Explain deleting an element in a queue by using C language

Data structure is collection of data organized in a structured way. It is divided into two types as explained below −

  • Linear data structure − Data is organized in a linear fashion. For example, arrays, structures, stacks, queues, linked lists.

  • Nonlinear data structure − Data is organized in a hierarchical way. For example, Trees, graphs, sets, tables.

Also Read: Data Structures and Types


Queue is a linear data structure, where the insertion is done at rear end and the deletion is done at the front end.

The order of queue is FIFO – First In First Out


  • Insert – Inserting an element into a queue.
  • Delete – Deleting an element from the queue.


  • Queue over flow − Trying to insert an element into a full queue.

  • Queue under flow − Trying to delete an element from an empty queue.


Given below is an algorithm for insertion ( ) −

  • Check for queue overflow.
if (r==n)
printf ("Queue overflow")
  • Otherwise, insert an element in to the queue.
q[r] = item

Given below is an algorithm for deletion ( )

  • Check for queue under flow.
if (f==r)
printf ("Queue under flow")
  • Otherwise, delete an element from the queue.
item = q[f]

Given below is an algorithm for display ( )

  • Check whether the queue is empty or not.
if (f==r)
printf("Queue is empty")
  • Otherwise, print all the elements from ‘f’ to ‘r’.
for(i=f; i<r; i++)
printf ("%d", q[i]);

C program for deleting an element in queue

Following is the C program for deleting an element in queue −

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 50
void insert();
int array[MAX];
int rear = - 1;
int front = - 1;
   int add_item;
   int choice;
   while (1){
      printf("1.Insert element to queue 
");       printf("2.Delete an element from queue
");       printf("3.Display elements of queue
");       printf("4.Quit
");       printf("Enter your choice : ");       scanf("%d", &choice);       switch (choice){          case 1:             insert();          break;          case 2:             delete();          case 3:             display();          break;          case 4:             exit(1);          default:          printf("Wrong choice
");       }    } } void insert(){    int add_item;    if (rear == MAX - 1)       printf("Queue Overflow
");    else{       if (front == - 1)       /*If queue is initially empty */       front = 0;       printf("Inset the element in queue : ");       scanf("%d", &add_item);       rear = rear + 1;       array[rear] = add_item;    } } void display(){    int i;    if (front == - 1)       printf("Queue is empty
");    else{       printf("Queue is :
");       for (i = front; i <= rear; i++)          printf("%d ", array[i]);          printf("
");    } } void delete(){    if (front == - 1 || front > rear){       printf("Queue Underflow
");       return ;    }    else{       printf("Element deleted from queue is : %d
",array[front]);       front = front + 1;    } }


When the above program is executed, it produces the following result −

1.Insert element to queue
2.Delete an element from queue
3.Display elements of queue
Enter your choice: 1
Inset the element in queue: 12
1.Insert element to queue
2.Delete an element from queue
3.Display elements of queue
Enter your choice: 1
Inset the element in queue: 23
1.Insert element to queue
2.Delete an element from queue
3.Display elements of queue
Enter your choice: 1
Inset the element in queue: 34
1.Insert element to queue
2.Delete an element from queue
3.Display elements of queue
Enter your choice: 2
Element deleted from queue is: 12
Queue is:
23 34
1.Insert element to queue
2.Delete an element from queue
3.Display elements of queue
Enter your choice: 2
Element deleted from queue is: 23
Queue is:
1.Insert element to queue
2.Delete an element from queue
3.Display elements of queue
Enter your choice: 4

Updated on: 20-Jun-2024

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