if...elsif...else...endif Statements

The if Statement

An if statement consists of a boolean expression followed by one or more statements.


The syntax of if statement is −

if expression then
   -- Statements will execute if the expression is true
end if

If the boolean expression evaluates to true then the block of code inside the if statement is executed. If it evaluates to false, then the first set of code after the end of the if statement is executed.



integer a = 10
integer b = 20

if (a + b) < 40 then
   printf(1, "%s\n", {"This is true if statement!"})
end if

if (a + b) > 40 then
   printf(1, "%s\n", {"This is not true if statement!"})
end if

This produces the following result −

This is true if statement!

The if...else Statement

An if statement can be followed by an optional else statement, which executes when the boolean expression is false.


The syntax of if...else statement is as follows −

if expression then
   -- Statements will execute if the expression is true
   -- Statements will execute if the expression is false
end if



integer a = 10
integer b = 20

if (a + b) < 40 then
   printf(1, "%s\n", {"This is inside if statement!"})
   printf(1, "%s\n", {"This is inside else statement!"})
end if

This produces the following result −

This is inside if statement!

The if...elsif...else Statement

An if statement can be followed by any number of optional elsif...else statement, which is very useful to test various conditions using single if...elsif statement.


The syntax of if...elsif...else statement is as follows −

if expression1 then
   -- Executes when the Boolean expression 1 is true
elsif expression2 then
   -- Executes when the Boolean expression 2 is true
elsif expression3 then
   -- Executes when the Boolean expression 3 is true
   -- Executes when none of the above condition is true.
end if



integer a = 10
integer b = 20

if (a + b) = 40 then
   printf(1, "Value of (a + b ) is  %d\n", a + b )
elsif (a + b) = 45 then
    printf(1, "Value of (a + b ) is  %d\n", a + b )
elsif (a + b) = 30 then
    printf(1, "Value of (a + b ) is  %d\n", a + b )
    printf(1, "Value of (a + b ) is  %d\n", 0 )
end if

This produces the following result −

Value of (a + b ) is  30

The if...label...then Statement

An if statement can have a label clause just before the first then keyword. Note that an elsif clause can not have a label.

An if…lable is used just to name the if block and label names must be double quoted constant strings having single or multiple words. The label keyword is a case sensitive and should be written as label.


The syntax of label clause is as follows −

if expression label "Label Name" then
   -- Executes when the boolean expression  is true
end if



integer a = 10
integer b = 20

if (a + b) = 40 label "First IF Block" then
   printf(1, "Value of (a + b ) is  %d\n", a + b )
elsif (a + b) = 45 then
   printf(1, "Value of (a + b ) is  %d\n", a + b )
elsif (a + b) = 30 then
   printf(1, "Value of (a + b ) is  %d\n", a + b )
   printf(1, "Value of (a + b ) is  %d\n", 0 )
end if

This produces the following result −

Value of (a + b ) is  30

Nested if...else Statement

It is always legal to nest if…else statements. This means you can have one if-else statement within another if-else statements.


The syntax of nested if...else is as follows −

if expression1 then
    -- Executes when the boolean expression1  is true
   if expression2 then
       -- Executes when the boolean expression2  is true  
   end if
end if



integer a = 10
integer b = 20
integer c = 0

if c = 0 then
   printf(1, "Value of c is equal to %d\n", 0 )
   if (a + b) = 30 then
      printf(1, "Value of (a + b ) is  equal to %d\n", 30)
      printf(1, "Value of (a + b ) is equal to  %d\n", a + b )
   end if
   printf(1, "Value of c is equal to %d\n", c )
end if

This produces the following result −

Value of c is equal to 0
Value of (a + b ) is  equal to 30