Features and Functions of Cabinet Committees in the Indian Government


Governing India is a complex task for any sitting prime minister of India. Usually for resolving some complex issue related to governing the India, Prime minister forms a cabinet committee which get a task to advise the cabinet headed by prime minister related to various policy matters.

This is why, this is a features and functions of Cabinet Committees are an important topic for candidates who studying Indian Polity. If you are also here for gaining all the relatable information about the same, then please read this article fully.

So, let's start-

What are Cabinet Committees?

Cabinet Committees are small groups of ministers formed by the Prime Minister of India to assist and advise the Cabinet on various policy matters. These committees are responsible for the smooth functioning of the government, and they provide a platform for discussing and resolving important issues before they are presented to the Cabinet.

The decisions taken by these committees are considered as the decisions of the Cabinet, and they are binding on all the ministries and departments of the government. The members of these committees are typically senior ministers, and they are appointed by the Prime Minister based on their expertise and experience in the relevant fields.

Formation Process of Cabinet Committees

We have listed the formation process of Cabinet Committees in India below:

  • The Prime Minister of India; who is the head of the government, has the power to constitute Cabinet Committees.
  • The Cabinet Secretary; who is the top-most civil servant in the country, serves as the convener of the Cabinet Committees.
  • The Prime Minister selects the members of the Cabinet Committees & they are typically senior ministers and experts in their respective fields.
  • The Prime Minister selects the members of the Cabinet Committees & they are typically senior ministers and experts in their respective fields.
  • The Prime Minister selects the members of the Cabinet Committees & they are typically senior ministers and experts in their respective fields.
  • The terms of reference for each Cabinet Committee are defined by the Prime Minister.
  • The Cabinet Committees may also co-opt other experts, bureaucrats or stakeholders as required.
  • The Cabinet Committees may also invite other ministers, bureaucrats, experts or stakeholders to attend their meetings as invitees, if required.
  • The decisions of the Cabinet Committees are implemented by the relevant ministries or departments of the government.
  • The Cabinet Committees may also report to the full Cabinet, which comprises all the ministers of the government, as required.
  • The Cabinet Committees may be reconstituted or dissolved by the Prime Minister at any time, depending on the changing needs of the government.

Features and Functions of Cabinet Committees in the Indian Government

Here, we've added a few of the most important features and functions of Cabinet Committees in the Indian government:

Advisory Role

Cabinet Committees are formed to advise and assist the Cabinet in making decisions on various matters.

Specialized Expertise

The members of Cabinet Committees are chosen for their specialized knowledge and expertise in specific areas.


Cabinet Committees can be formed and disbanded as per the need and can be reconstituted with different members as per the requirement.

 Deliberative Process

Cabinet Committees facilitate a deliberative process, which allows for detailed discussion and consideration of various aspects of a proposal.


The main object of Cabinet Committees is to save the time of the Cabinet. They do it by dealing with routine and specific issues in a more efficient manner.


Generally, the Cabinet Committees help in coordination between different ministries and departments. Also, they ensure that the government's policies are consistent.

Focused On Specific Issues

Cabinet Committees are formed to focus on specific issues such as economic affairs, political affairs, security, and foreign affairs, among others.

Preparation of Proposals

Cabinet Committees prepare proposals for consideration by the Cabinet, including providing detailed analysis and recommendations.

Policy Formulation

Cabinet Committees assist in formulating policies that are consistent with the government's overall objectives.


Cabinet Committees monitor the implementation of Cabinet decisions and policies and provide regular reports to the Cabinet.


Q1. What is the purpose of creating Cabinet Committees in the Indian Government?

Ans: The purpose of creating Cabinet Committees in the Indian Government is to provide specialized advice and expertise to the Cabinet on specific policy areas, to expedite decision-making, and to facilitate inter-ministerial coordination.

Q2. How many Cabinet Committees are there in the Indian Government?

Ans: There are currently 8 Cabinet Committees in the Indian Government:

  • Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
  • Cabinet Committee on Accommodation
  • Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
  • Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs
  • Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs
  • Cabinet Committee on Security
  • Cabinet Committee on Investment and Growth
  • Cabinet Committee on Employment and Skill Development

Q3. Who can become a member of a Cabinet Committee?

Ans: Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State, and other experts can become members of Cabinet Committees, depending on the specific Committee and its purpose.

Q4. What is the role of the Prime Minister in the functioning of Cabinet Committees

Ans: The Prime Minister plays a key role in the functioning of Cabinet Committees, as he is responsible for determining the terms of reference and membership of each Committee, as well as for overseeing their work.

Q5. What kind of issues are typically handled by the Cabinet Committees?

Ans: The Prime Minister plays a key role in the functioning of Cabinet Committees, as he is responsible for determining the terms of reference and membership of each Committee, as well as for overseeing their work.

Updated on: 05-May-2023


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