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The Story Code: Writing Secrets Revealed- (Ideas Generator Book)

person icon Lee Francis

The Story Code: Writing Secrets Revealed- (Ideas Generator Book)

How To Generate Awesome Ideas, Right Now!

person icon Lee Francis

ebook icon Amazon

language icon Language - English

updated on icon Updated on Jul, 2023

category icon Fiction Writing,Screenwriting,Novel Writing


This eBook includes

Formats : PDF (Read Only)

Pages : 81

ISBN : 979-8739861948

Language : English

About the Book

Book description

Want to write but don't know where to start? Already have an idea but don't know how to develop it? This guide is suitable for beginners, students, and the curious, right through to professionals looking for a refresher overview. This book is fast paced ideas fuel! It is based on my Udemy course of the same name. Lee Francis is the co-author of the high octane techno thriller Playing With Death with best selling historical author Simon Scarrow. 'If Stephen King had collaborated with Michael Crichton on a thriller, it might have been as good as this' (Peterborough Evening Telegraph).

Lee has worked on some of the biggest UK film and TV productions: The Woman In Black, Spooks, and Harry Potter to name just a few. Lee is also an award winning/optioned screenplay writer of several feature and short screenplays- Grand Prize Winner of SWSF, Quarter finalist in the 2020 Screen Craft Sci-Fi & Fantasy Screenwriting Competition, placed in the top 20% of submissions to the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences Nicholl Fellowship, placed in top 13% of BBC Writer's Room, winner of 13Horrorcom’s 2018 short horror screenplay, and TV series development with Big Tree Productions, Cotton Reel. Lee has also been featured in/spoken at: Crime Files, Eastern Daily Press, Lancaster Guardian, MCM comic con, Kent Arts Network, Morecambe and Vice Crime Festival, BBC Radio Lancashire, and Haunted House Fear Fest. Lee has worked closely with notable industry figures such as David Heyman (producer of the Harry Potter series, I Am Legend, Gravity), James Watkins (creator and director of McMafia, director of The Woman In Black), Jane Goldman (writer of Kick Ass, Kingsman, X-Men), Simon Scarrow (author of the Eagle book series) and Alex Scarrow (author of the Time Riders series, Remade).

This ideas generator course is designed to kickstart your creative juices by illuminating some fundamental writing and structure secrets of novels and films hiding in plain sight! It gives you a whistle stop tour of awesome ideas and concepts that all feed into creating a compelling story idea, aswell as the next steps to flesh them out. The course draws on best-selling novels like Silence of The Lambs, and Gone Girl aswell as blockbuster films like The Matrix, Inception, Rocky and The Martian- to name just a few. These tips and tricks are pooled from my varied experience and I deliver practical, down to earth techniques to save you all the hard work. Writing commercial fiction need not be a dirty word...

WARNING: Once you have completed this course, you will never be able to watch or read anything again without seeing The Story Code!So what are you waiting for? Buy my book and we can start generating ideas, right now!


  • To learn how to generate ideas
  • To start structuring your work
  • To identify weak areas
  • To identify necessary research
The Story Code: Writing Secrets Revealed- (Ideas Generator Book)

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Author Details

Lee Francis

Lee Francis

In the world of marketing education, Lee has taught thousands of students and worked with dozens of clients on consultancy projects ranging from SMEs to corporates. He currently works at a top ten UK university and is widely regarded for his enthusiastic and no nonsense approach to teaching.

In the creative world, Lee has worked part time for several years in the world of film, TV and advertising as a script reader and assistant director on major productions such as Harry Potter, The Woman In Black and Spooks.

The crime thriller novel Playing With Death (co-written with Simon Scarrow) was published in 2017 by Headline as part of a 2 book deal. It is a gripping serial killer thriller with modern technological twists and is published internationally around the world, from Italy to New Zealand.

Lee has also written several optioned feature film, TV series and short film screenplays. He was a Quarter finalist in the 2020 ScreenCraft Sci-Fi & Fantasy Screenwriting Competition with the courtroom thriller Murder One. His feature film screenplay Nikolas was the grand prize winner of SWSF and also got into the top 20% of submissions to the prestigious Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences Nicholl Fellowship. Those Glassy Eyes is a Winner of 13Horror’s 2018 short horror screenplay and was also developed by Rankin’s Collabor8te short film scheme. He has also placed in top 13% of BBC Writer's Room entries with a supernatural mockumentary series.  Lee is proud to support crime festivals, comic cons and has appeared in local newspapers. His short film Jester has racked up 14k views online.

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