Excel cell conversion tutorial – Convert units, text and number, currencies, time zones, etc

When dealing with data in Excel, there are instances when you may find that you need to do certain data conversions on cells, such as converting units, converting currencies, converting time zones, and so on.

Convert Units

In most cases, when we need to convert a number from one unit of measure to another, we will utilize the CONVERT function. However, the CONVERT function will not operate properly for some of the unit conversions that you attempt.

Step 1

You may use the CONVERT function to convert the inches specified in the range to the corresponding values in feet, centimeters, and millimeters individually.

Step 2

There is a diverse selection of units for measuring. To see the units that belong to each category and that may be used with the "from unit" and "to unit" parameters of the CONVERT function, type "from unit" and "to unit" respectively.

=CONVERT(number, from_unit, to_unit)


  • number − The numerical value that has to be converted.

  • from_unit − a number's initial measurement unit.

  • to_unit − The unit that the "number" will be converted to

Inch to mm Conversion

Choose a cell (let's say C2 for this example), then either paste or type the formula that is provided below into that cell, and then hit the Enter key. First, select the cell that contains this result, and then use the AutoFill Handle to move it downwards. This will bring up the remaining results.


Step 3

Choose a cell (let's say D2 for this example), then either paste or type the formula that is provided below into that cell, and then hit the Enter key. First, select the cell that contains this result, and then use the AutoFill Handle to move it downwards. This will bring up the remaining results.


Step 4

Choose a cell (let's say E2 for this example), then either paste or type the formula that is provided below into that cell, and then hit the Enter key. First, select the cell that contains this result, and then use the AutoFill Handle to move it downwards. This will bring up the remaining results.


Text and Number

The following user-defined function might be of use to you in Excel if you want to show numbers as words in the English language.

Step 1

To launch the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, press and hold the Alt key while simultaneously pressing the F11 key. or go to Developer menu and select Visual Basic.

After that, it opens up for Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications. Then go to Insert and select Module.

And copy and paste the following VBA code.

Function NumberstoWords(ByVal MyNumber)
  'Update by Extendoffice 20220516
   Dim xStr As String
   Dim xFNum As Integer
   Dim xStrPoint
   Dim xStrNumber
   Dim xPoint As String
   Dim xNumber As String
   Dim xP() As Variant
   Dim xDP
   Dim xCnt As Integer
   Dim xResult, xT As String
   Dim xLen As Integer
   On Error Resume Next
   xP = Array("", "Thousand ", "Million ", "Billion ", "Trillion ", " ", " ", " ", " ")
   xNumber = Trim(Str(MyNumber))
   xDP = InStr(xNumber, ".")
   xPoint = ""
   xStrNumber = ""
   If xDP > 0 Then
      xPoint = " point "
      xStr = Mid(xNumber, xDP + 1)
      xStrPoint = Left(xStr, Len(xNumber) - xDP)
      For xFNum = 1 To Len(xStrPoint)
         xStr = Mid(xStrPoint, xFNum, 1)
         xPoint = xPoint & GetDigits(xStr) & " "
         Next xFNum
         xNumber = Trim(Left(xNumber, xDP - 1))
   End If
   xCnt = 0
   xResult = ""
   xT = ""
   xLen = 0
   xLen = Int(Len(Str(xNumber)) / 3)
   If (Len(Str(xNumber)) Mod 3) = 0 Then xLen = xLen - 1
      Do While xNumber <> ""
      If xLen = xCnt Then
         xT = GetHundredsDigits(Right(xNumber, 3), False)
         If xCnt = 0 Then
            xT = GetHundredsDigits(Right(xNumber, 3), True)
            xT = GetHundredsDigits(Right(xNumber, 3), False)
         End If
      End If
      If xT <> "" Then
         xResult = xT & xP(xCnt) & xResult
      End If
      If Len(xNumber) > 3 Then
         xNumber = Left(xNumber, Len(xNumber) - 3)
         xNumber = ""
      End If
   xCnt = xCnt + 1
   xResult = xResult & xPoint
   NumberstoWords = xResult
End Function
Function GetHundredsDigits(xHDgt, xB As Boolean)
   Dim xRStr As String
   Dim xStrNum As String
   Dim xStr As String
   Dim xI As Integer
   Dim xBB As Boolean
   xStrNum = xHDgt
   xRStr = ""
   On Error Resume Next
   xBB = True
   If Val(xStrNum) = 0 Then Exit Function
      xStrNum = Right("000" & xStrNum, 3)
      xStr = Mid(xStrNum, 1, 1)
      If xStr <> "0" Then
         xRStr = GetDigits(Mid(xStrNum, 1, 1)) & "Hundred "
         If xB Then
            xRStr = "and "
            xBB = False
            xRStr = " "
            xBB = False
         End If
      End If
   If Mid(xStrNum, 2, 2) <> "00" Then
      xRStr = xRStr & GetTenDigits(Mid(xStrNum, 2, 2), xBB)
   End If
   GetHundredsDigits = xRStr
End Function
Function GetTenDigits(xTDgt, xB As Boolean)
   Dim xStr As String
   Dim xI As Integer
   Dim xArr_1() As Variant
   Dim xArr_2() As Variant
   Dim xT As Boolean
   xArr_1 = Array("Ten ", "Eleven ", "Twelve ", "Thirteen ", "Fourteen ", "Fifteen ", "Sixteen ", "Seventeen ", "Eighteen
   ", "Nineteen ")
   xArr_2 = Array("", "", "Twenty ", "Thirty ", "Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ", "Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety ")
   xStr = ""
   xT = True
   On Error Resume Next
   If Val(Left(xTDgt, 1)) = 1 Then
      xI = Val(Right(xTDgt, 1))
      If xB Then xStr = "and "
         xStr = xStr & xArr_1(xI)
         xI = Val(Left(xTDgt, 1))
         If Val(Left(xTDgt, 1)) > 1 Then
            If xB Then xStr = "and "
               xStr = xStr & xArr_2(Val(Left(xTDgt, 1)))
               xT = False
            End If
            If xStr = "" Then
               If xB Then
                  xStr = "and "
               End If
            End If
            If Right(xTDgt, 1) <> "0" Then
               xStr = xStr & GetDigits(Right(xTDgt, 1))
            End If
         End If
      GetTenDigits = xStr
End Function
Function GetDigits(xDgt)
   Dim xStr As String
   Dim xArr_1() As Variant
   xArr_1 = Array("Zero ", "One ", "Two ", "Three ", "Four ", "Five ", "Six ", "Seven ", "Eight ", "Nine ")
   xStr = ""
   On Error Resume Next
   xStr = xArr_1(Val(xDgt))
   GetDigits = xStr
End Function

See the screenshot below.

Step 2

Choose a blank cell, in this example C2. Press Enter after entering the following formula −


Step 3

Drag the AutoFill Handle of this result cell down to access the other results after selecting this cell.


In this tutorial, we explained how you can convert units, text and numbers in Excel.

Updated on: 10-Sep-2022


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