigment remaining in the hair shaft.

White hair is completely devoid of melanin, revealing only the color of the protein that makes up hair, keratin. The normal aging process includes the stopping of melanin formation. Women have a few additional years before the process starts to slow down around the age of 35 whereas men start greying around the age of 30.

Children and younger people can prematurely grey. Early greying of the hair is unknown however, conditions including illness or autoimmune issues could be to blame.

How does Gray Hair Develop?

Gray hair will eventually become a reality; the question is not if it will, but rather when. Gray hair is unavoidable, with hereditary having a significant impact on when it starts to affect a woman's life.

Depending on the individual, a dark, rich brown, or fiery auburn develops white or grey hair for a variety of causes. If you can, try to recall when your parents' gray hair first appeared by looking at them. It could be the first indicator of when your hair might start to alter.

Hair growth and occasionally color are impacted by conditions including sickness or autoimmune illnesses. Greying earlier than the normal age is associated with ailments like thyroid issues and a lack of vitamin B12, found in meat, eggs, and milk.

Another possible reason for greying hair is vitiligo, a skin disorder that results in white spots on otherwise healthy skin from a lack of melanocytes.

Gastric bypass surgery and other intestinal and abdominal operations may hasten greying. Smoking and early menopause are the other factors to consider if gray hair has started to show.

What can you do About Gray Hair?

Understanding the many causes of gray hair serves as a warning of potential consequences. You can stop smoking if you find that smoking hastens the greying of your hair.

Speak with your doctor about the reason your hair is starting to gray and inquire about any potential underlying issues. You might be able to stop the cause and effects of the problem by taking care of gray hair concerns before they become a problem.

The best way to combat nature's timely advance, as with most aging difficulties, is to maintain good health. Consume healthy, nutrient-dense meals. It is a guaranteed method to maintain a vigorous life that includes a head of hair full of life. One of the most pivotal foods to eat to prevent grey hair on the body is freshly cut fruit, dark leafy vegetables, green vegetables, etc. For the daily dose of nutrition for your hair, add vitamins to your diet.

Add foods rich in hair vitamins to the diet, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, pineapple, melon, green vegetables, potatoes, and green peppers, as well as vegetable oils, soybeans, raw seeds, dried beans, wheat germ oil, molasses, whole grains, eggs, liver, rice, milk, fish, poultry, and red meat.

Hair benefits from hair vitamins. It's worth a shot, and at the absolute least, taking vitamins will improve general health, even though there isn't any scientific evidence that certain supplements, such as vitamins or herbs, will prevent or reverse gray hair.

Before starting a vitamin program, always see a doctor. Read labels carefully, take the prescribed dosage, and remember that every person will experience success differently and that it takes time. Gray hair cannot be changed overnight.

What Vitamins help Avoid Gray Hair?

The vitamins to try to avoid gray hair are listed below.

Vitamin A

Melanin synthesis can be increased by vitamin A, preventing the occurrence of gray hair. So, you must incorporate foods high in vitamin A in your daily diet for having long, silky, and black hair.

Vitamin C

In addition to its many known health benefits, vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants shield the body's cells against oxidation, or damage brought on by air.

Vitamin B-6 and Vitamin B-12

Two Complex-B vitamins that support healthy skin and hair are vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12. Following an illness or a deficiency, B-6 may help return hair to its natural color.


It is one of the best vitamins for hair since biotin is an essential protein-based component important for follicle development, hair growth, and melanin secretion.


The B-complex vitamin family includes Pantothenic Acid and Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA). Health food shops and pharmacies sell both of these vitamins. Use them to delay the start of greying. Pantothenic acid and folic acid work synergistically to prevent greying by restoring hair to its original color.


An element that occurs naturally in the body known as inositol may promote hair growth and general wellness.


Keratin, an essential component of hair and nails, is produced by biotin.


Niacin helps the scalp's blood flow and feeds the hair follicles.


Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet that includes nutritious proteins, carbohydrates, and fats is one of the most crucial things to do while taking hair vitamins to prevent premature greying of the hair. Coupled with a regular workout schedule might help your hair remain healthy for longer.

Updated on: 07-Mar-2023


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