Fastest Method to Check If Two Files Have Same Contents


In today's era of technological advancements, use of computers and various electronic devices has become an essential part of our daily routine. We often find ourselves in situations where we need to compare two files to check if they contain same content or not. This can be a daunting task, especially if files are large in size, and traditional comparison methods can be quite time-consuming. In this article, we will explore fastest methods to check if two files have same contents.

What is a File Comparison?

A file comparison is a process of comparing two or more files to determine whether they are identical or different in content. This is often used in software development to check differences between code versions, but can also be useful in everyday life, for instance, when comparing backup files or two versions of same document. To make this comparison, there are various file comparison tools available, but some methods are faster than others.

Method 1: File Size Comparison

One of simplest and fastest ways to check if two files have same contents is to compare their file sizes. This method assumes that if two files have same size, then they are likely to have same content. However, it is not always a guarantee, as files of different formats or encoding can have same size but different content.


Suppose we have two files A and B. We can check their sizes using "ls -l" command in Linux or "dir" command in Windows. output of command will display file size in bytes.


ls -l A B


-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1024 Jun 10 12:22 A -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1024 Jun 10 12:22 B

In this example, both files A and B have same size of 1024 bytes, indicating that they might have same content. However, this is not always case, and further checks may be needed.

Method 2: Hash Comparison

Hash comparison is a popular and fast method to check if two files have same content. A hash function takes a file and generates a fixed-size string, known as a hash value, that represents content of file. If two files have same hash value, it is almost certain that they have same content. There are various hash functions available, such as MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256, and choice of function depends on level of security and speed required.


Suppose we have two files A and B. We can check their hash values using "md5sum" command in Linux or "certutil -hashfile" command in Windows. output of command will display hash value of file.


md5sum A B


4e7a8b6413e949896bbbfb3eaa3d3c8f A 4e7a8b6413e949896bbbfb3eaa3d3c8f B

In this example, both files A and B have same hash value of "4e7a8b6413e949896bbbfb3eaa3d3c8f", indicating that they have same content.

Method 3: Binary Comparison

Binary comparison is a straightforward and fast method to check if two files have same content. It involves comparing binary representation of files byte by byte, and if there is a difference in any byte, files are considered different. This method can be time-consuming for large files, but it is one of most reliable methods.


Suppose we have two files A and B. We can use "cmp" command in Linux or "fc" command in Windows to perform binary comparison. output of command will display first byte that is different, or no output if files are identical.


cmp A B


(no output)

In this example, files A and B are identical as there is no output from command.

Additional Methods

Memory-mapped File Comparison

Memory-mapped file comparison is a method of comparing two files by mapping their contents into memory and comparing them byte by byte. It is a fast and efficient method, as it avoids reading files from disk, but it may require more memory to perform comparison.


Suppose we have two files A and B. We can use memory-mapped file comparison in Python to compare them.

import mmap with open("A", "rb") as file_a, open("B", "rb") as file_b: with mmap.mmap(file_a.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as mmap_a,
mmap.mmap(file_b.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as mmap_b: if mmap_a == mmap_b: print("The files are identical.") else: print("The files are different.")

In this example, code will compare contents of files A and B using memory-mapped files and display result.

Bitwise XOR Comparison

Bitwise XOR comparison is a method of comparing two files by performing a bitwise XOR operation on their contents. If XOR result is zero, it indicates that files have same content. This method is faster than binary comparison, but it may not be as reliable.


Suppose we have two files A and B. We can use bitwise XOR comparison in Python to compare them.

with open("A", "rb") as file_a, open("B", "rb") as file_b: 
if == 
print("The files are identical.") 
xor_result = int.from_bytes( ^ int.from_bytes(
if xor_result == 0: 
print("The files are identical.") 
print("The files are different.")

In this example, code will first compare contents of files A and B using binary comparison. If they are not identical, it will perform a bitwise XOR operation and check if result is zero.


In conclusion, there are various methods available to check if two files have same content, each with its advantages and limitations. fastest method to use depends on file size, level of security required, and time available to perform comparison. File size comparison is simplest and quickest method but does not guarantee that files have same content. Hash comparison is a fast and reliable method that provides a high level of security. Binary comparison is most reliable method, but it can be time-consuming for large files. It is essential to choose appropriate method to achieve desired result efficiently.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023

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