Examples of TCP and UDP in Real Life


TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) are two of most commonly used internet protocols. They are both responsible for ensuring reliable data transfer between devices connected to a network. However, way they do so differs significantly. In this article, we will discuss some examples of TCP and UDP in real life applications.

TCP in Real Life

TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that is commonly used when reliability is primary concern. It is responsible for establishing a reliable and ordered data transfer between two devices. Some examples of TCP in real life applications are as follows −

Web Browsing

Whenever you visit a website, your computer establishes a connection with webserver using TCP. TCP ensures that data is transferred reliably and in correct order. It also handles any lost packets, retransmitting them if necessary.


When you send or receive an email, TCP is used to ensure that message is transmitted reliably. It ensures that email is delivered in correct order and that no data is lost during transmission.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP is a protocol used to transfer files between devices on a network. TCP is used to ensure that files are transferred reliably and in correct order. If any data is lost during transmission, TCP will retransmit it.

Remote Desktop

TCP is also used in remote desktop applications. When you connect to a remote desktop, TCP is used to ensure that connection is reliable and that data is transferred in correct order. This ensures that you can work seamlessly on a remote computer.

UDP in Real Life

UDP is a connectionless protocol that is commonly used when speed is primary concern. It does not guarantee reliable data transfer, but it is faster than TCP. Some examples of UDP in real life applications are as follows −

Online Gaming

Online games often use UDP to ensure that game runs smoothly. UDP is faster than TCP, which makes it ideal for gaming. While some data loss may occur, it is generally not noticeable, and faster speed makes up for it.

Voice over IP (VoIP)

VoIP is a protocol used to transmit voice data over internet. UDP is used because it is faster than TCP, which ensures that voice data is transmitted quickly. While some data loss may occur, it is generally not noticeable, and faster speed makes up for it.

Streaming Video

UDP is also used for streaming video. Video data is sent in packets, and while some data loss may occur, it is generally not noticeable. UDP's speed makes it ideal for streaming video, as it ensures that video is transmitted quickly.

Domain Name System (DNS)

DNS is a protocol used to translate domain names into IP addresses. UDP is used because it is faster than TCP, which ensures that translation occurs quickly. While some data loss may occur, it is generally not noticeable, and faster speed makes up for it.


TCP and UDP are both essential protocols for network communication. TCP ensures reliable data transfer and ordered data delivery, while UDP provides faster speed but does not guarantee reliable data transfer. When choosing between TCP and UDP, it is important to consider specific application and what primary concern is.

While TCP and UDP are different protocols, they are often used together in applications. For example, in a video conferencing application, UDP may be used to transmit video data, while TCP is used to transmit control messages and ensure reliable transmission of audio data.

Another factor to consider when choosing between TCP and UDP is network conditions. If network is unreliable or has high packet loss, TCP may be a better choice because it can recover lost packets. On other hand, if network is reliable and has low latency, UDP may be a better choice because it can transmit data quickly.

It is also important to note that some applications may use a hybrid approach, where they combine advantages of both TCP and UDP. For example, some streaming video applications may use UDP to transmit video data, but use a TCP-based protocol to ensure reliable transmission of metadata and control messages.

In addition to examples discussed above, there are many other real-life applications that use TCP and UDP. For example, online file sharing, video conferencing, and online chat applications may use either TCP or UDP depending on their specific needs.

Overall, TCP and UDP are both critical protocols for network communication. While they have different strengths and weaknesses, understanding when to use each protocol can help ensure best performance and reliability for your applications.

One important feature of TCP is its congestion control mechanism. This mechanism helps to prevent network congestion by dynamically adjusting rate at which data is transmitted. If network becomes congested, TCP will slow down rate of transmission, reducing amount of data sent until network congestion clears.

UDP does not have a built-in congestion control mechanism. This means that if network becomes congested, UDP will continue to send data at same rate, potentially exacerbating problem. However, some applications that use UDP may implement their own congestion control mechanisms.

Another important difference between TCP and UDP is way they handle packet loss. TCP uses a mechanism called selective repeat to recover lost packets. When a packet is lost, TCP will retransmit only that packet, rather than retransmitting all packets that come after it. This can help to reduce amount of network traffic and improve performance.

In contrast, UDP does not have a mechanism to recover lost packets. If a packet is lost, it is simply dropped, and application must deal with consequences. For applications that require reliable data transfer, this can be a significant disadvantage.

In terms of security, TCP and UDP are equally vulnerable to attacks such as denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. However, because TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, it is more susceptible to certain types of attacks, such as SYN floods, which exploit three-way handshake used by TCP to establish a connection.


In conclusion, TCP and UDP are both essential protocols for network communication. TCP ensures reliable data transfer and ordered data delivery, while UDP provides faster speed but does not guarantee reliable data transfer. Both protocols have their advantages and disadvantages, and choice between them depends on specific application. Understanding differences between TCP and UDP can help you make better decisions when it comes to network communication.

Updated on: 27-Sep-2023

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