Few simple tips to protect your images from casual copying

Casual copying is an act of fraud similar to plagiarism. We find many people choose to ignore the copyright act while they involve themselves in casual copying of images as well as content. Image theft has become rampant in recent times due to two major reasons one because it is easy secondly because individuals can download quickly and copy images from the internet without any difficulty. Many who are involved in casual copying are not even feeling guilty that they are using other’s property without their permission.

All those Individuals who post original articles, images or any material online might be wondering is there any way to protect from casual copying. Yes, copyright laws help protect from casual copying.Varied methods have been introduced to prevent reproduction of other’s work so that companies would gain benefit from different individuals who obtain authorized copy of their work.

Disabling the Right-Click

One of the easiest way to download the images is by right clicking on the image and then choosing option “save image”. By disabling the right click button, you can easily put off less techie savvy guys and all those people who are not interested to have a look at your HTML or browser cache.

However, there is also a small little trick which might discourage the less tech savvy people from casual copying or hot-linking to your web images. For example, when they try to save the following image to their computer using the standard “save as” option. Even-though “save picture option is still available using right-click on the above image, but instead of downloading the actual photograph, it would save blank image. Also the URL for the image will appear as junk characters and thus it would deter all non-tech savvy guy from hotlinking the image.

What you required to do is change the value of the src attribute to point to a blank image and then you are required to add a new style attribute to render the actual image. Also, you need to make sure that the value of width and height parameters are exactly the same as the actual.

The above method is similar to having transparent screen on your photograph and anyone who tries to save the image would end up downloading the screen instead of the image.

Adding a Copyright Notice

Individuals need not put a copyright notice on their images to protect it, but definitely required to register a copyright to protect their work, so that it can restrict others claiming their work as their own.

Watermark Your Images

To prevent image downloading, you can also add textual copyright watermarks, another great solution is usage of semi-transparent image is to watermark the whole image.

Watermarks are difficult to remove, hence they are effective,but few people find it very distracting. Thus the decision is left to the creator, whether to use watermark for their images or not.

Add DMCA Badge

The DMCA does offer free protection for websites and inclusion of takedown service incase if someone is trying to use other images without owner’s permission. The DMCA would threaten on the owner’s behalf to take legal action if someone uses their images without their permission.

By inserting DMCA badge on your website, it would prevent serial image stealers . The good news is, even free image watermarking service is available. We find DMCA plugin is available for WordPress that inserts badge on all your website pages automatically.

Use Reverse Image Search

Yes, it is very true,we cannot always stop people from stealing your images, but making a plea not to do the same would stop people from stealing your images.

It is easy to find different sites which are using your images by the usage of handy trick in google images. To use this particular service click image on Google and then click the camera icon in the search box and start searching by image. They can either enter a URL their website or drag in an image from their computer. All the images which are visually similar to your’s would be displayed. Incase, if they tend to find the exact image, they can click through to the site and then contact the owner.

Disable Hotlinking

By disabling hotlinking, it does not stop people from downloading your images, but it would stop them from embedding them in their own site.

Don’t be Obsessive, take Precautions

It does make sense to take a few steps to protect your images when you solely rely on them for your livelihood, but do remember that whatever measures you tend to take, nothing would stop from stealing your images if they really desire to do so.

I know imitation is the highest form of flattery, but stealing one’s identity is totally different. AnnaLynne McCord

Updated on: 12-May-2022


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