Explain the Union to pointer in C language

A union is called as a memory location, which is shared by several variables of different data types.


The syntax is as follows −

union uniontag{
   datatype member 1;
   datatype member 2;
   datatype member n;

For example,

union sample{
   int a;
   float b;
   char c;

Declaration of union variable

Given below are the respective declarations of union variable −

Union sample

   int a;
   float b;
   char c;


   int a;
   float b;
   char c;

Union sample

   int a;
   float b;
   char c;
union sample s;

When union is declared, the compiler automatically creates a variable which hold the largest variable type in the union.

At any time, only one variable can be referred.

Initialization and accessing

  • Accessing union member is same as the structure.
  • Generally, the dot operator is used for accessing members.
  • The arrow operator ( ->) is used for accessing the members
  • There is no restriction while using data type in a union.


Following is the C program for union to pointer −

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union abc{
   int a;
   char b;
int main(){
   union abc var;
   union abc *p=&var;


When the above program is executed, it produces the following result −


Updated on: 09-Mar-2021


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