Features of Good Message Passing in Distributed System

In a distributed system, message passing is a critical component of communication between processes or nodes. Message passing allows processes to share data, coordinate their activities, and respond to changes in system. A well-designed message passing system can improve performance, reliability, and scalability of a distributed system. In this article, we will discuss features of good message passing in distributed systems and provide examples of how these features can be implemented.


Reliability is one of most important features of message passing in distributed systems. Messages should be delivered to intended recipient, even in presence of failures, network delays, and other issues. A reliable message passing system should provide guarantees that messages will be delivered in a timely manner, without being lost, duplicated, or reordered. Several techniques can be used to achieve reliable message delivery:

  • Acknowledgements − sender can wait for an acknowledgement from receiver that message has been received. If sender does not receive an acknowledgement within a certain time period, it can retransmit message.

  • Message sequencing: Messages can be numbered, so that receiver can detect missing or out-of-order messages and request retransmission.

  • Message logging − Messages can be logged on both sender and receiver side, so that if a failure occurs, system can recover by resending messages that were lost.


Apache Kafka distributed streaming platform uses acknowledgements, message sequencing, and message logging to ensure reliable message delivery. Kafka also provides configurable settings for retries, timeouts, and consistency guarantees.


Scalability is another important feature of message passing in distributed systems. A scalable message passing system should be able to handle increasing amounts of data, traffic, and users without degrading performance or reliability. Several techniques can be used to achieve scalability −

  • Load balancing: Messages can be distributed across multiple nodes to avoid overloading a single node.

  • Partitioning − Messages can be partitioned into multiple streams or topics, so that different nodes can handle different subsets of data.

  • Caching: Messages can be cached in memory or on disk, to reduce number of requests to underlying storage system.


Redis open-source in-memory data structure store uses load balancing, partitioning, and caching to achieve high scalability and performance. Redis can handle millions of requests per second and supports a variety of data structures and operations.


Flexibility is another feature of good message passing in distributed systems. A flexible message passing system should allow for different types of messages, data formats, and protocols, to accommodate needs of different applications and users. Several techniques can be used to achieve flexibility −

  • Message transformation − Messages can be transformed from one format to another, using middleware or other tools.

  • Protocol bridging − Messages can be converted from one protocol to another, using gateways or other adapters.

  • Customization: Messages can be customized with metadata or other attributes, to provide additional context or information.


Apache ActiveMQ open-source message broker supports a wide range of messaging protocols and data formats, including JMS, AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP. ActiveMQ also provides flexible configuration options and APIs for customization.


Security is a critical feature of message passing in distributed systems. A secure message passing system should protect messages from unauthorized access, interception, or modification. Several techniques can be used to achieve security:

  • Authentication − Messages can be authenticated using digital signatures or other cryptographic techniques, to ensure that they are coming from a trusted source.

  • Encryption − Messages can be encrypted using symmetric or asymmetric encryption, to protect their contents from eavesdropping or tampering.

  • Access control − Messages can be restricted based on identity, role, or permissions of sender or receiver, to prevent unauthorized access or modification.


Apache Pulsar open-source distributed pub-sub messaging system provides end-to-end encryption and authentication, using TLS and OAuth2. Pulsar also supports fine-grained access control policies, to control who can publish or subscribe to specific topics or namespaces.


Performance is a critical feature of message passing in distributed systems. A high-performance message passing system should be able to handle large volumes of data and messages, with low latency and high throughput. Several techniques can be used to achieve performance:

  • Asynchronous messaging − Messages can be sent and received asynchronously, without blocking sender or receiver.

  • Zero-copy messaging − Messages can be passed between processes without copying them to a temporary buffer, to reduce memory and CPU overhead.

  • Message batching − Messages can be batched together and sent in a single network packet, to reduce network overhead and improve throughput.


Apache Flink open-source distributed stream processing framework uses asynchronous messaging, zero-copy messaging, and message batching to achieve high-performance data processing and analysis. Flink can handle billions of events per second and supports a variety of data sources and sinks.


Monitoring is another feature of good message passing in distributed systems. A well-monitored message passing system should provide real-time visibility into state and health of system, to detect and diagnose issues before they become critical. Several techniques can be used to achieve monitoring:

  • Metrics collection − Key metrics such as message rates, latencies, and error rates can be collected and aggregated, to provide a holistic view of system performance.

  • Logging − Detailed logs of message activity, errors, and exceptions can be collected and analyzed, to identify patterns and trends.

  • Alerting − Threshold-based alerts can be set up to notify administrators or developers when certain metrics or events cross a predefined threshold, to enable proactive remediation.


Prometheus open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit provides a flexible and powerful platform for collecting, aggregating, and visualizing metrics from distributed systems. Prometheus can be integrated with various message passing systems and supports a variety of query and alerting mechanisms.

Fault tolerance

Fault tolerance is a key feature of good message passing in distributed systems. system should be able to handle failures of nodes, networks, and other components, without losing messages or data. Several techniques can be used to achieve fault tolerance −

  • Replication: Messages can be replicated across multiple nodes, to ensure that they are not lost if one node fails.

  • Redundancy − Multiple instances of message passing system can be run in parallel, to provide redundancy and failover capability.

  • Reconciliation − system can maintain a consistent state across nodes, using techniques such as distributed consensus or two-phase commit, to ensure that messages are not lost or duplicated.


Apache Kafka open-source distributed streaming platform provides strong fault tolerance and high availability, using techniques such as data replication, leader election, and ZooKeeper coordination. Kafka can handle node failures and network partitions, and can recover quickly from failures.


Scalability is another important feature of good message passing in distributed systems. system should be able to handle a large number of clients and messages, without becoming overwhelmed or slowing down. Several techniques can be used to achieve scalability −

  • Partitioning − Messages can be partitioned across multiple nodes, to distribute load and improve parallelism.

  • Load balancing − Clients can be load-balanced across multiple nodes, to evenly distribute load and prevent hotspots.

  • Sharding − system can be sharded into multiple independent components, to improve horizontal scalability and fault tolerance.


NATS open-source messaging system provides high-performance, low-latency messaging with strong scalability and fault tolerance. NATS can handle millions of messages per second and supports clustering and sharding for improved scalability and reliability.


Compatibility is another feature of good message passing in distributed systems. system should be compatible with a wide range of clients, protocols, and applications, to enable seamless integration and interoperability. Several techniques can be used to achieve compatibility:

  • Protocol support − system can support multiple messaging protocols, such as AMQP, MQTT, or STOMP, to enable communication with a wide range of clients.

  • API compatibility − system can provide client libraries and APIs in multiple programming languages, to enable integration with a wide range of applications.

  • Interoperability − system can support message translation or transformation, to enable communication between clients using different protocols or formats.


RabbitMQ open-source message broker provides support for multiple messaging protocols and client libraries, including AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP. RabbitMQ can be integrated with various programming languages and frameworks, and supports message translation and transformation for seamless interoperability.


In conclusion, message passing is a critical component of communication in distributed systems, and a well-designed message passing system can improve performance, reliability, scalability, flexibility, security, and monitoring of system. By implementing features discussed in this article, developers and architects can build robust and efficient message passing systems that can handle a wide range of applications and use cases.

Updated on: 29-Sep-2023


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