Explicitly assigning port number to client in Socket


When building client-server applications using sockets, it's essential to assign a unique port number to each client to ensure proper communication between server and clients. By explicitly assigning a port number to each client, server can identify and communicate with individual clients without confusion or overlap. In this article, we'll explore importance of assigning port numbers to clients and how to do so effectively.

What is a port number?

In context of networking, a port number is a 16-bit unsigned integer that uniquely identifies a specific process to which a network packet is directed. When a client sends a packet to a server, it specifies server's IP address and a port number to indicate which process on server should handle packet. Similarly, when a server sends a packet to a client, it specifies client's IP address and a port number to indicate which process on client should handle packet.

Why assign a port number to each client?

In a client-server application, server needs to communicate with multiple clients simultaneously. To do so, server needs to keep track of each client's connection and state. By assigning a unique port number to each client, server can easily identify and track each client's connection and state, without confusion or overlap. This approach ensures that each client's data remains separate and secure, and server can provide tailored responses to each client.

How to assign a port number to a client?

When a client connects to a server, server assigns a unique port number to client. There are two ways to assign a port number to a client −

  • Server-allocated port numbers − In this approach, server selects an available port number from a predefined range of port numbers and assigns it to client. server keeps track of which port numbers are assigned to which clients and frees up port number when client disconnects. This approach is straightforward and requires minimal client configuration, but it may lead to port exhaustion if too many clients connect simultaneously, or predefined range of port numbers is too small.

  • Client-specified port numbers − In this approach, client specifies port number it wants to use when connecting to server. server then assigns requested port number to client if it's available, or rejects connection if port number is already in use. This approach provides greater flexibility for clients, but it requires additional configuration and coordination between server and clients.

Examples of assigning a port number to a client

Let's take a look at some examples of assigning a port number to a client using both server-allocated and client-specified approaches.

Example 1 − Server-allocated port numbers In this example, we'll use Python's socket library to create a simple server that accepts connections from multiple clients and assigns a unique port number to each client.

import socket

# Define host and port
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 5000

# Create a socket object
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# Bind socket to host and port
server_socket.bind((HOST, PORT))

# Listen for incoming connections

print(f'Server listening on {HOST}:{PORT}')

while True:
    # Accept incoming connection
    client_socket, client_address = server_socket.accept()
    print(f'New connection from {client_address}')

    # Assign a unique port number to client
    client_port = 6000 + len(client_sockets)
    client_sockets.append((client_socket, client_address, client_port))

    # Send client its assigned port number

    # Handle client communication on a separate thread
    threading.Thread(target=handle_client, args=(client_socket,)).start

In this example, server creates a socket object and binds it to host and port specified. server then listens for incoming connections using listen() method. When a new client connects to server, server accepts connection and assigns a unique port number to client. server keeps track of each client's socket, address, and assigned port number in a list called client_sockets. server then sends assigned port number to client using send() method. Finally, server handles each client's communication on a separate thread using handle_client() function.

Example 2 − Client-specified port numbers In this example, we'll modify previous server example to allow clients to specify port number they want to use when connecting to server.

import socket

# Define host and port
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 5000

# Create a socket object
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# Bind socket to host and port
server_socket.bind((HOST, PORT))

# Listen for incoming connections

print(f'Server listening on {HOST}:{PORT}')

while True:
    # Accept incoming connection
    client_socket, client_address = server_socket.accept()
    print(f'New connection from {client_address}')

    # Prompt client to specify a port number
    client_socket.send(b'Specify a port number: ')
    client_port = int(client_socket.recv(1024).decode())

    # Assign requested port number to client
    client_socket.bind((HOST, client_port))

    # Handle client communication on a separate thread
    threading.Thread(target=handle_client, args=(client_socket,)).start()

In this example, server prompts each client to specify a port number using send() method. server then receives requested port number using recv() method and converts it to an integer using int() function. server assigns requested port number to client by calling bind() method on client's socket object. server then listens for incoming connections on assigned port number using listen() method. Finally, server handles each client's communication on a separate thread using handle_client() function.

Best Practices for Assigning Port Numbers

While assigning a port number to a client can be straightforward, there are some best practices to consider for optimal performance and security.

  • Use well-known ports for server applications − Well-known ports are predefined port numbers that are reserved for specific services, such as port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS. By using well-known ports for server applications, you can ensure that clients can connect to server without additional configuration.

  • Use dynamic or private ports for client applications − Dynamic or private ports are port numbers that are not predefined and are typically used by client applications. By using dynamic or private ports, you can minimize risk of port conflicts and improve security by making it harder for attackers to predict which port a client is using.

  • Implement port forwarding − Port forwarding is a technique that allows clients to connect to a server through a router or firewall by forwarding incoming traffic from a specific port to server's listening port. By implementing port forwarding, you can enable clients to connect to server from outside local network.

  • Use encryption − Encryption is process of encoding data to prevent unauthorized access. By using encryption, you can protect sensitive data transmitted between server and clients, such as usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information.

  • Monitor port usage − Monitoring port usage is essential for identifying potential security threats or performance issues. By monitoring port usage, you can detect port scans, port sweeps, and other suspicious activity that could indicate an attack.


In conclusion, assigning a unique port number to each client is crucial for proper communication between server and clients in client-server applications. By explicitly assigning a port number to each client, server can identify and track each client's connection and state, without confusion or overlap. There are two ways to assign a port number to a client: server-allocated and client-specified port numbers. Server-allocated port numbers are straightforward and require minimal client configuration, while client-specified port numbers provide greater flexibility for clients but require additional configuration and coordination between server and clients.

Updated on: 29-Sep-2023


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