Environmental Conservation


As all other living beings, we also live in an environment that is made up of living and nonliving constituents. These living and nonliving beings interact constantly to create an ecosystem. Therefore, the environment can be considered a part of an ecosystem made up of living and non−living constituents.

It is important for all living and nonliving beings in an ecosystem in such a manner so that the balance of the system is not impacted negatively. However, due to human interference and overpopulation, and increasing needs for life the environment is being harmed by humans. That is why taking care of the domain is necessary for humans. Without protecting the environment, we cannot expect to live a healthy and clean life.

What is Environmental Conservation?

Environmental conservation refers to the methods of protecting and nurturing the environment. It may take an individual, organizational or governmental shape. The aim of environmental conservation is to bring the original state of the environment that has been harmed due to various human activities.

Some of the issues that environmental conservation deals with include overpopulation, ozone layer destruction, hydrological issues, global warming, climatic changes, pollution, deforestation, desertification, etc. These issues impact human lives and there is a real threat to the living of all animals and plants due to these common issues. Environmental conservation is aimed to repair all such issues so that a healthy ecosystem can be obtained.

Importance of Environmental Conservation

We all know that due to our own activities, the environment around us has been severely damaged. There is a real need to protect the environment if we want to live sustainably on this planet. The following are some issues for which environmental conservation is necessary.

  • Reducing Pollution − Air, water, soil, and noise pollution are making our lives increasingly threatened and there is an urgent need for human beings to look into these matters. Environmental protection includes protecting the earth from the pollution of all sorts. It is an effort to reduce and contain pollution so that its harmful effects do not make our lives threatened.

  • Conservation of Natural Resources − We must leave enough natural resources for future generations in order to give them a sustainable life. If we consume too much energy for our growing needs, no resources will be left for future generations which may make their lives tough to sustain on this planet. It is therefore our duty to conserve natural resources.

  • Protecting Biodiversity − The presence of living beings of different kinds creates biodiversity and it is important to manage biodiversity to keep an ecosystem balanced. However, due to human activities, many plants and animal species are on the verge of extinction. Loss of biodiversity is harmful enough to the environment and hence protecting the environment to keep biodiversity intact should be our prime priority.

  • Implementation of Sustainable Development − Sustainability is one of the most crucial needs of the hour for human beings and all other living beings. As humans are at the helm of affairs to control the resources, we must implement processes that are sustainable in nature. Without sustainable development, all living beings may face the danger of extinction.

  • Restoring Ecological Balance − As mentioned above, keeping the ecological balance should be a major goal for human beings for their own benefit. Without ecological balance, it is impossible to think about sustainability. That is why it is so essential to keep ecosystems balanced. Environmental protection can pave the path for maintaining the ecosystems as it is.

  • To Keep Global Warming Away − Climatic change and the global rise of temperature are major threats to animals and human beings. While global warming has direct threats to many endangered species, it also impacts human lives indirectly via floods and other natural calamities. That is why environmental conservation is necessary to fend such dangers off.

Methods of Environmental Conservation

While environmental degradation is common in today's world, it is not impossible to conserve the environment. The following methods can be used to take care of the environment.

  • Conservation of forests − Forest conservation should be our major priority because we get food, oxygen, and other resources from trees. Afforestation measures, such as stopping cutting down trees and planting as many trees as possible are some ways to increase forestation. Forestation is the best possible measure to conserve the environment and hence it must be practiced by one and all.

  • Soil conservation − Soil contains natural nutrients for the trees and these nutrients deplete due to use of chemicals and manures for a long time. By limiting the use of chemicals, soil pollution can be controlled to a large extent. The idea is to minimize the exposure of soil to harmful chemicals, including the waste of industrial procedures.

  • Waste Management − Increasing waste that is thrown away recklessly causes major problems in the biochemical cycles of the environment. This problem is found majorly in developing countries where plastics and other harmful objects are thrown into river streams that cause soil and water pollution as many of these wastes are non−biodegradable.

  • Pollution control − Pollution control has been considered a major objective by governments and NGOs that work for environmental protection recently. By reducing emissions, controlling wastes, and recycling non−biodegradable entities, pollution can be controlled to a large extent, making it possible for environmental conservation to become effective.

    In order to achieve meaningful change, apart from taking the initiative to stop pollution, one must also try to limit pollution to a certain extent when possible. Using electric vehicles instead of fuel−powered ones is an example of this.

  • Making public aware − Public awareness is key to achieving environmental conservation goals. It must be noted that without making the public aware, it is impossible to bring about a positive change in environmental affairs. Governments and NGOs cannot do justice to the environment if the general public is unaware of their duties and responsibilities. That is why environmental conservation initiatives are aimed at the public more often than not.


Environmental conservation is one of the most important priorities of human beings as the destruction caused by us has reached its critical point. Any more impact on the environment due to human activities may put the whole human civilization in danger. That is why everyone must be concerned and do their duties to maintain environmental conservation priorities at the forefront.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qns 1. What is meant by environment? What are its constituents?

Ans. As all other living beings, we also live in an environment that is made up of living and nonliving constituents. These living and nonliving beings interact constantly to create an ecosystem. Therefore, the environment can be considered a part of an ecosystem made up of living and non−living constituents.

Qns 2. What are the main issues for which environmental conservation is the key?

Ans. Some important issues for which we need to conserve the environment are reduction of pollution, maintenance of biodiversity, making a sustainable development and keeping climatic change at bay.

Qns 3. Why is global warming an important issue for environmentalists?

Ans. Global warming threatens the existence of many species and causes many natural calamities. This may disbalance the world ecosystem and hence it is a matter of concern for all.

Updated on: 14-Nov-2023


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