Ethernet Transmitter Algorithm


Ethernet is most popular local area network (LAN) technology, which enables transfer of data packets between different devices such as computers, routers, and switches. Ethernet uses a variety of protocols to transmit data packets over a network. One of crucial protocols is Ethernet transmitter algorithm, which governs way data is transmitted over Ethernet network. In this article, we will discuss Ethernet transmitter algorithm, its subheadings, and examples.

Overview of Ethernet Transmitter Algorithm

The Ethernet transmitter algorithm is a set of rules that governs transmission of data packets over an Ethernet network. algorithm ensures that data packets are transmitted in a way that maximizes network efficiency and minimizes packet loss. Ethernet transmitter algorithm consists of several subheadings, which include −

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)

The Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) is a subheading of Ethernet transmitter algorithm. It is a set of rules that governs how devices on an Ethernet network share network bandwidth. CSMA/CD requires that devices on network listen for signals on network before transmitting data. If a device senses that network is busy, it waits for a random time before trying again.

CSMA/CD also includes collision detection. If two devices transmit data simultaneously, a collision occurs, and both devices stop transmitting. devices then wait for a random time before trying to transmit data again. This helps to minimize collisions on network and maximize network efficiency.

Example − If two devices on an Ethernet network try to transmit data at same time, a collision will occur, and both devices will stop transmitting. devices will then wait for a random time before trying to transmit data again.

Ethernet Frame Format

The Ethernet Frame Format is a subheading of Ethernet transmitter algorithm. It defines structure of data packet that is transmitted over Ethernet network. Ethernet frame format consists of several fields, which include −

  • Preamble − A sequence of 56 bits that indicates start of a data packet.

  • Destination Address − A 48-bit field that specifies MAC address of device that is intended recipient of data packet.

  • Source Address − A 48-bit field that specifies MAC address of device that is transmitting data packet.

  • Type − A 16-bit field that specifies type of data in data packet.

  • Data − A variable-length field that contains actual data being transmitted.

  • CRC − A 32-bit field that contains a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value that is used to detect errors in data packet.


An Ethernet data packet consists of a preamble, destination address, source address, type, data, and CRC. preamble indicates start of data packet, while destination address specifies recipient device's MAC address. source address specifies MAC address of transmitting device, while type field specifies type of data being transmitted. data field contains actual data being transmitted, and CRC field contains a value used to detect errors in data packet.

Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)

The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is a subheading of Ethernet transmitter algorithm. It defines maximum size of data packet that can be transmitted over Ethernet network. MTU is usually set to 1500 bytes, which is maximum size of an Ethernet frame. If data packet size exceeds MTU, packet is fragmented into smaller packets and transmitted over network.

Example − If a data packet size exceeds MTU of Ethernet network, it is fragmented into smaller packets and transmitted over network. This helps to ensure that data packets can be transmitted over network without exceeding the maximum allowed size.

Flow Control

The Flow Control is a subheading of Ethernet transmitter algorithm. It is a mechanism that ensures that data packets are transmitted at a rate that receiving device can handle. Flow control helps to prevent network congestion, which can lead to packet loss and reduced network performance. Flow control is achieved through two main techniques: buffer-based flow control and credit-based flow control.

Buffer-based flow control involves using a buffer to store data packets that are waiting to be transmitted. buffer is monitored, and data packets are transmitted only when there is enough space in buffer. Credit-based flow control involves using credits to control flow of data packets. transmitting device sends credits to receiving device, indicating number of data packets that can be transmitted. receiving device then sends back credits indicating number of data packets that it can receive.

Example − Flow control mechanisms such as buffer-based flow control and credit-based flow control help to prevent network congestion and ensure that data packets are transmitted at a rate that receiving device can handle.

Quality of Service (QoS)

The Quality of Service (QoS) is a subheading of Ethernet transmitter algorithm. It is a mechanism that ensures that data packets are transmitted based on their priority. QoS helps to ensure that high-priority data packets are transmitted first, while low-priority packets are transmitted later. QoS is achieved through use of different classes of service (CoS), which are assigned to data packets based on their priority level.

Example − Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms help to ensure that high-priority data packets are transmitted first, while low-priority packets are transmitted later. This helps to ensure that critical data packets are transmitted without delay, while non-critical data packets are transmitted only when network resources are available.

Error Correction

Error correction is a subheading of Ethernet transmitter algorithm that helps to detect and correct errors that may occur during transmission of data packets. Ethernet transmitter algorithm uses a technique called cyclic redundancy check (CRC) to detect errors in data packets. If an error is detected, Ethernet transmitter algorithm sends a request for retransmission of corrupted data packet.

Example − Error correction mechanisms such as CRC help to ensure that data packets are transmitted without errors. This helps to prevent packet loss and improve network reliability.

Collision Detection

Collision detection is a subheading of Ethernet transmitter algorithm that helps to prevent two devices from transmitting data packets at same time. If two devices attempt to transmit data packets simultaneously, a collision occurs, and both devices stop transmitting. Ethernet transmitter algorithm then sends a signal to transmitting devices to retransmit data packets at a later time.

Example − Collision detection mechanisms help to prevent data packets from colliding and ensure that data packets are transmitted without errors. This helps to improve network reliability and prevent packet loss.

Duplex Mode

Duplex mode is a subheading of Ethernet transmitter algorithm that determines whether a device can transmit and receive data packets simultaneously or only one at a time. There are two modes of duplex operation: half-duplex and full-duplex. In half-duplex mode, a device can either transmit or receive data packets at a given time, but not both simultaneously. In full-duplex mode, a device can transmit and receive data packets at same time.

Example − Duplex mode mechanisms help to determine whether a device can transmit and receive data packets simultaneously or only one at a time. This helps to improve network performance and prevent packet loss.

Virtual LAN (VLAN)

Virtual LAN (VLAN) is a subheading of Ethernet transmitter algorithm that allows network administrators to divide a network into smaller logical networks. Each logical network operates independently and has its own set of security and configuration rules. VLANs help to improve network performance and security by reducing network congestion and preventing unauthorized access.

Example − VLAN mechanisms help to divide a network into smaller logical networks, improving network performance and security. This helps to prevent network congestion and unauthorized access to sensitive data.


The Ethernet transmitter algorithm is a crucial protocol that governs transmission of data packets over an Ethernet network. It ensures that data packets are transmitted in a way that maximizes network efficiency and minimizes packet loss. Ethernet transmitter algorithm consists of several subheadings, including CSMA/CD, Ethernet frame format, MTU, flow control, and QoS. Understanding these subheadings and their functions is essential for network administrators and engineers to optimize network performance and reliability.

Updated on: 27-Sep-2023


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