Excellent Marketing Initiatives by Rapido


Reading the room is another one of the most valuable qualities or skills of an entrepreneur. To deliver products or brands that are going to succeed in the market, entrepreneurs have to have an understanding of consumers' needs and desires. Gone is the era of product myopia; today we will be in an environment of customer satisfaction and community growth.

Rapido, as a brand, understood that not only are taxis costlier, but they are also less convenient when it comes to traffic on the road and in terms of air pollution. Hence, Rapido came up with Rapido Taxi Bike. Rapido bikes today are a huge success, and Uber and Ola are introducing their biking options as well in their service offerings. Therefore, it has become critical for us to read about Rapido as a brand.

In this article, we will be diving deep into the birth and growth trajectory of Rapido as well as its excellent marketing initiatives.

The Birth and Growth Trajectory of Rapido

Rapido was founded in Bengaluru, India, in the year 2015. The founders of Rapido had one mission, and that was to make ride-hailing applications provide cheaper and more convenient services. It is redundant to say that the fare price of a Rapido bike is almost three times less than the fare price of a taxi booked through different applications. Rapido, as a brand, is dedicated to providing the customer with a more economical, faster, and more convenient mode of transportation.

Mr. Pavan Guntupalli, Mr. Rishikesh SR, and Mr. Aravind Sanka are the founders of Rapido. Though Rapido as a brand is not huge in terms of making a profit, the founders are satisfied because today Rapido as a brand has 150000 riders on a daily basis. Rapido has a system of payment in which different drivers with their own vehicles register with Rapido. After getting registered with Rapido, the drivers will receive requests for different rides and destinations. As soon as a ride is completed, Rapido charges 20% of the total fare as their own commission. Along with this, Rapido also gets a commission when the delivery partners deliver goods to logistics companies.

The greatest competitors of Rapido today in the Indian subcontinent are Uber Bike, Ola Bike, Meru Bike, and others. The slogan of Rapido is "We Are Not An Option, We Are A Choice," and the brand is living by it.

Excellent Marketing Initiatives by Rapido

Marketing communication can bring in sales, brand awareness, and a competitive edge for companies, and companies today are determined to do it right.

Some of the marketing initiatives by Rapido are as listed here.

Moment Marketing by Rapido

Rapido is heavily invested in push marketing through mobile phone notifications. On a daily basis, on average, a person who has the Rapido application installed receives three notifications. Now the content of these notifications will be based on momentary marketing. Moment marketing is a marketing technique in which the brand starts building up ads on the basis of recent happenings or news. This is effective because the customers can relate to the ads, and at the same time, the quirkiness of the ad wins their hearts.

A good marketing advertisement is one that is short, crisp, and witty. Some of the examples of ads are when Rapido shared a notification in which only "Test" was written, and just after that, Rapido floated another push notification in which it was written, "Since now we have your attention, it is time to book your ride with Rapido" or "Stuck in Traffic? Book Rapido".

Email Marketing by Rapido: Rapido

Like other brands, Rapido has understood that email marketing has a lot to offer and that the conversion ratio, or revenue generated for every dollar spent on email advertising, is much higher. Rapido uses a lot of catchy subject lines to grab the attention of the user.

Celebrity Endorsement by Rapido

Rapido, as a brand, understood that for building customer relationships or for customers to have a positive affiliation with the brand, they needed to have certain celebrities or famous people on boarded in the team. Ranveer Singh and Arjun Allu have been the brand ambassadors of Rapido. Celebrity endorsements work because customers find celebrities to be influential, and when they are using certain brands or products, they want others to do the same. It is their way of connecting with someone they admire.

Sales Promotional Activities by Rapido

Rapido has various discounts and campaigns going all around the year to get the users accustomed to Rapido Bike Taxi. This helps Rapido get frequent users because Rapido has understood that for them, volume is the real game.

Also, there are referrals and rewards which users can earn by doing various activities mentioned by Rapido.

Hashtag Marketing by Rapido

Hashtags play a vital role in digital marketing. The hashtag helps the user have a broader reach in the ocean of digital marketing. Rapido is quick on its hashtag game and is coming up with new and relevant hashtags.

Some of the most used hashtags by Rapido are #RapidoBikeTaxi, #RapidoMusings, #BikeWaliTaxi, #EkudmAramSe, #ZarooriHainKya, and others.

Rapido and Social Media Marketing

Rapido is a good game when it comes to social media marketing. The Instagram and other handles of Rapido are very neat and clean. Rapido makes it a point to post about almost everything important and then relate it to Rapido services.

For example, in the Father’s Day post, a bike handle is shown that is held by both the father and the child, and Rapido has a post for Telangana Formation Day, World Windy Day, IPL, and other such vital occasions. Rapido also regularly posts for Sunday Funday or Friday Evenings.


Brands have understood that no matter how excellent their product is, how enhanced their customer service is, or how economical their pricing strategy is, customers will only avail themselves of the product if they know about it and its benefits. Marketing communication is the key to the success of a business. Understanding this need of the business, Rapido understood the assignment. The majority of Rapido users lie between the age groups of 15 and 35; hence, the target channels for marketing Rapido are social media. Rapido has brilliantly used its marketing channels, and today it is a household name. Rapido owes its success to marketing and the customer-centric nature of the brand.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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