Explain Process Mining

With the help of UiPath Process Mining, you can see how your business processes actually function by analyzing the digital traces left by your enterprise systems and apps.Process mining is a technique for process analysis that extracts insights into processes from data in IT systems. Process Mining is a fact−based method that shows the precise process as it occurred in practice as opposed to using workshops to paint an idealized picture of a process.

Organizations can find solutions to their operational and procedural problems by using process mining. It seeks to enhance client interaction and business operations. The former describes the operational and tactical aspects of internal business process execution. The latter refers to the client interactions that firms have as part of a set internal business procedure.

Benefits of Process Mining

Following are the advantages of Process Mining −

  • A sequence of actions taken in a certain order to accomplish a task is referred to as a process. It may also be explained as a series of incidents that culminate in a certain outcome.

  • It is a series of actions that can increase or diminish value, to put it briefly. Every process in the UiPath Process Mining concept has business value at its core. It is a practical asset that an organization may use. It might be boosting consumer satisfaction, complying with regulations, promoting staff happiness, or increasing turnover or profit.

  • When work is performed poorly and needs to be redone, the value might be reduced. Losing clients, not receiving payment for bills on time, or having excess inventory with significant capital expenses are further examples.

  • Knowing where issues are and whether it is worthwhile to invest in changes depend on having a clear understanding of the process's real "as is" status.

  • In order to improve efficiency, Process Mining may be utilized in this situation to identify problems sooner, such as supply chain delays and understaffing. Data mining and model−based process analysis are combined, which leads to the enhancement of company performance.

Process Mining Equipment

Massive volumes of data are logged by systems, which Process Mining tools employ to calculate models and visualize those as process graphs. The interactive representation of processes drastically reduces the time needed to generate insights. It enables you to look at the actual procedure.

Different decisions are made by each process mining tool while filtering and displaying the inputted data. The findings' quality may be greatly impacted by this.

A quick and simple way to be "in charge" and enhance your processes is provided by UiPath Process Mining. Although process mining was first carried out by technical data analysts, business users now have access to it thanks to UiPath Process Mining. Everyone will gain from the ongoing insights in their processes in this way.

Cycle of Process Mining

A process mining cycle has the following phases −

  • Data transformation − Gathering data from all of your digital touchpoints and transforming it into event logs.

  • Process analysis may help you determine which parts of your process increase or diminish value.

  • Continuously Improvement − identifying fact−based opportunities to lower operational risk, improve performance, and generate savings is what is meant by continuous improvement.

Components of the UiPath Process Mining

Following are various components of the UiPath Process Mining

  • UiPath Process Mining Superadmin − Apps are developed, maintained, and deployed collectively using the UiPath Process Mining Super Admin page.

    The app developer creates or alters applications or discovery accelerators. The app may be prepared for roll−out by adding Tags, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and named variations so that it suits the context of the business customers. In order for end users to readily assess and monitor their operations, the app developer then distributes this app to them.

  • TemplateOne − To create sophisticated Process Mining apps and dashboards, developers may start with TemplateOne, which is completely configurable, versatile, and reusable. Like AppOne, TemplateOne offers a selection of pre−built dashboards. Compared to AppOne, TemplateOne is easier to use and more adaptable.

    The starting point for customizing anything more process−specific, like a discovery accelerator, is TemplateOne. It allows us the ability to integrate dashboards, analytics, and KPIs tailored to individual processes.

  • AppOne − The basic UiPath Process Mining programme, known as AppOne, is available and ready to use for continuous monitoring, root−cause analysis, and process insight. By using AppOne, you can begin studying your process right away without having to start from scratch with a new app.

    Process mining makes use of data to visualize and examine the real end−to−end processes, including all variations and pertinent KPIs. The dashboards in AppOne each display a distinct aspect of the input data.

    Analyses to identify process improvements are the main emphasis of traditional process mining. Following these enhancements, it is also feasible in AppOne to continuously monitor your operations.

  • Buy−to−Pay Discovery Accelerator − The Purchase−to−Pay Discovery Accelerator is a ready−to−use standard discovery accelerator for UiPath Process Mining that can be used to analyze and monitor the Purchase−to−Pay process using input data from, for instance, your SAP system.

    Through established KPIs (such as throughput times and on−time delivery rates) and dashboards suited to business outcomes crucial to the performance of their individual departments, it makes process analysis and monitoring for stakeholders in procurement and order management simpler. According to each stakeholder's preferences, a variety of perspectives on the whole Purchase−to−Pay process are accessible.

  • Order−to−Cash Discovery Accelerator − The Order−to−Cash Discovery Accelerator is a ready−to−use UiPath Process Mining standard discovery accelerator for studying and monitoring the Order−to−Cash process based on input data from, for instance, your SAP system. Through established measurements (such throughput times and delivery rates) and dashboards suited to business outcomes crucial to the performance of their individual departments, it makes process analysis and monitoring simpler. Each stakeholder's demands may be met through a variety of views on the whole Order−to−Cash process.

How to get started with Process Mining?

Before proceeding with the process mining you need to follow the following steps −

Step-1 Understanding your desired outcomes

Get a sense of the "pain" your company is experiencing and/or the issues you are running into by first taking a look at the department inside your firm. A business process may be causing this pain in terms of time, money, or quality.

Understanding the suffering will enable you to more accurately define the process that needs to be examined. In the following stages, we'll go through how to utilise UiPath Process Mining (a tool made accessible by UiPath Platform) to address the issue you highlighted.

Step 2- Qualify a batch of process

You can determine whether your business process is a strong candidate for process mining in a number of ways −

  • System type − Identifying whether or not the business process logs are kept in contemporary or ancient applications. This will have an immediate impact on the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process since you might need to employ specialized Python or R scripts to scrape data from legacy systems or just run a SQL query against a database.

  • Data volume is a crucial indicator for thorough data mining. To automatically map and generate the process, UiPath process mining looks for patterns in the logs. The process graph that the programme creates will only depict a portion of the process if there is insufficient data.

Step 3- Extract, load, and transform (repeat again and again)

The next step is to do the ETL procedure after choosing which business process to examine. Here, it is crucial to comprehend the names of the underlying tables used by programmes like SAP S/4HANA or Oracle. The more clearly you comprehend the titles of the tables and where the data is kept, the quicker you can finish this phase. The process graph is displayed by the event logs. However, you will need to extract key performance indicators (KPIs), which may be maintained in another system, in order to monitor goals linked to time and money.


The final stage is to choose the solution or the treatment to enhance the company process once you have identified the aforementioned activities. It could be necessary to optimize and modify your process or to install a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution. No matter what option you choose, UiPath Process Mining excels in constructing a comprehensive picture of the business process and focusing on the areas that need improvement with a "top−to−bottom" approach.

Updated on: 09-Dec-2022


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