Explain why holes are made in hanging banners and hoardings.

Often when we see the banners and hoardings hanging in the markets and on the streets, it is seen that holes are made in the hanging banners and hoardings. Let us know why these holes are made in hanging banners and hoardings:

Reasons for making holes in hanging banners and hoardings:

When the stormy wind blows, it causes many a thing to get torn, break, fall or move due to its high pressure. In hanging banners and hoardings, holes are punched to prevent them to get torn and falling down because:

  • Air exerts pressure which can cause banners and hoardings to burst and fall down as wind pressure is applied in all directions.
  • Holes are made in banners and hoardings to let the wind pass through the banners and hoardings.
  • By letting the wind pass through the pressure exerted by the air can be reduced.
  • By reducing exerted air pressure we can prevent the banners and hoardings to get torn and falling down.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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