Environmental Benefits of Green Chemistry


There has been a critical discussion about adopting green chemistry principles in recent times. It all started in the 1990s and the hype is getting attention, not in vain. However, many people do not know what green chemistry is and why it is important.

Green chemistry is a field of chemistry that follows some specific standards in chemical and chemical engineering processes. These principles make sure that the impact of hazardous chemicals is minimized to a certain level to save the environment from pollution and destruction. Green chemistry is a large field where principles of conservation of the environment are applied at the industrial scale.

Although green chemistry is related to environmental chemistry, it mainly focuses on the environmental impact of chemicals while environmental chemistry deals specifically with synthetic chemical pollutants and environmental goals. So, green chemistry is more about controlling the use of chemicals at an industrial scale in order to remove the negative and harmful effects on the environment.

Principles of Green Chemistry

While no chemical process can be 100% green in nature, the 12 principles of green chemistry can reduce the harmful impact of chemicals on the environment to a large extent. These 12 principles are the following:

Waste Management

It states that waste creation should be minimized rather than creating it and then trying to reduce it. The creation of waste should be addressed to control it rather than treating it after production.

Atom Economy

It relies on maximizing the atoms of all reagents that are used in the synthesis of a chemical byproduct. Moreover, it stresses on evaluation of atom economy to increase reaction efficiency.

Making chemical synthesis less hazardous

It relies on making chemical reactions less hazardous by redesigning synthesis and chemical routes. Hazards should be handled during the production and treatment of waste.

Designing safer chemicals

The toxicity of chemicals should be reduced at molecular and atomic levels so that harm to the environment can be minimized.

Using safer solvents and auxiliaries

Using the safest solvents and auxiliaries to create less waste should be a practice because these solvents and auxiliaries create the most amount of waste.

Energy−efficient designs

Use the least energy−consuming chemical processes by avoiding heating and cooling reagents. Pressurizing and using vacuum conditions should also be avoided.

Using renewable feed stocks

Using plant−based chemicals instead of lab−based ones to impact the least to the environment. Chemicals obtained from petrochemical sources should be reduced.

Reducing the use of derivatives

The use of temporary derivatives should be minimized. Reduction of derivatives to lessen reaction steps, resource conservation, and waste creation should be practiced.

Use of catalysts

Catalysts should be used to reduce waste, reaction times, and energy consumption. Therefore, the use of catalytic reagents instead of stoichiometric ones should be practiced. S

Designed for degradation

It must be prioritized to create waste that is biodegradable. The reactions should be designed to create chemicals that degrade easily. The chemical products should not be toxic either.

Real−time pollution prevention

The waste−creation process should be monitored to check the pollutant−creation procedure. The pollutants should be minimized in all steps of the reactions.

Accident prevention

Create and follow safer chemical handling to minimize accidents and harm to individuals. Similarly, create a safer waste handling process to minimize environmental as well as individual risks.

Benefits of Green Chemistry

  • Green chemistry reduces the chances of hazardous chemical byproducts from mixing with the environmental resources used by human beings. These byproducts may be intentionally or unintentionally mixed with the resources. For example, pesticides used in agriculture may get exposed to aquifers to pollute the water resources.

  • Green chemistry relies on biodegradable chemicals. These are the least harmful to nature and the environment. Some of these chemicals can also be reused. The use of biodegradable chemicals is good for human beings too as the impact of chemicals on human health is minimized when they are used.

  • Green chemistry helps in maintaining the ecological balance. As the products used in green chemistry are not biomagnified, their use does not harm any living organism. Therefore, there is no chance of organisms being harmed by chemicals that remain unaffected in reaction procedures.

  • Green chemistry can help to solve the most pertinent ecological problems such as global warming and ozone layer depletion. As the chemicals that are responsible for these outcomes are reduced considerably, global warming and ozone layer depletion are minimized to a large extent.

  • The areas of sanitary landfills get dramatically reduced as the production of waste is minimized. This helps in soil conservation which means there would be more space to use for farming and other such activities.

  • Green chemistry results in cleaner air which means people will have fewer respiratory diseases. As vehicular and industrial emissions are reduced, the chances of air pollution are minimized palpably.

  • Green chemistry also gives us pollutant and hazard−free water which can be drunk without having any chances of diseases. Reduced water pollution also means the water resources become useful for animals and plants, leading to more useful water resources.

  • As chemical processes and products get less hazardous, workplaces get safer, especially for those who work in a chemical environment. It also reduces the chances of accidents and the need for protective equipment.

  • Chemical−based household items become less hazardous. So, consumers can be assured of better health and longevity. Moreover, food items and medicines also become safer to use.

  • The risk of getting chronic ailments gets reduced as we are exposed to less harmful chemicals. This is applicable to animals too. In a nutshell, green chemistry provides us with a safer and cleaner environment that is good for both health and fitness.

  • Due to the atomic principle, the reactions become more efficient, leading to a highly efficient chemical reaction that leaves a very small amount of waste. Therefore waste management is not required or required to the minimum extent.

  • As the reaction times get quicker, less energy and resources are required for production. This helps in conserving resources.

  • It leads to lower expenses on waste management and reuse.

  • A lower carbon footprint means industries can be lean and downsize.


Green chemistry is the need of the hour because we are dealing with many environmental and chemical issues that are destroying the environment gradually. If we follow the principles of green chemistry many of the environmental and health problems can be minimized. That is why it should be a priority of one and all.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qns 1. What is the minor difference between environmental and green chemistry?

Ans. Although green chemistry is related to environmental chemistry, it mainly focuses on the environmental impact of chemicals while environmental chemistry deals specifically with synthetic chemical pollutants and environmental goals.

Qns 2. Why is atom economy suggested for green chemistry?

Ans. Atom economy preaches efficiency of reactions at atomic levels. This guarantees quicker reaction times and less usage of energy. These are some reasons why atom economy is suggested for green chemistry.

Qns 3. What is meant by real−time pollution prevention?

Ans. Real−rime pollution prevention means that the waste−creation process should be monitored to check the pollutant−creation procedure. The pollutants should be minimized in all steps of the reactions.

Updated on: 14-Nov-2023


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