Evolution of Project Management Certifications

Project management developed during the 1950s as a separate discipline because of changes in the social and economic structures. Project management is now available as a career option, with certification becoming increasingly important over the years.

Project Management Certification, PMP, is a globally recognized certification granted by Project Management Institute, which was founded in 1967. With this certification, you're sure that your company is in good hands.

What do you Understand by Project Management?

While projects can last for only a limited time, they have an intended goal and expected result. Depending on the resources available and the time frame, a project may need to be completed to meet its objectives.

Project management is not just what you might think it is. It's a practice and a combination of activities that aims to find something and get it done. It includes planning, motivating, managing resources, and includes organizing them.

Evolution of Project Management Certification

The development of the project management certification is a result of changes in society's needs and the passing of time. As standards continue to change, so will the level of qualifications required for project managers.

Project management positions are one of the hottest commodities in the business industry. If you're passionate and committed to project management, it won't be long before you can find your dream job with a company that needs this skill, and it's not just a potential trade but also a key component of any project.

Project management certification initially came into existence in 1967 when the European-based International Project Management Association (IPMA) was created. This partnership acts to better project management internationally, with over 60 countries becoming part of the organization.

The Project Management Institute, which revolutionized the certification, dates all the way back to 1969 and offers a range of project certifications that have been endorsed by leading organizations. PMI also provides study material related to project management with various features such as illustrations and instructions.

A project management Certification focuses on the life cycles of a project, with particular emphasis on goals and milestones, project plan implementation, assessing the project's performance according to set goals, and making necessary adjustments to maintain the project's momentum. It also teaches students about managing human resources and procurement, managing stakeholders and risks, and communication.

Some graduate certificates in this profession will show individuals information about the management of a project and the understanding of how to manage it. It also demonstrates an individual's ability to handle the techniques and tools needed to complete a project according to timelines, costs, benefits, and more.

Project management professionals have been certified since 2003 by the Project Management Institute. According to statistics, just over fifty percent of them have the certification. But it's definitely worth it!

Project management is the key to quality performance. They provide a good standard of living while also giving you the opportunity to advance your career and make more money in your current position. As long as there remains demand for project managers in the industry, the higher salaries and better positions will continue to rise.

You can demonstrate advanced skills and knowledge in project management by becoming certified with Project Management Professionals.

Show your dedication to your career by sharing how much you contribute to the field each month. It's not only helpful for boosting one's career, but it can significantly improve an individual's reputation too.

The Project Management Professional Certificate Program from PMI®, for instance, requires "adherence to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct," passing a test, and completing milestones to demonstrate competence.

Let us discuss a few project management basics that you can use for your preparation for the certification.

Project Management Basics to Know

Project management aims to provide a solution for problems in the face of limitations by ensuring the proper distribution of resources, collaboration, and project goals.

Project management is an area that has a lot of diverse and interesting applications. Certifications for project management are extremely useful for those who work on a variety of projects, as well as those within the following industries: business, health care, human resources management, marketing, international operations, administration, and information communication technology among many others.

Project Management is all about planning, controlling, and organizing a team. Henri Fayol conducted some groundbreaking work in the field of Project Management to help companies with that. Henry Gantt developed the Gantt Chart which has been significantly helpful for project management.

Any business or project will have its own variations on the same basic components. No matter what your industry is, there are four common areas of project management: Planning, monitoring, controlling, and resolving issues.

Now, let's discuss these related phases to improve your knowledge while attempting certification.

First Phase

  • Evaluating a project idea and assessing whether or not it would be beneficial for the business.

  • An assessment of your project before giving the go-ahead.

Second Phase

  • Creating a framework of what needs to be done in a project. This can be in the form of documenting project requirements or even creating a chart that outlines who, what, when, and where tasks are needed in the process

    • Project scopes

    • Project plans

    • Project charters

  • Thinking about the project’s timeline

  • In order to identify the resources necessary, a budget must first be established. That way the resources can be appropriately allocated

Third Phase

  • Allocating duties and responsibilities among the team

  • Without allocating resources properly, it can be a bit difficult to work with any particular assignment

Fourth Phase

  • Checking the status of the project

  • Modifying and adjusting the schedules, as needed

Fifth Phase

Evaluating the entire project so that you can see how well it went. All work will be completed and evaluated before the wheels of progress start turning again.

Online Tools for Project Management

These software tools allow project managers to complete large-scale, complicated tasks quickly and effectively. They're evolving to keep up with the ever-changing demands of the job market and provide an easier way for project team members to work. It is important to know how these work to have better insights while preparing for the certification.

Some of the Tools you can use in Project Management are Discussed Below

  • This tool helps you create a time plan for agile project development from the time it begins to when it ends.

  • Management can use the assignments management tool to monitor the assignments that have been given out and their resource usage.

  • Sometimes, even after the job is finished, it's good to provide updates on progress. That way, the client stays engaged throughout the project and you can ensure that it happens smoothly.

Custom software typically includes custom analytics, a dashboard, and other features. These advantages vary by the software and you should take that into consideration when considering one for a project management assignment.

One of the most important factors to consider is how much time, effort, and money you're willing and able to spend on tools. It's also crucial to take into account the size of the project, its complexity, and how many people will be working on it.

Now that you have learned the basics briefly, let us get back to the certification.

Online Project Management Learning

Online courses give you the same benefits as sitting in a class, and you get to achieve your certification. You'll have to choose between online self-learning or instructor-led training or VCs. Online training can give learners a classroom feels while they work from their own homes or while they are on vacation, where they'll have access to the trainer's assistance whenever they need it. Participants also have face time with other students in their live webinars, facilitating helpful discussions and group assignments.

With fixed commencing dates, the PMI online courses make it possible for international students to acquire skills in project management regardless of their location.

Project management certification has evolved, and it's now easier than ever to study online. There are many online credential options now, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Students can register for any course they're interested in at their convenience with institutions that offer online courses on a variety of days. After registering, students will be assigned a completion date and must have attended all their sessions before starting the course.

Updated on: 22-Dec-2022


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