Expanding Your Business Enterprise Internationally

Do you want to expand your business beyond your home country by creating a global market for your awesome products? Of course, who doesn’t want to grow? Reaching to a wider customer base can increase the chances of getting more sales which in turns generates more profit for you, isn’t it?.

But, can that be so easy to go global? Not at all, there are many important things that need to be worked upon before you register your international presence. It starts from creating your online sites, localization, making the payment process working for global customers, knowing the government policies and taxes, and much more which needs to be addressed carefully. A wrong move can shatter your international dreams.

Don’t worry! We will address all those processes which help you to start your international journey without any hiccups.

Is your business ready to go global? Will you get the customers, once you launched your products in a new market? Will they accept your products?.

The answers to these questions decide your international fate. Choosing the right country at right time is your first important steps towards getting the desired success.

So, before going to global market, the first and foremost thing is to choose the right place where you will get your success. But how do you know that?.

Let’s see how you will find out the right market to launch your products.

Choosing the Right Global Market

Let’s assume that you are the owner of a unique handicraft shop where you sell Jewellery, Paintings, Spiritual and Vaastu Items. You are already doing excellent business in your home country having multiple branches all over the country. Now, you wish to expand your business beyond your home country.

Let’s check out what are the things you need to take care of before going global.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to find out about those countries where similar handicrafts items are in great demand.

  • Where people like to buy such items as you are experiencing in your home country? Do extensive research, study their culture and beliefs to know their likes and dislikes.

  • Study the purchasing pattern power of the people in your target country.

  • Based on this data, analyze the cost which needs to be ascertained and forecast if your products can be sold there.

  • Check out the packaging and transporting options. How will you deliver your products to your end customers?.

  • Do you need to create local inventory store there or you will do the international shipping?.

  • Examine carefully all the infrastructure and logistical requirements before jumping to any decision.

  • Another important thing is to study the legal, regulatory and tax rules. Different countries have different laws for doing business there. So, you need to weigh up all those legal processes before launching your business there.

The above are some important measures which you need to research before going global. Besides that, there are other options such as global trends, user acceptance and other market-related factors which require thorough research to avoid any uncertainties. And for that, there are some useful tools available in the market which can help you in your plan to going international.

Tools That Can Help You to Choose Right Market

There are some amazing tools available in the market such as Google’s Market Finder. It is a free tool which helps you to find out the traffic based on the keywords.

For example, you are planning to expand your handicrafts business. So, you can use the keywords related to your products to know which countries shows a lot of search traffic for those keywords. That implies that people living in those countries are looking for those products.

The volume of search traffic for those keywords tells you what is in demand and what is not. That’s gives you the important indication that your products may also get a good response there.

Another useful tool is your web analytics report. You may be analyzing the performance of your website regularly, such as the number of hits you are getting on your page, region/country wise access report, and search trend reports, geographic data in your web analytics etc. That is one of the important information to know people from which country showing interest in your products. That is one of the indications that you can launch your product there.

Also, analyze the market size and growth opportunities there. Sometimes due to the small market size, you may not get the desired profit margin although your products are popular among people living there. Heavy competitions can also decrease your earning revenue.

So, once you finalized the country, the next step is to overcome the language restrictions.

Overcome Language Barriers

Communication is important to build relationships with your new customers. So, your website and other communications should be the same language as your target country to make your customers comfortable while looking at your website.

So, you need to translate the language of your web contents as per your target country. But, do not use the software tool for translation as they may not be fully correct, better to hire a local professional to do the translation. A native speaker can do justice by localizing your web contents correctly.

The next step is to work on the logistics and infrastructure to support your international customers.

Verifying the Infrastructure and Logistics options

How will you deliver your products to the doorsteps of your international customers? Are you capable of shipping by yourself? Or will take help of any third party vendor?.

There are many such questions regarding the packaging and shipping needs to be addressed in the planning stage itself to avoid any issues later. You need to weigh up all the available options whether you will use any international courier services or will do by yourself. Also, you can think about using the services of various online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay etc. by paying the required charges to them.

Quick and safe delivery of products is important to build the customer’s trust. Also, check the VAT and other taxes in your target country for a smooth delivery process.

Update Your Payment Options

The customers in your target country may not be using the same payment methods as your home country. So, you need to research on the popular payment methods using which your customers can buy your products.

Many e-commerce platforms have multinational payments systems in place; they can help your customers to pay for your products. Your customers can pay easily without doing the tedious calculation on various taxes and currency conversions charges. You can also choose the online payment services like PayPal, Bitpay, Worldpay etc. which has worldwide coverage. Also, check for both the credit and debit card payment options, so that your customers can do hassle free transactions by choosing any of available options.

Finally, going global is not an easy decision. A wrong move can have the negative impact in your home country as well as sabotage your international dreams too. So, it advisable to carefully measures all the pros and cons before jumping into the global market.

Updated on: 13-May-2022


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