Fashion Merchandising in Fashion Industry

In the field of modern business, fashion merchandisers may operate in retail operations as buyers who choose product categories and design promotions to boost brand awareness and market share. Others provide marketing and advertising, locate shelf space for products, and place them in stores on behalf of fashion designers and labels. A college degree in fashion merchandising can help some people get ready to create their own store, giving them total control over their fashion business.

To put it simply, fashion merchandising combines both art and commerce. As a fashion merchandising specialist, you’ll mix your enthusiasm for clothing with a focus on business in order to promote companies and boost sales. Your place of employment could be a regular office, a retail location, the corporate office of a label, a trade fair, or all of the above due to the diversity of this industry. A quality inspection at a textile supplier can follow a meeting with designers to discuss new collections the following day. In this intriguing field of fashion, you can examine every facet of the dynamic business sector of the fashion industry.

What Is Fashion Merchandising?

Fashion merchandising is a dynamic industry that calls for talented managers to present the newest goods and trends to a growing number of fashion-conscious consumers. The goal of merchandising is to support the operation of the retail business and the fashion design process. Some of the tasks involved in fashion merchandising include the following factors −

  • Creating retail displays to draw in passers-by, highlight prominent goods, and encourage purchases

  • Purchasing clothing for department stores or resale.

  • Choosing the proper retail price

  • Creating campaigns to advertise fresh merchandise, collections, and sales

  • Assessing a target market’s trends, purchasing behaviours, and demographics

  • Assisting in the management of production and manufacturing operations

  • Coordinating clothing-related marketing and advertising campaigns.

The Concept and Role of Fashion Merchandising

An individual who purchases and sells items with the intention of generating a profit is referred to as a “merchant.” The merchandising profiles used in the fashion industry come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are intended to serve a variety of purposes at various phases of the industry. The merchandiser’s job description has undergone numerous alterations as the discipline of merchandising in the fashion industry has developed over time. It includes fees that range from straightforward work to one that is incredibly difficult, nearly covering every role in the fashion sector. As a result, the competencies needed for the position have changed, and fashion merchandising as a field has advanced.

In the fashion industry, the merchandiser’s job is both important and challenging. At various levels of the industry, a fashion merchandiser’s responsibilities include design development, production execution and sourcing, customer sales, and retail store display. The skills necessary for fashion merchandising include keeping up with current market trends, predicting upcoming fashion trends, and evaluating technical factors like fabric and trim details, garment quality, and sourcing strategies. They also include communication and coordination with relevant industry stakeholders. Fashion merchandisers adapt a designer’s concept or drawing so that it is viable for the market, producible, and satisfies consumer wants.

Need For Merchandising

The following summarises the need for merchandising across the entire fashion industry and business sphere −

From The Viewpoint of The Buyer

  • To determine industry trends.

  • In order to create a new style, it is necessary to predict the market.

  • The merchandiser develops products.

  • Creation of a new line for the upcoming season

  • The merchandiser creates the line plan.

  • Calendar for marketing campaigns

  • To create It is necessary to coordinate and communicate with the manufacturer, merchandiser, and buying house.

From The Viewpoint of The Manufacturer

  • The production merchandiser serves as a conduit between the maker and the consumer.

  • When a buyer inquires about a new order, a merchandiser is needed.

  • The merchandiser receives all the information from the buyer and must then translate it in a manner that is clear to production executives.

  • A merchandiser is required to follow up on orders properly.

  • The merchandiser is in charge of consuming and costing the fabrics and trims.

Advantages Of Fashion Merchandising

  • The merchandising job is very demanding.

  • Lucrative position

  • Possibility of travel

  • Personal development

  • It is simple to transfer into a similar sector because the job description includes many activities.

  • There are numerous work options available.

  • Contact with people of other backgrounds, cultures, nations, and tongues

  • Growth of soft talents

Disadvantages Of Fashion Merchandising

  • Overly heavy workload

  • Overly extensive travel

  • Unsocial behaviour

  • Massive competition

  • Rigidity of the training plan

  • Long and irregular workdays


To conclude, the term “merchandising” has a fairly broad definition in business. The merchandiser’s job varies depending on the stage of the fashion business, including production, procurement, retail, and sales. Merchandising work is dynamic and varies from organisation to organization. In certain organisations, the position of the merchandiser is very broad, while in others it is very specialised. With the expansion of the apparel sector, the merchandiser’s job description is evolving and becoming more complex than in the past. Depending on the structure and stage of the fashion business, the necessary abilities for merchandising fluctuate considerably.

Updated on: 03-Feb-2023


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