Explain Parameter passing Semantics in RPC

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a communication protocol that enables a process running on one computer to invoke a procedure in another process running on a remote computer. procedure call appears to caller as a local procedure call, but in reality, call is transmitted over a network. RPC involves several aspects such as marshaling of parameters, handling of return values, and communication between client and server.

In this article, we will focus on parameter passing semantics in RPC. We will discuss various parameter passing methods and their characteristics, including pass-by-value, pass-by-reference, pass-by-result, and pass-by-object-reference. We will also provide examples to help illustrate these concepts.

Parameter Passing in RPC

When a client sends a procedure call to a server over network, parameters of procedure need to be transmitted to server. RPC uses different parameter passing methods to transmit these parameters.


In pass-by-value, value of parameter is copied to server. In other words, actual parameter value is transmitted to server, and a new copy is created for server to work with. Any changes made to parameter within procedure are local to server and do not affect original value on client.

Example: Suppose a client wants to calculate sum of two integers, a and b, by calling a remote procedure called 'addition'. client passes two integers, a and b, as parameters to 'addition' procedure.

addition(int a, int b){ 
   int result = a + b; 
   return result; 

In pass-by-value, values of a and b are copied to server. 'addition' procedure calculates sum and returns result to client.


In pass-by-reference, a reference to parameter is transmitted to server. In other words, instead of copying actual parameter value to server, address of parameter is transmitted. This allows server to directly access parameter value and make changes to it.

Example: Suppose a client wants to update value of an integer, x, by calling a remote procedure called 'update'. client passes address of integer, x, as a parameter to 'update' procedure.

update(int* x){ 
   *x = *x + 1; 

In pass-by-reference, address of x is transmitted to server. 'update' procedure increments value of x by 1, which updates original value on client.


In pass-by-result, parameter is transmitted to server, and server copies value back to client at end of procedure call. This allows server to modify parameter value without affecting original value on client.

Example: Suppose a client wants to find minimum and maximum values of an array of integers, arr, by calling a remote procedure called 'minmax'. client passes array as a parameter to 'minmax' procedure.

minmax(int arr[], int& min, int& max){ 
   min = arr[0]; 
   max = arr[0]; 
   for (int i = 1; i < size; i++){ 
      if (arr[i] < min){ 
         min = arr[i]; 
      if (arr[i] > max){ 
         max = arr[i]; 

In pass-by-result, values of min and max are transmitted to server. 'minmax' procedure calculates minimum and maximum values of array and returns them to client by copying values back to client's memory.


In pass-by-object-reference, client sends an object reference to server. server then uses this reference to directly access and modify object on client. This approach is useful when passing complex objects that may contain many parameters or have a large memory footprint.

Example: Suppose a client wants to modify attributes of a rectangle object by calling a remote procedure called 'setRectangleAttributes'. client passes a reference to rectangle object as a parameter to 'setRectangleAttributes' procedure.

setRectangleAttributes(Rectangle& rect, int newWidth, int newHeight){

In pass-by-object-reference, reference to rectangle object is transmitted to server. 'setRectangleAttributes' procedure modifies width and height attributes of rectangle object directly on client.

Comparison of Parameter Passing Semantics

Each parameter passing method has its advantages and disadvantages. choice of parameter passing method depends on various factors such as type of parameters being passed, size of parameters, and performance requirements of system.

Pass-by-value is simplest parameter passing method and is suitable for small and simple data types. However, it may not be efficient for large data types or complex objects that require significant memory copying.

Pass-by-reference is suitable for large data types or complex objects as it avoids overhead of copying large amounts of data. However, it requires server to have direct access to client's memory, which may raise security concerns.

Pass-by-result is useful when procedure needs to return multiple values, and client does not want to modify original parameter values. However, it adds overhead as it requires copying parameter values back to client.

Pass-by-object-reference is useful for passing complex objects that contain many parameters. However, it requires server to have direct access to client's memory, which may raise security concerns.

Additional Considerations in Parameter Passing Semantics

In addition to four main parameter passing methods discussed above, there are also other factors to consider when passing parameters in an RPC environment.

Serialization When passing complex objects or data structures, it is necessary to serialize data before sending it over network. Serialization refers to process of converting an object or data structure into a format that can be transmitted over network, such as JSON or XML. server must then deserialize data on receiving end to reconstruct original object or data structure. Serialization and deserialization can add overhead to RPC calls, so it is important to choose an efficient serialization format.

Marshalling Marshalling refers to process of packing parameter values into a message that can be transmitted over network. message typically includes metadata such as name of remote procedure being called and parameter types. server must then unmarshal message on receiving end to extract parameter values. Marshalling and unmarshalling can also add overhead to RPC calls, so it is important to choose an efficient marshalling format.

Error Handling RPC calls can result in various types of errors, such as network failures, server crashes, or invalid parameters. When an error occurs, server must return an appropriate error code or message to client. client must be able to handle these errors and take appropriate action, such as retrying call or displaying an error message to user.

Security RPC calls can be vulnerable to various security threats, such as unauthorized access, data tampering, or denial of service attacks. To prevent these threats, it is important to use secure protocols such as SSL/TLS and to implement access control mechanisms, such as authentication and authorization. It is also important to validate input parameters to prevent malicious input data from causing security vulnerabilities.


Parameter passing semantics in RPC are essential for transmitting values of parameters from a client to a server. RPC supports various parameter passing methods, including pass-by-value, pass-by-reference, pass-by-result, and pass-by-object-reference. choice of parameter passing method depends on various factors such as type and size of parameters, performance requirements of system, and security concerns. By understanding characteristics of each parameter passing method, developers can choose most suitable method for their RPC applications.

Updated on: 29-Sep-2023


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